Saturday, May 25, 2013

IRS scandals prompt Obama author Andy Martin to run for the U.S. Senate from New Hampshire

New Hampshire Republican Party leader Andy Martin will formally announce Monday, May 27th, Memorial Day, that he is a Republican Party candidate to oppose the reelection of Senator Jeanne Shaheen. “For me, the IRS scandal was the last straw,” Andy says. “The Obama Administration and Jeanne Shaheen were using the IRS as a bludgeon to intimidate New Hampshire conservatives and Tea Party supporters. Shaheen campaigned as a ‘moderate’ and became an Obama radical as soon as she arrived in Washington. The last two years of Obama’s term are going to be the most negative in recent history. Obama is going to be a ‘wounded bull,’ desperate to sabotage the America we know and love before he leaves office. Obama has prematurely become a lame duck at the beginning of his second term - and that makes him dangerous. He will try to impose his vision of a statist and socialized republic on the American people. Shaheen has been one of Obama’s biggest enablers. She must be defeated.”
NEWS FROM:                                                                                       

New Hampshire Republicans

Andy Martin,  J. D.
executive director
New Hampshire Republicans
Not Affil. With NH Rep. St. Comm.

you can call Andy:
 (603) 518-7310

you can email Andy:

you can write Andy at:
fax (866) 707-2639, or
816 Elm Street #251
Manchester, NH 03101-2105

Blogs/web sites  (partial):

To become a regular subscriber to our emails please send an email to and place “SUBSCRIBE” in the subject line.




New Hampshire Republican leader and corruption fighter Andy Martin says Obama’s IRS scandals have prompted Andy to run for the U. S. Senate against Jeanne Shaheen

(MANCHESTER, NH) (May 25, 2013) New Hampshire Republican leader and corruption fighter Andy Martin will formally announce on Memorial Day, Monday, May 27th in Manchester, NH that he is a candidate for the U. S. Senate against Jeanne Shaheen. Andy issued the following statement Saturday morning:

Dear New Hampshire Republican:

Jeanne Shaheen and Barack Obama have declared war on the American people. It was Jeanne Shaheen who sought to politicize the IRS and spy on her New Hampshire opponents by using the IRS as her proxy (please see link #1 below). Shaheen promoted herself as a “moderate Democrat" when she served as Governor of New Hampshire. But as soon as Jeanne arrived in Washington she adopted the radical agenda of her fellow traveler Barack Obama.

Shaheen and Obama created the climate where Fox News is the victim of harassment. Shaheen and Obama fostered the hostile conditions where Eric Holder could spy on the Associated Press. Shaheen is one of Barack Obamas biggest enablers. They are a pair of career politicians.

I. Introductory Remarks

Last Sunday I was speaking with my bishop at the celebration of Pentecost. He said, “You know, I was planning on slowing down, and then I was asked to submit my name for bishop.” He smiled. I know how the bishop feels.

Every one of us would like a slower pace, where we can spend more time with friends and family. For my part, I have a lot of writing projects that are sitting on the shelf. I love walking in the North Country. But as I have watched Barack Obama and Jeanne Shaheen try to dismantle the America we love, by imposing federalized medical care, watering down our national defense, and creating an economy with ten trillion dollars in debt that will swamp our children, I became increasingly concerned. Obama and Shaheen are attempting to replace local democracy with a regime of political correctness imposed from Washington.

The IRS scandal was the last straw.

Because of my long and successful experience investigating and challenging Obama I felt I should become a candidate in the New Hampshire Republican primary for U.S. Senate. I am a fighter who knows how to fight. And I have a proven record of exposing Obama and opposing Obama. Jeanne Shaheen and Barack Obama are one-and-the-same. Shaheen is an Obama enabler; she was a leader of his reelection campaign.

II. My qualifications for the U.S. Senate

A. My lifetime of commitment to public integrity and public service

My lifetime has been devoted to public integrity and public service. I began exposing corruption as a young law student. Unfortunately, I have found that exposing crooked public officials creates enemies, not friends. The bad guys are always better organized than their victims, ordinary citizens. Dishonest and greedy public officials usually try to retaliate. So I have more than my fair share of enemies. I earned them. Don't be surprised when you see attacks on me; expect them. From New Hampshire to Honolulu, from Florida to California to New York, Illinois and Washington, DC I have been a national expert in helping to expose corrupt public officials. (Please take a look at for a detailed biography.)

B. My family history in New Hampshire

For the past 80 years on Memorial Day my family has tried to be at Pine Grove cemetery in Manchester. My grandparents are buried there. This year the remembrance falls to me. My maternal grandparents arrived in Manchester from a small town, Tsaritsani, in Greece about 100 years ago. My mom was born in Manchester.

