Friday, July 5, 2013

“Is Barack Obama the Islamist in the White House?” [Islam is the enemy, Part III]

Foreign policy expert Andy Martin says Barack Obama’s Islamic roots are distorting American foreign policy:

2014 New Hampshire U. S. Senate candidate Andy Martin, possibly the Republican Party’s most knowledgeable Middle East/Egypt foreign policy expert with actual overseas experience, has been looking back into Barack Obama’s family history and reviewing the record of Obama’s religious roots in Islam. In 2004 Andy was the first person to focus on Obama’s Islamic parentage; as a result Andy has been relentlessly attacked by Obama operatives for focusing attention on the president’s peculiar family history. As always, we welcome your feedback to Andy’s comments. Is President Barack Obama the “Islamist in the White House?” You be the judge.
NEWS FROM:                                                             
“The Internet Powerhouse”
Andy Martin,  J. D.
adjunct professor of law
executive editor
America’s most respected
independent author/investigator

“Factually Correct, Not Politically Correct”

you can call Andy:
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U. S. Senate candidate and conservative columnist Andy Martin
says President Barack Obama’s Islamist sympathies may be undermining U. S. foreign policy

Is Barack Obama “the Islamist in the White House?” You be the judge

Part III of a continuing series, “Islam is the Enemy”

(New York) (July 5, 2013) 

Andy’s views:

[First, a disclaimer: in my opinion the upheaval in Egypt is a significant challenge to the established world order in the Middle East. How the U. S. responds will affect American national security. In analyzing President Barack Obama’s Islamist history I do not bear Muslims any ill will. And, surprisingly, I also do not bear Obama any personal ill will. Mr. Obama is merely (1) an interesting political figure and (2) a political opponent in the sense that he leads the Democratic Party. I am a conservative and a Republican. Generally speaking, I believe Obama is bad for America. That is my point of view.

In writing about Obama-the-man, I try to separate my personal feelings from the factual records of his life. No one is perfect, but I try to keep my opinions about Obama separate from the facts.]

Here are some thoughts:

1. My 2004 article on Obama’s religion

I first encountered Barack Obama when he was an obscure state senator in the Illinois legislature. In 2004 I watched with amazement as David Axelrod’s investigative wizardry gave Obama the nomination and eventually the election for U.S. Senator. So I was not surprised when Obama emerged on the national stage in August 2004. But Obama’s “story” about a “goat herd” father and his Kenyan roots did not make sense to me. Still, that was what Obama claimed as his family background.

I picked up the phone, called London and asked, “Do you suppose the FCO has something on Obama’s background?” The eventual response was “yes.” Obama’s grandfather was a wealthy and sophisticated man who had traveled to Europe. His son, Obama’s father, was well educated when he left for Hawai’i. Obama’s grandfather had been linked to the Mau Mau rebellion which sought to end British rule in Kenya. (Obama did not admit to his family’s Mau Mau links until he visited London and disclosed why he loathed Britain.)

In August, 2004 I conducted a news conference in New York to announce the results of my overseas research (link #1 below). I exposed that Obama’s “story” was largely a fraud. Based on Muslim law, which transfers religion from the father to the child, Obama had been born a Muslim. Obama’s father was not an uneducated goat herd but rather the offspring of a wealthy colonial family. I exposed that Obama’s book, “Dreams From My Father,” was largely fiction and urged the publisher to withdraw Obama’s fabrications from the “autobiography” section.

My remarks were duly noted in 2004, but back then few thought Obama would move beyond the U. S. Senate. I continued my research into Obama’s past “just in case.”

When Obama announced he was a presidential candidate in 2007 I published a series of articles under the topic of “Obama Week.” The most profound of those articles was a psychological study of the candidate. That study predicted almost exactly how Obama would react if he reached the Oval Office. My activity did not go unnoticed among Obama’s staff and sycophants. The more I investigated the more I came under criticism and investigation from Obama’s minions.

