Sunday, January 13, 2013

New Hampshire news conference: Andy Martin challenges Jennifer Horn, Andrew Hemingway to series of statewide debates before January 26th

Republican leader Andy Martin will hold a telephone news conference today, Sunday evening, January 13th to challenge state chairman candidates Jennifer Horn and Andrew Hemingway to a series of statewide debates before January 26th. Andy is also a candidate to lead the New Hampshire Republican Party.

“So far, the New Hampshire GOP state chairman’s ‘election’ has been ‘brokered’ with Chicago-style endorsements seeking to prevent an open campaign and an honest vote,” Andy says. “The ‘winner’ of such a closed process will not and cannot enjoy legitimacy. I suggest we open up the state chairman’s election, with the three candidates, Ms. Horn, Mr. Hemingway and me holding a series of statewide debates before January 26th from Colebrook to Nashua, from Keene to Dover. If my opponents are afraid to debate me and to debate the obvious issues, what does that say about their future as ‘leaders’ if they win a rigged election? I believe New Hampshire Republicans are ready for reform; they want to win again,” says Andy. “The old ways are not working. The establishment is discredited. The hard, right, as always, is restless. Only a strong leader can lead under these circumstances.”
NEWS FROM:                                                                                       

New Hampshire Republicans

Andy Martin,  J. D.
executive director
New Hampshire Republicans

you can call Andy:
 (603) 518-7310

you can email Andy:

you can write Andy at:
fax (866) 707-2639, or
816 Elm Street #251
Manchester, NH 03101-2105

Blogs/web sites  (partial):

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New Hampshire Republican leader Andy Martin challenges Jennifer Horn and Andrew Hemingway to a series of statewide debates before January 26th

Andy is working to open up the New Hampshire GOP to new people and new ideas

Andy says the New Hampshire GOP is “not just the party activist delegates that will vote on January 26th”

Andy says the state GOP has an unusual and challenging set of three very different candidates for state chairman

Andy says he represents the “Lincoln” wing of the Party, committed to public integrity and political reform

Andy says that if the GOP “establishment” tries to “broker-in-advance” the January 26th chairman’s election, there will absolutely be a backlash from ordinary Republicans and conservative independents

(MANCHESTER, NH) (January 13, 2013) New Hampshire Republican leader Andy Martin will hold a telephone news conference this evening, January 13th, to call on Jennifer Horn and Andrew Hemingway to agree to a series of statewide debates before the party leadership votes for a new chairman on January 26th. Horn, Hemingway and Andy are candidates for state chairman of the New Hampshire Republican Party.

“Some people have suggested party members meet for a discussion or ‘debate’ after January 26th,” Andy says. “The debates should take place before Republicans vote on January 26th, not afterwards. This is New Hampshire, not Barack Obama’s Chicago. The efforts to ‘broker’ the state chairman's election in advance look more like an Obama-style Chicago fix than a traditional New England town meeting.

“If the state chairman’ election is brokered-in-advance on January 26th, the winner will not enjoy legitimacy, not as a leader for Republicans generally and not with independent conservative voters in New Hampshire.

“Republican leaders have an interesting slate of three candidates to choose from, representing three very different approaches to politics and party leadership:

“Jennifer Horn comes from the hard right of the party, the dead-enders who always say our candidates were ‘not conservative enough’ after they lose an election. In a switch, Horn is now backed by the party’s desiccated ‘establishment,’ reeling after the humiliation of last November. Horn’s ‘real’ constituency, however, always supports primary candidates who are more conservative (and presumably even more out of touch) than anyone who can win a general election in New Hampshire.

“Horn turns the old adage, ‘don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good’ on its head. She demands ‘perfection,’ and her slate always loses. They have lost 8 out of 9 gubernatorial elections and she is positioned, and ‘brokered,’ to make it 9 out of 10 losses in 2014.

“Horn does not accept and probably does not realize that you cannot force the voters to agree with you.

New Hampshire is not a hard right state. Nothing Horn says can convince sentient voters it is. Once again, the party’s establishment is backing a sure and certain ‘loser’ in Horn for party chairman.

“Andrew Hemingway certainly qualifies as a ‘technocrat.’ Ironically, Horn's natural constituency is supporting Hemingway, not Horn, because the ‘right’ perceives Horn as having ‘sold out’ to the establishment. Andrew is a whiz on technology, and his platform is focused on technology and online politicking. But Andrew lacks the decades of political seasoning that are called for in a statewide leader or senior public official. Andrew may represent the ‘future,’ but he is probably not the leader Republicans need in 2013.