My Uncle Bill Vasiliou and my mom both graduated from the University of New Hampshire. My revered Uncle Lucian Marcoux was born in West Manchester and was an inspiration to me growing up. World War II scattered the family but we always retuned to Manchester for family celebrations. Today I live just around the corner from where I grew up playing as a little boy on Elm Street.

III. The 2014 U. S. Senate campaign in New Hampshire

A. Jeanne Shaheen in Washington is an Obama radical

Jeanne Shaheen fooled the people of New Hampshire. She campaigned as a moderate Democrat. Once she arrived in Washington, she flipped. Shaheen ran against “Big Oil.” Recently she collected money from the same “Big Oil” she had earlier opposed. She is totally two-faced. Jeanne hopes the People of New Hampshire will not notice what she is doing in with Obama in Washington. But the IRS scandal blew her cover.

“Link #1” (below) is a letter on the web site of one of the nation’s most liberal senators, Charles Schumer. Schumer, Shaheen and the comedian Al Franken among others sought to pressure the IRS into investigating conservative organizations. Why? Because along with other states New Hampshire is a center of Tea Party and conservative activism. Shaheen was seeking to intimidate her potential opponents back home in New Hampshire.

In the past, New Hampshire Republicans have not had much luck defeating Shaheen. She has gunned down her Republican opponents by pretending she is a moderate. But Shaheen has now been exposed as a Washington liberal. The fact remains there is a shortage of people who have the experience to confront and attack and defeat Shaheen. Shaheen will bite back; she will make running against her a nasty exercise.

I will keep my campaign on the high road and avoid attacks on Shaheen’s private life, while relentlessly attacking her public record in Washington. Shaheen will not intimidate me the way she has stared down other New Hampshire Republicans. We will fight a tough race.

B. My record with Obama

Nine years ago I wrote the first column exposing Obama as an imposter. My book (see below) collected a series of columns that predicted Obama would be a disaster. My exposé on Hannity’s America (please see Link #3 below) terrified Democrats. I was probably the first name on Obama’s many enemies’ lists. I know how to fight Obama, and I know what makes him tick. That’s why I have the special background to tackle Obama’s enabler in New Hampshire, Jeanne Shaheen.

C. What do I want to accomplish in the U. S. Senate?

First, I want to remove Shaheen from the senate. Second, I want to stop Barack Obama’s extreme agenda. The last two years of his term (2015-2017) Obama will be in a frenzy to impose his statist dreams on the American people. We need street-smart Republicans who know how to fight Obama.

Finally, it is not enough to have a “negative” agenda. A candidate must stand for positive issues. You can define my own platform in two words: opportunity and inclusion.

When my family immigrated to New Hampshire they were not poor. They were educated and prosperous. But they came to America for one word: opportunity. My grandfather eventually became an investor.

When I graduated from college, opportunity was still limitless.

Today young people have been shortchanged by both political parties. The economy is a mess. The job market is a disaster, especially for young people. The future is bleak. I will single-mindedly devote myself to creating the same kind of broadly-based economic opportunity that greeted my ancestors when they arrived in Manchester, and that greeted me when I graduated from college. Every American should have the opportunity to be included.

IV. What can you do?

As a writer I often use the figure of speech that I can “see over the horizon.” My experience allows me to anticipate the flow of events. How’s this for a prophesy? On April 20th I wrote (see Link #2 below):

New Hampshire Republican leader Andy Martin, one of America’s leading conservative authors/investigators, says Americans may find in retrospect that April 19th was “The Day the Obama Administration Died.” The first of a two-part series examines how and why the random bombing in Boston may derail the Obama’s Administration’s timetable and render the president a lame duck even before that was already scheduled to happen. Andy combines his political background, counterterrorism experience and knowledge of the Southern Caucasus (Chechnya) to write the first draft of the Obama Administration’s epitaph.

In other words, I almost perfectly called the beginning of the end for the Obama regime. At the same time that Obama’s White House counsel was being notified of the IRS scandal I perceived that circumstances were coming together that would effectively deflate Obama’s bubble. Obama will try to fight back, as he did on Thursday, but his administration is doomed to failure.

Those of us who believe in the real America - not Shaheen's and Obama's government-controlled America – have to start picking up the pieces. We need to rebuild our economy. We need to rebuild faith in the IRS, Department of Justice and other institutions. We need to rebuild mutual trust in the American people.