2. Nicholas Kristof speaks about Islam with Obama

In 2007 New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof, who is very sympathetic to Obama, published a column relating Obama’s religious background while living in Indonesia (link #2 below). As a child Obama had been a practicing Muslim. My original 2004 accusation was confirmed. When Kristof realized his disclosures had boomeranged with the American public he began attacking me and others who raised questions about Obama’s religious heritage (link #3 below). During the 2008 campaign Obama did everything he could to mislead the public about both his religious background and his family history in Hawai’i.

I was the first independent investigator/author to actually go to Hawai’i to start studying public records about Obama. By then, Obama’s press secretary Robert Gibbs had gone on the Hannity and Colmes program and tried to suggest I was an anti-Semite based on ridiculous remarks in a twenty-five year old lawsuit (I am not an anti-Semite; quite the opposite). Gibbs and his mentor David Axelrod play politics Chicago-style, which means phony and dirty. I fired back, Chicago-style. I also published doubts about who Obama’s biological father really was. My doubts remain to this date.

As I continued to write about Obama in 2007 and 2008 some of my readers in the Middle East contacted me and asked me to “go easy on Obama” because “he’s one of us,” a Muslim. I paid no attention to the request but found it strange that Muslims had firmly decided Obama was one of them. Whatever Americans believed or believe today, Muslims have always believed that Obama is a Muslim and that he has never renounced his birth faith.

3. Obama’s bizarre 2009 speech in Egypt

After becoming President Obama went to Cairo and delivered a bizarre speech. The Cairo apologia became the basis for subsequent accusations that Obama was on an “apology tour.” (Obama had also apologized in Turkey before he landed in Egypt.)

In preparation for writing these remarks, I went back and took another look at Obama’s 2009 speech (link #4 below). Obama’s remarks were weird. He spoke of “great tension” between Islam and America. What tension? America had and has no cavil with the religion of Islam. We had no colonial history with Muslims. America was and is logically and justifiably opposed to Islamic extremists.

Obama claimed he was coming to Cairo with a “new beginning.” More peculiar was his admission that he had “known Islam on three continents” before arriving in Cairo. Three continents? “Known” Islam? In his speech Obama also confirmed my 2004 accusation that his family was Muslim. Looking back four years, Obama’s Cairo remarks partake of delusion and self-deception.

Cairo, where Obama made his grandiose remarks in 2009, has since experienced two revolutions, one a generic revolution to throw off a decades-old military dictatorship and a second revolution this month (2013) to throw off the yoke of a budding Islamic dictatorship.

4. The pro-Islamist cocoon in Washington

The reaction of the “foreign policy community” to efforts by Egyptians to free themselves from religious oppression has also been peculiar. The Washington Post seems to be part of Obama’s Islamist cocoon (link # 5 below). It is clear that Obama and his supporters do not want freedom in the Middle East. They want Islamist (not just Islamic) rule over the oppressed peoples of that region.

The idea that Egyptians should rebel against the noxious Islamic regime that was being imposed on them was unacceptable to Obama. Amazingly, the U. S. ambassador in Cairo had become an apologist for the Islamist regime and, not surprisingly, freedom-living Egyptians began attacking our ambassador as a tool and stooge of the Morsi regime.

Obama has triggered a great debate over whether a “coup” has been staged in Egypt. The accusation is nonsense. Cairo’s celebrations have been even more excessive than our own contemporaneous July 4th  festivities. When millions of people come into the streets and demand change, that’s  not a coup. That is the-people-in-action “Internet democracy.”

Egypt is not a well-developed democracy; unfortunately, the military plays a larger role in Egyptian society than officers do in western societies. But the military could not act and did not act without massive public support from the Egyptian “street.” Egyptians live without basic services. Illiteracy is a serious problem. Morsi was more concerned with imposing Sharia than he was with servicing sewers. Good riddance.