“I come out of the ‘Lincoln’ wing of the party, reformers who are committed to pubic integrity and political reform. Generally speaking, we want to make government more honest and more service oriented. But we are prepared to accept incremental, not radical, reform. Nevertheless, I want New Hampshire Republicans to come out swinging and take down the corrupt Democratic Party machine in New Hampshire.

“No one doubts I know how to hit hard and dish the dirt on the Democrats. The New Hampshire Democratic Party has become a freak show, but Democrats still win by default because of the unpalatable candidates Republicans offer on election day.

Republicans desperately need an aggressive leader, right now. Ironically, I could be the ‘compromise’ candidate between Republicans who don’t trust ‘switcher’ Horn, and leaders who accept that Hemingway is not yet ready to be a statewide field general. I also promise to be ‘collegial’ leader, who will consult first and act second.

“Horn has a history of a ‘ready, aim, fire’ approach to leadership. The conservative ‘speakers’ Horn invited to New Hampshire in 2012 were all hard right; none of them could actually win an election in New Hampshire.

“Republicans need a ‘General Grant’ who can fight and lead, not party holdovers from the past. I have forty-five years of public experience and radio and TV experience exposing corruption and fighting for public integrity and political responsibility.

“I believe I can work longer, fight harder and lead better than either of my two opponents.

“I will take the ‘war’ to the Democrats, and discourage any intra-party battles that divide Republicans and reelect Democrats. Just now, Republicans need a leader who is above all perceived as tough, aggressive, ready to lead and ready to attack the opposition. When I was fighting for ballot-integrity in a Strafford County court last September, fighting against an ACLU onslaught, the Republican Party was nowhere to be seen. I can talk the talk, but also walk the walk. Can Horn and Hemingway?

“I want to bring the party back to its traditional New England roots, to public integrity, government accountability and political independence. I am neither a ‘RINO’ nor a hard-rightist. I grew up in a Republican Party where New England was a ‘base’ of the party, not a vast wasteland of liberal dictatorship. I represent the ‘core’ of today’s New Hampshire voters, which we know from November 6th is absolutely not the ‘core’ of the Republican primary electorate.

“I have the experience and background fighting corruption to lead the battle to restore Republican Party to leadership and victory in New Hampshire.

“So, Ms. Horn and Mr. Hemingway, let’s debate. Now. Anywhere. Any time. Before January 26th. Take your best shot.

“If my opponents are afraid to face off against me,” Andy chides. “How are they going to face the Democrats?”

Andy is continuing his efforts to permit every Republican to participate in news conferences, by scheduling some of them at convenient evening times when all voters can listen in and participate.



New Hampshire Republican Party leader Andy Martin


Andy Martin challenges Jennifer Horn and Andrew Hemingway to a series of statewide debates before January 26th, debating the future of the New Hampshire Republican Party


Telephone news conference:

Dial-in Number: 1-800-466-8543

Conference Code: 510518

Sunday, January 13th, 2013 - 7:00 P.M.

ujntsman wasd reelected in November, 2008. A few monrths later he resigned to serve
his president,” Barack Obama. SDo whyh was it so terrible that Palin resigned and Hutsman served evenless of his secondterm? Can I say “double standard” again.

What os this show us? Whetyher thessue s resigfnaitonsor religion,th emedia shamlessly create double standards tgo favr theiiberal medioa pets (fulldisclosure; I am ot aliberalmedia pet).
MEDIA CONTACT: (603) 518-7310; CELL (917) 664-9329

LINKS TO THIS STORY (cut and paste the entire link below and not just the underlined portion):



Andy is a legendary New Hampshire, New York and Chicago-based muckraker, author, Internet columnist, talk television pioneer, radio talk show host, broadcaster and media critic. Andy’s family immigrated to New Hampshire 100 years ago; today his home overlooks the Merrimack River and he lives around the corner from where he played as a small boy. He has forty-five years of background in radio and television. He is the author of “Obama: The Man Behind The Mask” [] and he produced the Internet film "Obama: The Hawaii’ Years” []. Andy is the Executive Editor and publisher of the “Internet Powerhouse,” He comments on New Hampshire, national and international events with more than four decades of investigative and analytical experience both in the USA and around the world.

Andy has been a leading corruption fighter in American politics and courts for over forty-five years. [] He is currently sponsoring See also;

He holds a Juris Doctor degree from the University of Illinois College of Law and is a former adjunct professor of law at the City University of New York (LaGuardia CC, Bronx CC).