I need your help to defeat Jeanne Shaheen. Without your support, I can't succeed and Shaheen could be reelected.

Well, what are you waiting for?

Ted Cruz, Rand Paul and Mike Lee need help in the senate. I’m ready to go.

Please support my campaign; together we will remove Jeanne Shaheen from the U. S. Senate.



May 27th Manchester News Conference Details:


New Hampshire Republican Party leader Andy Martin


Andy Martin announces he will oppose Jeanne Shaheen for reelection


1589 Elm Street, Manchester, NH (sidewalk in front of Senator Shaheen’s office)


Memorial Day, Monday, May 27, 2013; 1:00 P.M.


ujntsman wasd reelected in November, 2008. A few monrths later he resigned to serve
his president,” Barack Obama. SDo whyh was it so terrible that Palin resigned and Hutsman served evenless of his secondterm? Can I say “double standard” again.

What os this show us? Whetyher thessue s resigfnaitonsor religion,th emedia shamlessly create double standards tgo favr theiiberal medioa pets (fulldisclosure; I am ot aliberalmedia pet).
MEDIA CONTACT: Andy Martin (603) 518-7310; CELL (917) 664-9329

LINKS TO THIS STORY (cut and paste the entire link below and not just the underlined portion):

Link #1


Link #2


Link #3


Andy is a legendary New Hampshire, New York and Chicago-based muckraker, author, Internet columnist, talk television pioneer, radio talk show host, broadcaster and media critic. Andy’s family immigrated to Manchester 100 years ago; today his home overlooks the Merrimack River and he lives around the corner from where he played as a small boy. He has forty-five years of background in radio and television. He is the author of “Obama: The Man Behind The Mask” [] and he produced the Internet film "Obama: The Hawaii’ Years” []. Andy is the Executive Editor and publisher of the “Internet Powerhouse,” He comments on New Hampshire, national and international events with more than four decades of investigative and analytical experience both in the USA and around the world. For more, go to:

Andy has also been a leading corruption fighter in American politics and courts for over forty-five years and he is executive director of the National Anti-Corruption Policy Institute. He is currently sponsoring See also;

He holds a Juris Doctor degree from the University of Illinois College of Law and is a former adjunct professor of law at the City University of New York (LaGuardia CC, Bronx CC).


Andy's columns are also posted at

[NOTE: We try to correct any typographical errors in our stories; find the latest version on our blogs.]
© Copyright by Andy Martin 2013 – All Rights Reserved

New Hampshire Republican leader Andy Martin backs Bill O’Brien in gas tax battle

New Hampshire Republican Party leader Andy Martin has come out in support of former House Speaker Bill O’Brien’s proposed legislation/amendment that would restrict the use of state gas taxes to roads and bridges. “The Governor is proposing a $300 million dollar boondoggle,” Andy says. “Bill O’Brien may be a reformed ‘sinner,’ but he now sees that gas tax reform is necessary. That’s good enough for me. As the leader of the reform wing of the New Hampshire Republican Party I am against raising the gas tax for use as a surreptitious slush fund by Governor Hassan.

NEWS FROM:                                                                                       

New Hampshire Republicans

Andy Martin,  J. D.
executive director
New Hampshire Republicans

you can call Andy:
 (603) 518-7310

you can email Andy:

you can write Andy at:
fax (866) 707-2639, or
816 Elm Street #251
Manchester, NH 03101-2105

Blogs/web sites  (partial):

To become a regular subscriber to our emails please send an email to and place “SUBSCRIBE” in the subject line.

A couple of editorial notes:

First, New Hampshire Republicans are drawing attention for the disorganized state of our party (please see link #1 below).

Second, some of my “national” readers are concerned by my focus on New Hampshire. New Hampshire is a crucible in which the challenges of the GOP nationally will be resolved. New Hampshire is where my family’s roots were established and where I have chosen to “make a stand” and “take a stand” for political reform. And, please be patient. We also have a list of national and international stories that will be coming your way in the days ahead. Rest assured our national and international news-gathering operations are intact even though they are now centered in Manchester.