5. “The ring”

My unique contribution to the Obama oeuvre was the original research on his family history and religion in Kenya, as well as my disclosures about the candidate’s links to criminal figures in Chicago. My psychological profile was “prophetic” in a political sense. I predicted almost exactly how Obama would react in the Oval Office. But, generally speaking, “I don’t do jewelry.”

Nevertheless, in preparing these comments on the “Islamist in the White House” I went back and reread much of the Obama literature. I came across the “ring” controversy and have given Obama’s “ring” serious review and reconsideration. My evaluation is that Obama’s “ring” is a Muslim ring and that the entire issue of the ring is creepy. I don’t often use the term creepy, because I am someone who cherishes freedom of lifestyle for myself and every American. But when I went back and looked at Obamas “ring” controversy, I could only say “creepy.”

Obama, of course, has a “thing” with rings. He kissed the Saudi king’s ring.

Here are what I believe the undisputed facts. According to the liberal web site (see link # 6 below) Obama was given a ring when he was living in Indonesia. Obama left Indonesia as a ten year-old and never returned. What kind of a “ring” would a mother who claimed to be financially strapped give to a 10 year-old child? The ring became an object of controversy in 2008 when some writers claimed it was an “Islamic ring.” The New York Times (link # 6) stated that Obama wears as his wedding ring  the same Indonesian ring he received as a 10 year-old.

I find it creepy that a ring given to Obama by his mother who claimed to be in financial distress has been retained for forty years and is worn in lieu of a wedding ring. This is such a strange situation that if anyone knows of any married man who wears a ring he received as a child, still wears the ring as a wedding ring in lieu of a gold band, please let me know. I’m not an expert on jewelry.

My honest opinion: the ring is some form of an Islamic symbol, and the ring reflects Obama’s lifetime of reverence for and attachment to Islam.

6. The mystery continues

I chose the title for my 2008 book: “Obama: the Man Behind the Mask.” Since then many writers have adopted the “mask” allusion to raise questions about Obama’s true nature. Controversy continues about who Obama is and what he is (link # 7 below).

Islam is an accepted and protected religion in the United States. Law-abiding Muslims enjoy the same rights as any other law-abiding citizens to worship God as they wish. But there is no question that Islamic extremists have continued to infiltrate the United States. The Somalis in Minnesota and Maine and the notorious Tsarnaev brothers in Massachusetts are merely the tip of the iceberg. Obama’s efforts to “Islamicize” the U. S. Government will be the topic of a future column. Today it is sufficient to state that Obama’s life history makes him an Islamist president. His religious and political views are a threat to U. S. National security around the world.

Obama will not be deposed by an Egyptian-style revolution. But if Americans do not elect a Republican congress in 2014 (and if Republicans do not nominate too many extremist “crazies” as candidates) the last two years of Obama’s term will place every American in extreme danger.


MEDIA CONTACT: (866) 706-2639; CELL (917) 664-9329; E-MAIL:


LINKS TO THIS STORY (cut and paste the entire link below and not just the underlined portion):

Link # 1


Link # 2

Link # 3

Link # 4

Link # 5

Link # 6

(see Part II):

Link # 7



“Andy Martin is revolutionizing journalism… [Andy] brings to online journalism what Rush Limbaugh [brings] to radio or Michael Moore to film: sleek little stories that fit into larger political narratives…”

“The only American journalists that are “standing UP” [to Obama] are, Andy Martin…”


Andy is a legendary New Hampshire, New York and Chicago-based muckraker, author, Internet columnist, talk television pioneer, radio talk show host, broadcaster and media critic. Andy’s family immigrated to Manchester 100 years ago; today his home overlooks the Merrimack River and he lives around the corner from where he played as a small boy. He has forty-five years of background in radio and television. He is the author of “Obama: The Man Behind The Mask” [] and he produced the Internet film "Obama: The Hawaii’ Years” []. Andy is the Executive Editor and publisher of the “Internet Powerhouse,” He comments on New Hampshire, national and international events with more than four decades of investigative and analytical experience both in the USA and around the world. For more, go to:

Andy has also been a leading corruption fighter in American politics and courts for over forty-five years and he is executive director of the National Anti-Corruption Policy Institute. He is currently sponsoring See also;

He holds a Juris Doctor degree from the University of Illinois College of Law and is a former adjunct professor of law at the City University of New York (LaGuardia CC, Bronx CC).