Andy's columns are also posted at

[NOTE: We try to correct any typographical errors in our stories; find the latest version on our blogs.]
© Copyright by Andy Martin 2013 – All Rights Reserved

U S Senator Kelly Ayotte: GOP leaders will evaluate Jennifer Horn IRS tax lien

News from:

New Hampshire Republicans

Andy Martin,  J. D.
executive director
New Hampshire Republicans

you can call Andy:
 (603) 518-7310

you can email Andy:

you can write Andy at:
fax (866) 707-2639, or
816 Elm Street #251
Manchester, NH 03101-2105

Blogs/web sites  (partial):

January 12, 2013

Senator Kelly Ayotte says Jennifer Horn’s federal tax lien will be “evaluated” by delegates voting in the NH GOP’s state chairman’s election

(MANCHESTER, NH)(January 12, 2013) U. S. Senator Kelly Ayotte told New Hampshire Public Radio that state committee members voting on a new party chairman will “evaluate” Jennifer Horn’s IRS tax lien:

“There has been an effort by Jennifer Horn and her supporters to impose an ‘omerta-style’ Mafia vow of secrecy on Horn’s IRS tax problems,” says Republican leader and state chairman candidate Andy Martin. “Experienced public officials and political leaders know that IRS tax liens are always a legitimate area of inquiry, especially when a person promises to be ‘fundraising’ and will be allocating money held in a fiduciary capacity.

“I am glad that Senator Ayotte has clearly indicated that Republicans voting in the state chairman ballot may ‘evaluate’ Horn’s federal tax problems. I obviously agree with the senator.

“I will have more to say about the IRS matter next week. We have tentatively scheduled two ‘bunker buster’ news conferences concerning Ms. Horn for later in the week. But as I always do in writing about controversial topics, I emphasize that there is a separation between my presentation of facts and my presentation of opinions. My opinions are always clearly labeled as such. As for facts, I always apply Dragnet’s Sergeant Joe Friday standard, ‘Just the facts, ma’am.’”

“Ms. Horn attacked me in 2011 for matters involved in a lawsuit thirty years ago. I am sticking to issues which involve her at the present time.

“I will have more to say in a news conference Sunday afternoon about the chairman’s race and, as indicated above, the Horn issue will be the focus of my attention next week.

“I can’t prevent Horn’s loyal supporting from committing political hari-kari for the party, but I can at least lay out the facts and reasonable inferences drawn from the undisputed facts, so we can know where to point the finger of blame if Horn wins the chairmanship. I have already helped remove one state chairman; I am prepared to lead a second effort if necessary.”

“My efforts to rebuild the New Hampshire Republican Party as a political party organized around the governing principles of public integrity, political ethics and traditional New Hampshire conservative values will continue before and after the annual meeting. More to come tomorrow on Sunday afternoon.”

(c) Andy Martin 2013 All rights reserved

Friday, January 11, 2013

New Hampshire Republican leader Andy Martin sends his first in a series of detailed letters to New Hampshire GOP state leaders

Andy Martin introduces himself to the Republican Party of New Hampshire’s state committee members. The committee will vote on January 26th to choose a new state chairman. Andy is a candidate for the position.

New Hampshire Republicans

Andy Martin,  J. D.
executive director

you can call Andy:
 (603) 518-7310

you can email Andy:

you can write Andy at:
fax (866) 707-2639, or
816 Elm Street #251
Manchester, NH 03101-2105

Blogs/web sites  (partial):

January 11, 2013

Dear Republican Party

Three candidates are vying for your support to be your next state chairman. Many state committee members have already “endorsed” or announced their support for one of the candidates, although those endorsements were made before embarrassing information came to light about one of the candidates.

So I have a challenging assignment. I need to convince you by January 26th that I am the most experienced and most qualified candidate to lead New Hampshire Republicans into 2014. In all probability I need to change your mind.

This letter begins a conversation with each member of the committee. While we will be conversing primarily by email, if you know a state committee member that doesn’t have email please print out a copy of this letter and pass it along. And you can always pick up the phone and call me.

There will obviously be some “negativity” in the state chairmanship campaign. We all know that.

But I want to make a pledge to you.

If I have something to say about either of my opponents, I will say it in the open, no backstabbing, no anonymous envelopes and no dirty campaigning that cannot be traced back to the source. I will be up front and totally honest about my views and, when necessary, my negative comments about my opponents. It is the mark of a true leader that he or she presents unpleasant truths in a reasonably acceptable manner. I will meet that standard.

Some media have tried to distort my record. One of my opponents has made outrageous personal attacks against me on the radio (we have the tape). This letter provides you with the facts.