Andy Martin


New Hampshire Republican leader and corruption fighter Andy Martin says Representative Bill O’Brien is right to propose legislation restricting the use of state gas taxes to roads and bridges

Andy says Republicans should support strict limits on the use of state gas tax revenues

Andy accuses Governor Maggie Hassan of trying to create a $300 million “slush fund” for her liberal programs

Andy says it is “fundamentally dishonest” for government to collect a tax for one purpose, and then to secretly use the funds to support unrelated purposes

(MANCHESTER, NH) (March 6, 2013) New Hampshire Republican leader and corruption fighter Andy Martin says he supports former House Speaker Bill O’Brien’s proposal to restrict gas tax revenues to roads and bridges. (please see link #2 below)

New Hampshire has been running a ‘tax scam’ for some time,” Andy says. “The state collects a ‘gas tax’ and then uses the gas money for unrelated purposes. The result is that governors have a secret slush fund or what one liberal Democrat called a ‘gift that keeps on giving.’(please see link #3) Politics and revenue-raising is not about ‘gifts’ and ‘giving.’ Politics is about separating people from their hard-earned money to fund reasonable and rational – and small - governmental goals.

“Governor Hassan has only been in office a few weeks and already she is trying to create a secret, long-term $300 million slush fund to finance her liberal agenda (please see link #4). Under current state practices the proposed gas tax increase would throw off approximately $300 million in unallocated revenues for Democrats to allocate to their liberal spending schemes.

“Every Republican in the General Court should oppose Hassan’s under-the-table tax grab,” Andy says. “Bill O’Brien may be a ‘reformed sinner,’ as critics suggest, because he did not act to ban the practice when he served as speaker. So what? He’s on the side of the angels now. He’s ‘better late than never.’ I fully support his proposal.

New Hampshire residents can decide how much to spend on our roads and bridges; personally I favor a first class system of roads and bridges. Safety first. And we should expect to pay a clearly identified gas tax to fund a first class system of roads and bridges. But we should not be asked to pay ‘gas’ taxes for undisclosed and unknown purposes that are allocated separately from roads and bridges by Democratic Party insiders. Bill O’Brien is right. It is time to ‘lock down’ the gas tax for roads and bridges.”

ujntsman wasd reelected in November, 2008. A few monrths later he resigned to serve
his president,” Barack Obama. SDo whyh was it so terrible that Palin resigned and Hutsman served evenless of his secondterm? Can I say “double standard” again.

What os this show us? Whetyher thessue s resigfnaitonsor religion,th emedia shamlessly create double standards tgo favr theiiberal medioa pets (fulldisclosure; I am ot aliberalmedia pet).
MEDIA CONTACT: Andy Martin (603) 518-7310; CELL (917) 664-9329

LINKS TO THIS STORY (cut and paste the entire link below and not just the underlined portion):

Link #1


Link #2


Link #3


Link #4



Andy is a legendary New Hampshire, New York and Chicago-based muckraker, author, Internet columnist, talk television pioneer, radio talk show host, broadcaster and media critic. Andy’s family immigrated to Manchester 100 years ago; today his home overlooks the Merrimack River and he lives around the corner from where he played as a small boy. He has forty-five years of background in radio and television. He is the author of “Obama: The Man Behind The Mask” [] and he produced the Internet film "Obama: The Hawaii’ Years” []. Andy is the Executive Editor and publisher of the “Internet Powerhouse,” He comments on New Hampshire, national and international events with more than four decades of investigative and analytical experience both in the USA and around the world. For more, go to:

Andy has also been a leading corruption fighter in American politics and courts for over forty-five years and he is executive director of the National Anti-Corruption Policy Institute. He is currently sponsoring See also;

He holds a Juris Doctor degree from the University of Illinois College of Law and is a former adjunct professor of law at the City University of New York (LaGuardia CC, Bronx CC).


Andy's columns are also posted at

[NOTE: We try to correct any typographical errors in our stories; find the latest version on our blogs.]
© Copyright by Andy Martin 2013 – All Rights Reserved

Andy Martin stuns New Hampshire GOP by backing Jennifer Horn and Senator Kelly Ayotte on Benghazi attacks

New Hampshire Republican Party leader Andy Martin is defending State Chairman Jennifer Horn and U. S. Senator Kelly Ayotte for Horn’s comments on Ayotte’s actions after the Benghazi embassy attacks on 9/11/12. Andy, who has a lifetime of national security experience and is one of the GOP’s preeminent foreign policy experts, says that Senator Ayotte performed admirably after the Benghazi attacks. “It was not ‘partisanship,’ as some at the Concord Monitor claim, to demand the truth and nothing but the truth from the Obama administration,” Andy says. “President Obama, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and U. N. Ambassador Susan Rice were the people who ‘politicized’ Benghazi, not Senator Kelly Ayotte. While Ms. Horn and I have our differences, they do not extend into the area of national security.”
NEWS FROM:                                                                                       

New Hampshire Republicans

Andy Martin,  J. D.
executive director
New Hampshire Republicans

you can call Andy:
 (603) 518-7310

you can email Andy:

you can write Andy at:
fax (866) 707-2639, or
816 Elm Street #251
Manchester, NH 03101-2105

Blogs/web sites  (partial):

To become a regular subscriber to our emails please send an email to and place “SUBSCRIBE” in the subject line.