Andy's columns are also posted at

[NOTE: We try to correct any typographical errors in our stories; find the latest version on our blogs.]
© Copyright by Andy Martin 2013 – All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Foreign policy expert Andy Martin says “the Egyptian takeover was prompted by unrest in Turkey”

New Hampshire U. S. Senate candidate Andy Martin, possibly the Republican Party’s most knowledgeable Middle East/Egypt foreign policy expert with actual overseas experience, is standing by in New York to analyze the military takeover in Egypt. “World politics changed today,” Andy says. We have now seen the second generation of ‘Internet Revolution.’ The Egyptian military takeover is a direct result of the unrest in Turkey last month. Not only has Islam suffered a stunning defeat but the Egyptian revolution will probably lead to a fall of the Erdogan dictatorship in Turkey. The mullahs in Tehran must be apoplectic. It is not often you can ascribe ‘tectonic’ to a military takeover. But the removal of the Morsi regime is a stunning defeat for political Islam and for the rising tide of Islamic dictatorships. A ‘Second Arab [Egyptian] Spring’ is beginning; this time the ‘spring’ may lead to genuine democracy in Egypt and throughout the Middle East. The brief experience Egyptians had with an Islamist regime was too much for them; Turkey may be the next nation where the people decide to remove Erdogan’s budding Islamist dictatorship. Politics no longer operates in separate, individualized national spheres. Because of the Internet and social media every nation is interconnected with its neighbors. Particularly in the Middle East, where Egypt is the unofficial leader, the second Egyptian revolution unfolding today is a revolution that will change the face of the region and may reflect that Time to celebrate. the high water mark of political Islam has been reached, and passed,” Andy believes.
NEWS FROM:                                                             
“The Internet Powerhouse”
Andy Martin,  J. D.
adjunct professor of law
executive editor
America’s most respected
independent author/investigator

“Factually Correct, Not Politically Correct”

you can call Andy:
NH   (603) 518-7310
NTL (866) 706-2639

you can email Andy:

you can write Andy by
faxing (866) 214-3210

Blogs/web sites  (partial):

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U. S. Senate candidate and conservative columnist Andy Martin
explains how “Turkey begat Egypt,” and how Egypt may now trigger a removal of the Erdogan dictatorship in Turkey

“The Egyptian generals have come out of the barracks,”
Andy says, “and Islam may be on its way back to the mosque, where it belongs”

“Islam is not the answer,” Andy says

Part II of a continuing series, “Islam is the Enemy”

(New York) (July 3, 2013) 

[Andy’s foreign policy background:

Andy has forty-eight years of experience in Asia, Southwest Asia and the Middle East; he is regarded overseas as one of America’s most respected independent foreign policy, military and intelligence analysts. He is known as an “over-the-horizon” expert who synthesizes conditions to prepare predictive opinions.

Andy first landed in Cairo in 1971; he was in Iran and Afghanistan during the hostage crisis in 1979-80, and has regularly returned to Southwest Asia since then. He lived in Iraq in 2003. His analysis of the terrorist threat in Iran during 1979-80, and again in Iraq in 2003, were leading-edge predictions of what Americans faced in the future. Andy has lived in or been in Israel, Jordan, Libya, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Viet-Nam, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, Burma, Hong Kong and the United Kingdom.]

Andy’s views:

My family first went to Egypt around 130 years ago, during the period of the British and French influence. Near as I can determine (nothing is certain) my great-grandmother lived in Alexandria, Egypt. My grandmother told me my grandfather was an archaeologist before World War I; then he fought in the desert with Lawrence against the Ottomans. My dad also served in the British military and fought the Nazis. So you can imagine I heard a lot about Egypt and the Middle East growing up. I landed in Egypt a few months after the death of President Nasser in 1970.