I would like to introduce myself, my family in New Hampshire, my political experience and my commercial and international knowledge. I have had a successful and significant career spanning almost a half a century. For details, go to After reviewing the facts and the evidence I hope you will agree you can trust me to offer sensible, mature, reasoned and successful leadership to the New Hampshire Republican Party.

This is a long letter because we have a lot of ground to cover. Please take time to consider my views as you decide whom to support for party chairman.

1. My family’s ties to New Hampshire

     My grandfather immigrated to Manchester approximately 100 years ago. My grandmother followed later. My mother was born in Manchester. My late uncle, Bill Vasiliou, was one of the first Greek-Americans to graduate from the University of New Hampshire (’32). My mother graduated from UNH (’40) and became one of the earliest Greek-American women to receive an Ivy League graduate degree. And my grandmother helped found a Greek Orthodox Church in Manchester that recently celebrated its 75th anniversary.

I grew up tri-lingual, speaking Greek and French, because a beloved uncle was a Franco-American.

My grandfather opened a small business in Manchester and the family prospered. But with the Great Depression the family gravitated to Connecticut where I was born.

I have fond memories of holidays with a special aunt at 2040 Elm Street in Manchester - around the corner from where I now live. I attended lakefront picnics sponsored by Manchester families who had all come from Thessaly, the same region in Greece as my relatives. And every year there was the utter excitement of Hampton Beach.

Later I went to the University of Illinois to play football. Since college I have lived and worked around the world. I have led an exciting life and I am excited by the opportunity to serve you by rebuilding the New Hampshire Republican Party.

2. My business and political experience

     In 1968 I became the youngest person ever authorized by the Federal Communications Commission to own and operate a TV station license (WTAF-TV, Marion, Indiana). I have been involved in radio and television for 45 years. In the 1970’s I helped create the “Chicago School of Political Advertising.” A young man watching me then, David Axelrod, saw my techniques and tactics, eventually improved them and used them to elect a president, Barack Obama.

In addition to earning a living I have given about half of my time to helping charitable causes. Right now I am fighting to obtain compensation for 300 North Country workers who lost their jobs as a result of dirty politics in Concord. I have been a leader in seeking to preserve New Hampshire’s quality of life, so tourism can flourish, and so that electric transmission towers for New York City do not pass through our scenic vistas. Someone at PSNH was worried enough about my media leadership they made a cartoon video to undermine my efforts; as I marched against NP the utility followed me in a car. PSNH takes my efforts seriously because they know I have the experience and the energy to stop Northern Pass.
I went to the Illinois General Assembly as a legislative intern in 1965. The Illinois legislature then and now was a cesspool of corruption. But I was tutored by some of the greatest corruption-fighters of the last century, who served in the same General Assembly. Later I was sent to Washington to work on a U. S. Senator’s reelection campaign. I saw history being made in the 89th Congress. Eventually I became a leading corruption fighter, exposing dirty dealing and helping to send crime syndicate politicians to federal prison.

3. The Obama connection

     In 2004, I opened an investigation into the background of a rising star in the Democratic Party. What I found was a pack of lies. I published an attack on that star’s “autobiography” and said his book should be listed under “fiction.” That person was Barack Obama. For the past nine years, Barack Obama nationally and his local supporters in New Hampshire have relentlessly attacked me. Why has Obama been attacking me? Because I investigate before I write and speak. Obama has been living a lie much of his life. He ignores most of his critics because they are quick to attack him with unfounded accusations. Obama is afraid of my writing precisely because I stick to the facts and search for the truth.

If you want to send a message to Barack Obama - that New Hampshire Republicans are ready to fight back and win in 2014 – vote for me. My election as state chairman will shake the rafters in the Obama White House. Of course, if you do, you will also see the media attacks on me increase, with more lies, more distortions and the rest. That's the way Democrats have to do business these days, because they have a fraud as a leader. And, yes, that’s the real world of politics today. Nevertheless, Democrats are winning with their dirty tactics.  Republicans - well you know “the rest of the story.” Wipeout.

By voting for me for chairman, you can take action locally and strike a national blow for the rebuilding and reviving  the Republican Party.

Ironically, one of the candidates for state chairman is so politically incompetent and just plain stupid she actually attacked me for telling the truth about Obama. She defended Obama against my evidence exposing the lies in Obama’s books. Now this person wants to lead Granite State Republicans. Maybe she should call Obama and offer to work for him, again.
4. Media sensationalism and misrepresentations

     In reporting on my candidacy for New Hampshire state chairman, both John DiStaso of the Union Leader and James Pindell of WMUR-TV mentioned a lawsuit in which I was involved a third of a century ago. DiStaso and Pindell left the impression that I recently made the statements they reported, instead of giving you the facts: their “reporting” was based on a stale lawsuit a third of a century old.