New Hampshire Republican leader and corruption fighter Andy Martin says Jennifer Horn was right to defend Kelly Ayotte, and Ayotte was right to question President Obama’s Benghazi cover-up

Andy Martin says that on foreign policy and national security he answers to a “higher authority” than mere partisanship, the national interest

Although Andy does not support Horn, and Horn attacks Andy, he will not hesitate to back Horn where she speaks the truth on matters related to national security

(MANCHESTER, NH) (March 1, 2013) New Hampshire Republican leader and corruption fighter Andy Martin, who is one of the GOP’s preeminent national security experts [see below], says he supports GOP Chairman Jennifer Horn for defending U. S. Senator Kelly Ayotte’s inquiries after the Benghazi, Libya attack on September 11, 2012.

“My differences with Ms. Horn are well known, and her attacks on me are equally well-known (and unfounded)” Andy says.  I obviously did not agree with Kelly Ayotte’s choice for state chairman.

“But on issues of foreign policy and national security, I do not play mere politics or act on the basis of mere partisanship. I answer to a higher authority, the national interest.

“Jennifer Horn is 100% correct and justified in defending Senator Ayotte’s aggressive questioning after the Benghazi attacks. Senator Ayotte’s probing of the lead-in and cover-up of the Benghazi attacks were 100% correct and appropriate.

“There was a Benghazi cover-up. President Obama tried to manage and manipulate the news, and U. N. Ambassador Susan Rice – knowingly or unknowingly – was a critical part of the attempt to deceive the American people.

“If Rice unknowingly deceived the American people, then she was too unsophisticated, too inexperienced and too gullible to serve as Secretary of State. If Rice knowingly deceived the American people then her behavior was at least despicable and may have bordered on criminality.

“Obama, Rice and Hillary Clinton were trying to conceal their incompetence before the attack, during the attack and after the attack. Their efforts to manage the message after the tragedy were outrageous.

“I have a lifetime of experience in the area of national security. I would not compromise my integrity by taking a stand that I believed was contrary to the national interest. My ‘higher authority’ is the national interest. There is certainly room for partisanship where domestic politics is concerned; ‘politics’ is part of the political process. But where national security is t stake I would never compromise national security by taking a position I knew was unjustified.

“I regret to say that I sincerely believe President Obama undermined both our national security and our foreign policy with his actions during and after the Benghazi attack. More importantly, Obama compromised national security on September 11, 2012 when he took no action to rescue embattled Americans. I do not accept Obama’s explanation that no timely reaction was possible. If our military is so sclerotic that ‘nothing can be done’ for hours on end, then we do not have a defense establishment, we have a defense Potemkin. No man or woman in uniform would sit back and do nothing knowing any of our men and women were under attack anywhere around the world.

“Frankly, I believe Obama ‘sequestered’ the military during the Benghazi attacks because he put his own personal interests and political interests above the lives of embattled Americans.

“Months later, we still do not know the complete truth about Obama’s actions and inactions.

“Had I been a U. S. Senator I would have stood shoulder-to-shoulder with Senator Ayotte in her actions and inquiries after the Benghazi attack. Ms. Horn has been criticized in the Concord Monitor (please see links #1 and #2 below) for her defense of Ayotte. On this occasion, I stand behind Horn and support what Ms. Horn has said about Senator Ayotte’s actions.”

[Andy has over forty years of familiarity with Asia, Southwest Asia and the Middle East; he is regarded overseas as one of America’s most respected independent foreign policy, military and intelligence analysts. His analysis of the terrorist threat in Iran during the 1979-80 hostage crisis, and again in Iraq in 2003, were leading-edge predictions of what Americans faced in the future. Andy first went to Asia in 1967 and has lived in or been in Israel, Jordan, Libya, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Viet-Nam, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, Burma, Hong Kong and the United Kingdom. Andy was in Iran and Afghanistan during the American hostage crisis in 1979-80. He has regularly returned to Southwest Asia since then. He lived in Iraq in 2003.]


ujntsman wasd reelected in November, 2008. A few monrths later he resigned to serve
his president,” Barack Obama. SDo whyh was it so terrible that Palin resigned and Hutsman served evenless of his secondterm? Can I say “double standard” again.