Here is the bottom line: the overthrow of the Morsi government is a major step forward for democracy in the Arab world. Once again the Obama regime in Washington is making a mess of U. S. foreign policy. Although the “Arab Spring” which reached its high point in Egypt had largely petered out by the time Morsi took office, the underlying currents favoring democratic revolution continued to develop. Educated young Egyptians “did not return to their barracks.” Obama, as usual, looked at the Islamist “trees” Morsi was planting and missed the growing secular pressure building within the Egyptian “forest.”

Here are some thoughts:

1. Is it a “coup” when tens of millions of people rebel?

Wednesday night Barack Obama was quick to threaten the new Egyptian government with a suspension of aid. Obama’s threat was and is a hollow one. The “permanent” U.S. Government will not allow Obama to further endanger our national interests. There is legitimate language in federal statutes that says we will not subsidize military juntas. And properly so. But what do you say when ten or twenty million people reject their leaders and demand a change? That is not a coup. What we have seen over the past few days in Egypt is “Internet democracy” in action.

Have you seen the endless celebrations on TV from Cairo? The Egyptian “revolution” has been just as impressive as American celebrations on the 4th of July. There has not been a “coup in Cairo.” There has been a popular uprising that removed a budding Islamic dictatorship-in-the-making. Let’s share the joy with our Egyptian allies, not make sad faces as they fight for their freedom. Americans are not party poopers. We love it when other countries fight for their own freedom and opportunity. How many U.S. troops were involved in “Operation Egyptian Freedom?” 0. Time to celebrate.

There will be difficult days ahead. Revolutions are never easy even when they appear to begin that way. But political Islam has lost a major battle. Suddenly, the future looks brighter for the people of the Middle East.

2. Who are those people?

I was always irritated when I saw Sean Hannity and the Fox News usuals attacking military aid to Egypt. Why? Because the Egyptian military is a copy of the U.S. Military. Two or three generations of U. S. officers have worked with their counterparts in Egypt. The Egyptian military is a professional military and they are representative of the nation. As in any developing nation, the military’s role is not as limited as it is in our own more established democracy.

But military officers who work together for decades develop a shared sense of mission. They may not be celebrating in the White House tonight, but I do not see any long faces in the Pentagon.

Because Barack Obama doesn’t understand the military culture, and knows nothing about the Middle East, he has a total lack of awareness of what is happening. I doubt Obama even trusts or listens to his military advisers when Islamic issues arise. Obama’s “administration” is not an “administration” at all. It is a collection of campaign hacks who have been placed in politically sensitive government jobs but who have no real world experience and no ability to offer the president any meaningful insight and counsel.

That’s why Obama looked pathetic as he went joyriding across Africa with his family while the world was literally shifting under his feet. He had no sense of priorities, or propriety.

What happened is Egypt is genuinely “tectonic.” Americans have no idea how Egyptian culture and Egyptian governance influence the Arab world. The fact that Egyptians started one revolution, and then another, does not go unnoticed. The fact that Barack Obama is seen as being on the losing side, the Islamist side, will also not go unnoticed. Obama was trying to prop up the Islamists; he failed. (See my column tomorrow: “JULY 4TH: Islam is the enemy, Part III;” Obama, the “Islamist in the White House”

The political hacks who work in the Obama White House have no idea what is happening in the real world. That is why they always appear to be acting like scurrying rats, one day canceling a major part of Obamacare, the next day standing by in stunned silence as the Egyptian people speak and throw off the yoke of Islamic dictatorship.

3. So what triggered the military intervention in Egypt?

In a word, Turkey. The Egyptian military saw how the Turkish military has been Islamized and did not want to suffer a similar fate.

The Egyptian military saw what happened when Turks demonstrated peacefully in Istanbul. Recep Erdogan unleashed the Turkish military against his own populace. During the past decade Erdogan has emasculated the Turkish military and Islamicized the officer corps. Egyptian officers saw that if Morsi was allowed to take control of the military and take control of Egypt, they would have to accept Islamic diktats or be discharged.