If someone told you that DiStaso and Pindell were reporting as “news” events that happened thirty years ago, most people would respond with “a third of a century ago?” Don’t you have any more recent dirt to dish about Andy Martin?

Fighting corruption and exposing government misfeasance is not a way to win friends. It’s a way to get bloodied and bruised. I have the scars to show for my efforts on behalf of public integrity and government ethics. Crooked politicians are everywhere; when exposed and attacked they fight back. The same is true for corrupt judges. Please see my web site for a detailed personal biography (

Lawsuits are adversarial under the best of circumstances. In a career spanning almost a half of century I have made a few remarks I wish I hadn’t. Precisely because lawsuits take place in the heat of battle and are inherently contentious. Because advocates sometimes have to raise unpleasant issues the law immunizes comments made during litigation and does not make those remarks actionable. Suffice it to say a lawsuit 30 years old says nothing about me, then or now.

Today, corrupt lawyers in the New Hampshire Attorney General’s office are angry because I am exposing the way the Neil Tillotson (Public) Trust is being looted to benefit lawyers and trustees instead of the people of the North Country. I have been fighting to end drive-by voting in New Hampshire; that meant standing up to former president Bill Clinton.

5. Media reality

     Recently embarrassing information appeared about both of my opponents. Both opponents stuck their heads in the sand. One of my opponents said she would not discuss the truthful and factual information published about her because the truth and facts were a “personal attack.”  Let me be clear. No one who has lived a long life has lived without error. But people who clam up and try to pretend that unpleasant facts do not exist in their past or present are in total denial.

I have been open with you in this letter about controversies in my past. They are in the past, a third of a century ago. But when candidates for party office have current scandals brewing, for them to try to ignore reality by calling the facts and the truth a “personal attack” is not a rational way to evade discussion and debate about those facts. Merely by refusing to discuss factual and truthful matters about themselves my opponents confirm they are incapable of leading.

A state chairman must be confrontational. A state chairman must be aggressive. And a state chairman must be able to sit down with the media and discuss the past and present without claiming “no comment.” That's not leadership, that’s living in denial.

6. My vision for the New Hampshire Republican Party

     New Hampshire Republicans must face reality. Local Democrats are better financed, better organized and more aggressive. The last election was shameful. Many party leaders have now endorsed “more of the same” with their endorsement of one of my opponents. They want to elevate someone who was part of the leadership team that led to disaster in 2012, and set the stage for another disaster in 2014.

In 2012 Republicans nominated a gubernatorial candidate who had lost the gubernatorial election 16 years ago; he lost again in 2012, on the basis of the same 16 year-old attacks by Democrats. In 16 years, nothing had changed. The same people who supported the losing gubernatorial candidate, twice, are now backing one of my opponents. Do we have to make it 9 out of 10 gubernatorial losses in 2014 before they see reality and open up to change?

We must change course and change tactics. In the days ahead, I will offer ideas and proposals and  sometimes controversial suggestions for revamping the party. Keep an open mind. My only goal is to lead the Republican Party to victory in 2014. Over the decades, Democrats have looked to my innovative media tactics, and learned. Why not New Hampshire Republicans?
7. My offer to be in contact and stay in contact with you

     A party leader must be accessible. Here is my promise to you: if you need something, say something. Get on the phone and call me at home. I will be totally accessible to you, 18/7 (yes, I need some sleep too). I am giving you my home address; if you need help, get in touch. I am one of the most accessible people in the New Hampshire Republican Party. Pick up the phone. After speaking with me, then try to reach one of my opponents. You’ll get the message. Accessibility.

8. The bottom line

     You and I want to win. The team that has lost 8 out of 9 gubernatorial elections calls itself the “establishment,” and supports one of my opponents. But the “establishment” has “established” a losing track record. Here’s a question: if you needed to hire a lawyer, would you hire an attorney who lost 8 out of his last 9 cases? Doubtful. Would you listen to someone who was “endorsing” as state chairman someone who was part of the last losing campaign? Doubtful.

If, in the end, you want to support one of my opponents, I will respect your decision. But I urge you to please take a fresh look at the three candidates for state chairman before making a final decision.

I think you will find I am the only candidate who has the experience to lead you to victory in 2014.

Keep an open mind, and keep me in mind on January 26th. I can work longer, fight harder and lead better than my two opponents. So why wait? Let’s get on the road to victory.



(c) Andy Martin 2013; All Rights Reserved