What os this show us? Whetyher thessue s resigfnaitonsor religion,th emedia shamlessly create double standards tgo favr theiiberal medioa pets (fulldisclosure; I am ot aliberalmedia pet).
MEDIA CONTACT: Andy Martin (603) 518-7310; CELL (917) 664-9329

LINKS TO THIS STORY (cut and paste the entire link below and not just the underlined portion):

Link #1


Link #2



Andy is a legendary New Hampshire, New York and Chicago-based muckraker, author, Internet columnist, talk television pioneer, radio talk show host, broadcaster and media critic. Andy’s family immigrated to Manchester 100 years ago; today his home overlooks the Merrimack River and he lives around the corner from where he played as a small boy. He has forty-five years of background in radio and television. He is the author of “Obama: The Man Behind The Mask” [] and he produced the Internet film "Obama: The Hawaii’ Years” []. Andy is the Executive Editor and publisher of the “Internet Powerhouse,” He comments on New Hampshire, national and international events with more than four decades of investigative and analytical experience both in the USA and around the world. For more, go to:

Andy has also been a leading corruption fighter in American politics and courts for over forty-five years and he is executive director of the National Anti-Corruption Policy Institute. He is currently sponsoring See also;

He holds a Juris Doctor degree from the University of Illinois College of Law and is a former adjunct professor of law at the City University of New York (LaGuardia CC, Bronx CC).


Andy's columns are also posted at

[NOTE: We try to correct any typographical errors in our stories; find the latest version on our blogs.]
© Copyright by Andy Martin 2013 – All Rights Reserved

Corruption fighter Andy Martin on his candidacy for New Hampshire GOP state chairman

Andy Martin explains why he is campaigning to be nominated as state chairman of the New Hampshire GOP and suggests he will not attend the Annual Meeting if he has not lined up nominating/seconding support in advance. Andy says he has more support among ordinary Republicans than he does within the party’s insiders. Andy says the Republican Party’s claim that it needs to work on “messaging” is erroneous; Americans are rejecting the Republican Party’s message, not its “messaging.”
New Hampshire Republicans

Andy Martin,  J. D.
executive director
New Hampshire Republicans

you can call Andy:
 (603) 518-7310

you can email Andy:

you can write Andy at:
fax (866) 707-2639, or at home
144 W. Webster, #1E
Manchester, NH 03104

Blogs/web sites  (partial):

January 25, 2013

Dear Republican Party
Leader/State Committee Member:

I promised to send you a series of serious letters setting out my views on issues which could influence your choice of a new state chairman for the Republican Party. And I have done that. More letters/statements are coming later today.

1. My efforts to become state chairman

I have spent my life as a political reformer, working for public integrity, political ethics and government accountability. In general, political party organizations are resistant to change. So party people don’t always like what I have to say.

On the other hand, while many voters dislike what the Democrats are doing they don’t trust Republicans to do better.

More particularly, ordinary people believe politicians in both parties cannot be trusted. But I have a record going back decades, a record people can trust. I have done exactly what I promise to do for New Hampshire Republicans: fight corruption, work for public integrity and political ethics, and strive for greater government accountability in New Hampshire (go to for my detailed biography). That’s the only way we can regain the trust of voters and win elections.

Earlier this week a long-time Republican who is a radio station owner here in New Hampshire sent an email asking state committee members to nominate and second me as a candidate for state chairman. That radio station operator represents ordinary, Main Street Republicans.

A political organization should be a service organization. What service has the New Hampshire Republican Party rendered to ordinary voters recently? None. And so it is not surprising that the radio station owner – someone in the communications industry – asked for me to be nominated. I have a record of working for ordinary people, not just party professionals.

Alas, the party insiders are not listening. No one has stepped forward to say to the radio broadcaster, "OK, let Andy run, and let’s hear what Andy has to say.” In fact, some insiders are working hard to silence me.

The radio guy got a reply from one Republican committee member, a Horn supporter, quoting Obama organization talking point smears about me. Thirty year-old smears. It’s a sad day when a reform Republican is smeared by another Republican using Barack Obama’s talking points.

I have a consistent record of public service, and I am serving the people of New Hampshire. I am ready to work for you, and lead you to victory. In my opinion, I have strong qualifications and I would like to present those qualifications to the Annual Meeting. So far, none of the committee members agree with me. And none of them agree with a New Hampshire radio station owner who has been a Republican for 40 years. They don’t want to listen, and they don’t want change. Sound familiar?

Is it any wonder we as a party are losing ground, and have lost 8 of the last 9 elections? If a radio station owner – someone for whom communications is a business – thinks you would benefit from meeting and hearing me, shouldn’t that be enough? Ordinary people would think so. So far, two committee members (nominate/second) have not appeared to agree.