The demonstrations in Istanbul were a warning to the Egyptian military, and a catalyst to action. It is no accident that within days of the Istanbul demonstrations the Egyptian military took action to remove the Islamic cabal in Cairo.

Al-Jazeera has been attacked by the Egyptian military as a tool of Islamic domination and propaganda. That may be. But Arab media today are much freer and open than they have ever been. Satellite dishes are widespread, even in Iran where they are banned. Whatever “slant” Al-Jazeera’s news may carry, the network’s pictures tell the real story. The emergence of a second Arab Spring, and the second Egyptian revolution, will be carried to every corner of the Islamic Caliphate.

4. Whose side are we on?

Barack Obama, as usual, is confused, contradictory and on the wrong sided of history. Because of the communications revolution, the Internet, social media and ideas that have not even been invented yet, history is not on the side of political Islam. The mullahs have been a disaster in Iran. The Morsi regime fell of its own weight. In Turkey, so-called “modern” Islam is bumping up against the reality that Islamists now want to start controlling and dictating how ordinary citizens live their lives.

While Islamists use the media as well, their messages go against human nature. People want nicer homes, better food, more entertainment, more education and opportunities for their children. They want to make choices and have options. Political Islam offers none of that. Political Islam largely rejects modern amenities and cultural freedoms.

As long as the Turkish dictatorship offered secular progress and opportunity, Turks remained silent; as soon as the Erdogan regime began to impose rigid Islamist rules on ordinary citizens, and particularly middle class and young Turks, they rebelled. The Turkish rebellion is only smoldering. It could ignite at any time. Obama is on the side of the Islamists, not on the side of ordinary citizens of the world who want more freedom and more opportunity for themselves and their families.

Unlike some, I have no personal antipathy towards Islam. I respect the religion as a religion but believe it should be confined to the mosque and not allowed to dominate city hall. I cannot accept Islam as a “way of life,” where women are veiled, enslaved and subordinated to men, as they are in Saudi Arabia. I am not against Islam as a religion; I am opposed to Islam as a political theology to control peoples’ lives.

5. “Islam is not the answer”

It was New York Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia who famously said “there is no Republican way or Democratic way to clean the streets.” Before the Internet and social media, Islam survived as a “solution” because it had no governing responsibility in the modern world. People were isolated; communications even fifty years ago were nonexistent by today’s starboards. So people could chant “Islam is the answer” without any awareness of what the question was.

When President Morsi took office I knew he would have a rough time even if he “succeeded.” Egyptians are notoriously independent and indifferent to government control. The idea that Egyptians stay awake at night plotting wars against Israel is sheer nonsense. Egyptians stay awake at night partying and enjoying life even given their limited circumstances. Egyptians as a whole are a happy people, not a morose nation. Most Egyptians are Muslims in the same way that most Americans are “Christians.” They follow the religion but it dos not dominate their lives. (There are always exceptions, as the existence of the Muslim Brotherhood and other fundamentalist organizations confirm.)

But before the Internet and social media, Egyptians were cut off from the modern world, and isolated even from themselves. But communications advances have now created the media “revolution,” the “Internet Revolution.” Today’s rebellion in Cairo was the Internet Revolution 2.0.

Dictators can no longer repress their populations in isolation. The populace cannot be kept ignorant. Ordinary Arabs see the “good life” on Al-Jazeera and elsewhere and compare their own poverty and miserable daily conditions. They want better and they want more.

Islamists thought they could create an "Islamic way to clean the streets" and deliver clean water and more jobs. Sadly for President Morsi, Cairo’s streets were not cleaner. Morsi was more interested in imposing his rigid social beliefs than he was in public administration. Morsi was a test case, a failed test case, for Islamic revolution.

Recep Erdogan and Turkey is another test case.