So what should I do Saturday morning? Here are my thoughts.

2. Why I may not attend the Annual Meeting if I cannot be nominated

As of this morning, no one has come forward to nominate me and to second my nomination. The party is resistant to change, and resistant to new personalities. My message of “Renew, Rebuild, Reform” represents a call to hard work and searching reexamination of our approach to New Hampshire voters. Neither of those come easily.

If no one comes forward today to announce they are going to nominate me and second my nomination, tomorrow I will simply accept that fact and skip the meeting. I will not appear at the Annual Meeting. It would be impolite to campaign while others are speaking during the Annual Meeting. I do not want to be either bad mannered or disruptive.

I think it is a loss for the party's committee members when they are denied another choice, and denied an opportunity to look at new, dynamic and creative approaches to developing a 2014 campaign.

Whatever happens on the 26th I will put aside my disappointment and keep working to “reform, renew and rebuild,” on January 27th. But on the 26th I do not want to be either disruptive or disrespectful; campaigning during the meeting might be both. So, somewhat reluctantly, if no one today announces they want to nominate me to provide a choice for the committee members, I will simply step aside and cede the field to my two competitors on Saturday morning.

3. The long road ahead for New Hampshire Republicans

One of my conservative friends kept telling me during 2011 and 2012 that Obama was finished. He told me a “ham sandwich” could defeat Obama. I told him defeating Obama would be difficult, and that the Republican Party’s national candidates all had significant weaknesses. No matter. He still believed defeating Obama would be easy. Now he knows better.

New Hampshire Republicans are already counting their 2014 chickens. But defeating the Democrats in 2014 will not be any easier than it was in 2012. The Republican Party has still not woken up to the threat posed by Obama’s “permanent campaign.” Obama’s minions have exported the “permanent campaign” to New Hampshire and every other state. Democrats beat us in 2012, and they will be hard to beat in 2014. Their 2012 campaign machine is intact and already at work for 2014. Republicans are lulling themselves into a false sense of inevitable victory. Shades of 2012.

Let me explain why Horn, Hemingway and the national GOP is wrong. They keep using the word “messaging” to explain our defeat. This weekend, national Republicans are meeting to study why we lost last year. Both Horn and Hemingway say we need to improve the party’s “messaging.”

The problem is not “messaging;” the problem is our message.

Our political approach to the American people has been frozen in amber since 1980. While America has changed since 1980, the Republican Party has not. Our platforms have become increasingly extreme and increasingly detached from the reality of the average New Hampshire family.

New Hampshire voters are not rejecting us because they don’t get “our message.” They are rejecting our candidates because the message is all too clear. Jennifer Horn tells Republican meetings we as a party are “for women.” Women who vote don't agree. They get our message and reject it. We are fooling ourselves if we think otherwise.

No political organization can survive if it refuses to change and adapt to changing times. What worked for Ronald Reagan in 1980 will not work for candidates in 2014. Just ask Ovide Lamontagne. He ran the same campaign in 2012 that he ran in 1996, and he was attacked by the Democrats both times with the same negatives. And Ovide lost both times.

I realize that many committee members have been on the committee during the period when we lost 8 out of 9 gubernatorial elections. The party is resistant to change. Perhaps I represent uncomfortable change. But uncomfortable change is the only way the party can survive. If we go forward with a message that was locked in 34 years ago in 1980, we will lose again in 2014. Many of you may disagree with me. But you can’t disguise the track record, 8 out of 9 losses.

You may claim the Republicans’ message is not being received, but I would say exactly the opposite: we are not receiving the message the people of New Hampshire are sending us.

4. My opponents for state chairman

Jennifer Horn

“On paper,” Jennifer Horn looks like a strong candidate for state chairman. “In reality,” she is a disaster. Horn has made a lot of friends over the years. But, friendship is no basis in picking a party leader. Horn is unacceptable for three reasons.

First, Horn’s well-publicized financial problems reflect callous disregard for financial responsibility. She has over $90,000 of unpaid federal taxes going back five years. Why is she running for an unpaid, full-time position when she owes $90,000 in back taxes? She should be looking for a paying job. The Democrats will rip Horn to shreds because of her financial impropriety.

It’s not enough to say we have a “bad economy,” which is Horn’s excuse. People who are suffering from the bad economy are out looking for paying jobs, not looking for full-time unpaid work. What kind of “family first” mom puts politics ahead of earning money to support her family?

Horn has not only mismanaged her family’s finances she has apparently also mismanaged a political group she created, We The People. Seen any We The People financial reports lately? There aren’t any. There is no question that Horn is going to be investigated by federal authorities. What the result will be, I do not know. But in my opinion Horn’s personal mismanagement and political corruption have violated the law.

Why would any committee member vote for a leader who will become an immediate laughingstock for the Democrats and for the general public? Why?

Second, Horn is a “ready, aim, fire” type personality. She attacked me two years ago without ever making a phone call or attempting to speak with me. She just went out and attacked. What did Horn use as her bible? She used the talking points of Barack Obama’s political operation as laundered through Internet web sites. She admits she participated in meetings which lied to the media, and attacked me for events taking place 30 years ago.

A state chairman has to be someone who can act with restraint.

Third, if Horn is elected some people will continue to work against her to see she is removed as chairman as soon as possible. I have spoken to many Republicans who know Horn is dead-in-the-water if she is elected chairman, but they are still supporting her because they are afraid to make waves. People who are afraid to make waves can still drown. People who oppose Horn  will continue to work against her. Horn is a polarizing candidate, the most polarizing candidate of the three candidates.

If “friendship” and long acquaintance are your sole criteria for voting, then Horn is your candidate. But don’t say you are surprised when Horn turns out to be a disaster.

Andrew Hemingway

I like Andrew Hemingway and if he is elected I will offer to work for and support him in any way he asks. But I am not sure he is the right man for chairman. He represents the future of the party, maybe not yet the present.

First, and most obviously, Andrew is a young man building a business. The state chairman’s role is not “part-time.” It is more than “full-time.” A state chairman is on call 24/7. There is no way someone building a new business can devote adequate time to the business and also be working full-time for the party. It simply isn’t possible.

Second, Andy is supported by a segment of the party that feels aggrieved. Will they be in a mood for compromise if he wins? Or loses? I am not sure. The Horn vs. Hemingway dynamic may continue to play out after the election. Brining the party together will not be easy. In an earlier letter I suggested only half-jokingly, “Vote for Andy; No one Likes Him.” Sometimes contesting factions can accept a neutral leader more easily than accepting the winner of a factional fracas.

Third, Republican Party bylaws/rules bar a chairman from being involved in primary campaigns. If he cannot be involved in advising primary candidates in New Hampshire Andrew may find a conflict arises between his political consulting business and serving as chairman.

I do not doubt Andrew has many technical sills. But a state chairman’s role is not about technical skill, it is about techniques, techniques of leadership. A state chairman has to be a team builder, not a computer whiz.

As I said, if Andrew wins, I will offer to support him. But I think his political skills might need more seasoning, seasoning that only comes with experience, and experience that only comes with the passage of time.

5. Why I am still the best and only serious candidate for state chairman

I told you earlier in this letter about the owner in one of New Hampshire’s leading local broadcasting companies who sent out an email asking Republicans leaders to make arrangements to see I am nominated Saturday. This broadcaster is (not yet) a close friend and only knows me by efforts on behalf of political reform and New Hampshire working families.

The broadcaster is a long-time Republican who is who is not satisfied with the current candidates. He wanted more candidates for state chairman and, unfortunately, he was apparently rebuffed by Republican leaders. Not surprisingly, someone sent him a link to an article authored by the Obama campaign and inserted in a supposedly-neutral database that attacks me. That Obama and his team try to undermine me is no surprise. I was Obama's first opponent and I have been Obama’s most consistent and conscientious opponent.

But why would any Republican regurgitate 30 year-old accusations about me?

In a way, the stale smears against me are a compliment to a life well-lived and cleanly-lived. No one gets to advanced years without the occasional misstep, and without accumulating the odd baggage. My life in politics began 48 years ago. Forty-seven years ago I used to line up rural mail carrier jobs for the party faithful. I have done it all and seen it all and have overall acted with a general sense of decency.

If my opponents, who apparently include Horn supporters disseminating the old slurs, can't find anything more current to smear me with than 30 year-old accusations, I think you will agree I have led a pretty good life.

And guess, what: in the same vein I would probably be a pretty good chairman.

In closing, here’s an interesting question: What should the lack of a positive response by committee members to the radio station owner’s effort to nominate me tell you? My thought: That I have more support among ordinary Republicans than I do among the state committee members.

Unless someone contacts me today I do not plan to attend tomorrow. If, in the end, you only have two choices on Saturday, the Republican Party itself will be diminished. The Annual Meeting will appear to have been “bossed,” “brokered” and “bought” in advance. In other words, more of the same old, same old.

With God’s help and – some day perhaps even your own help – I hope we succeed. Until then, I will keep trying.



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