Rather than immediately impose an Islamic dictatorship, Erdogan allowed Turks to have a taste of the good life: increased incomes, improved standards of living. Like the proverbial frog initially being boiled in cold water, Erdogan turned up the Islamic temperature very gradually during the first decade of his rule. Unlike the impatient Mr. Morsi, Erdogan was the epitome of patience.

That is why Erdogan may have succeeded in neutering the Turkish military, for now. But Erdogan’s opposition is building and waiting for its own “Morsi moment”

5. So, what happens with Turkey?

The explosions in Istanbul led to the fall of the government in Cairo. The explosions in Cairo will lead to the fall of the government in Istanbul/Ankara. It is too early to predict whether Erdogan falls by military coup or popular uprising. I suspect his downfall will be a mixture of public demonstrations and a military revolt that begins slowly and catches fire quickly. Ultimately, some part of the army may refuse to shoot Turkish civilians.

What happened in Cairo was unavoidable. What will happen in Istanbul/Ankara is equally unavoidable. Ordinary Muslims do not want to live under an Islamist dictatorship. Muslims may pray, and they may be pious; but they still enjoy privacy and the right to decide for themselves how they live.

Islam is not the answer. Islam is the enemy. Just as generals should be confined to their barracks, Islamists should be confined to their mosques. (The religious right in the Republican Party should also take notice.)

JULY 4TH: “Islam is the enemy, Part III;” Obama, the Islamist in the White House


MEDIA CONTACT: (866) 706-2639; CELL (917) 664-9329; E-MAIL:


LINKS TO THIS STORY (cut and paste the entire link below and not just the underlined portion):
Link #1

Link #2


“Andy Martin is revolutionizing journalism… [Andy] brings to online journalism what Rush Limbaugh [brings] to radio or Michael Moore to film: sleek little stories that fit into larger political narratives…”

“The only American journalists that are “standing UP” [to Obama] are, Andy Martin…”


Andy is a legendary New Hampshire, New York and Chicago-based muckraker, author, Internet columnist, talk television pioneer, radio talk show host, broadcaster and media critic. Andy’s family immigrated to Manchester 100 years ago; today his home overlooks the Merrimack River and he lives around the corner from where he played as a small boy. He has forty-five years of background in radio and television. He is the author of “Obama: The Man Behind The Mask” [] and he produced the Internet film "Obama: The Hawaii’ Years” []. Andy is the Executive Editor and publisher of the “Internet Powerhouse,” He comments on New Hampshire, national and international events with more than four decades of investigative and analytical experience both in the USA and around the world. For more, go to:

Andy has also been a leading corruption fighter in American politics and courts for over forty-five years and he is executive director of the National Anti-Corruption Policy Institute. He is currently sponsoring See also;

He holds a Juris Doctor degree from the University of Illinois College of Law and is a former adjunct professor of law at the City University of New York (LaGuardia CC, Bronx CC).


Andy's columns are also posted at

[NOTE: We try to correct any typographical errors in our stories; find the latest version on our blogs.]
© Copyright by Andy Martin 2013 – All Rights Reserved

Andy Martin Manchester news conference asks: “Where’s Jeanne?” Andy says Jeanne Shaheen is “MIA” on “NSA”

New Hampshire Republican Party leader and U. S. Senate candidate Andy Martin will hold a Manchester news conference today, June 13th to criticize Jeanne Shaheen for being “missing in action, MIA” on “NSA.” “Where’s Jeanne?” Andy will demand while he stands in front of her office. “She has been in hiding. Barack Obama said last week he briefed every senator. I assume that means laggards such as Shaheen were briefed. So she was briefed. But she has said nothing and done nothing. Shaheen is a ‘do nothing’ senator who is totally over her head in the current national security debate. Career politicians such as Shaheen are often lost in the senate, were real policy is made. They are used to being told what to do, or doing nothing. New Hampshire’s voice is being cut by 50% in the great national security debate. It is time for Shaheen to retire and stop being a seat holder.”

NEWS FROM:                                                                                       

New Hampshire Republicans
Not affil. with N. H. Rep. St. Comm.

Andy Martin,  J. D.
executive director
New Hampshire Republicans

you can call Andy:
 (603) 518-7310

you can email Andy:

you can write Andy at:
fax (866) 707-2639, or
816 Elm Street #251
Manchester, NH 03101-2105

Blogs/web sites  (partial):

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New Hampshire Republican leader and U. S. Senate candidate Andy Martin says Jeanne Shaheen is “MIA” 0n “NSA”

Andy says Shaheen says Shaheen should retire because she is not up to the job of being a U. S. Senator

(MANCHESTER, NH) (June 13, 2013) New Hampshire Republican leader and corruption fighter Andy Martin will hold a Manchester news conference today, June 13th to criticize Senator Jeanne Shaheen for being “missing in action” on the “National Security Agency” controversy (MIA on NSA).

“Jeanne is a career politician,” Andy says. “She wants to collect as many public pensions as she can, cash as many paychecks as she can, and enjoy a comfortable life doing as little as possible. The U. S. Senate is no place to retire. We are in the midst of a major national security controversy and Shaheen is MIA on NSA. Last week President Obama said he briefed Shaheen, but there is no word from Jeanne. She is acting as though nothing is amiss and all is well in Washington. You would never know from Shaheen’s silence that the NSA crisis even exists.

“With all due respect, Shaheen should go off to her comfortable, taxpayer-subsidized retirement and allow someone who can represent New Hampshire to speak on behalf of the state. Silence is not golden when Obama is spying on the American people and when Shaheen is doing nothing and saying nothing.

“No doubt Shaheen will say something today after yet another ‘briefing.’ But while Shaheen dithers, NSA continues to spy on every American. Obama is collecting a dossier on every citizen. Shaheen is silent because she is an Obama stooge. She is not a representative of the People of New Hampshire.”

June 13th Manchester News Conference Details:


New Hampshire Republican Party leader Andy Martin


Andy Martin says Jeanne Shaheen is “missing in action” on the “National Security Agency” controversy


1589 Elm Street, Manchester, NH (sidewalk in front of Senator Jeanne Shaheen’s office)


Thursday, June 13, 2013; 5:30 P.M.


ujntsman wasd reelected in November, 2008. A few monrths later he resigned to serve
his president,” Barack Obama. SDo whyh was it so terrible that Palin resigned and Hutsman served evenless of his secondterm? Can I say “double standard” again.

What os this show us? Whetyher thessue s resigfnaitonsor religion,th emedia shamlessly create double standards tgo favr theiiberal medioa pets (fulldisclosure; I am ot aliberalmedia pet).
MEDIA CONTACT: Andy Martin (603) 518-7310; CELL (917) 664-9329

LINKS TO THIS STORY (cut and paste the entire link below and not just the underlined portion):

Shaheen is MIA on NSA


Andy is a legendary New Hampshire, New York and Chicago-based muckraker, author, Internet columnist, talk television pioneer, radio talk show host, broadcaster and media critic. Andy’s family immigrated to Manchester 100 years ago; today his home overlooks the Merrimack River and he lives around the corner from where he played as a small boy. He has forty-five years of background in radio and television. He is the author of “Obama: The Man Behind The Mask” [] and he produced the Internet film "Obama: The Hawaii’ Years” []. Andy is the Executive Editor and publisher of the “Internet Powerhouse,” He comments on New Hampshire, national and international events with more than four decades of investigative and analytical experience both in the USA and around the world. For more, go to:

Andy has also been a leading corruption fighter in American politics and courts for over forty-five years and he is executive director of the National Anti-Corruption Policy Institute. He is currently sponsoring See also;

He holds a Juris Doctor degree from the University of Illinois College of Law and is a former adjunct professor of law at the City University of New York (LaGuardia CC, Bronx CC).


Andy's columns are also posted at

[NOTE: We try to correct any typographical errors in our stories; find the latest version on our blogs.]
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