Friday, July 31, 2020

New Hampshire U. S. Senate candidate Andy Martin welcomes Senator Tom Cotton to New Hampshire with a brief synopsis of the state’s political status. Andy is New Hampshire’s leading political reformer and corruption fighter

Republican U. S. Senate candidate Andy Martin welcomes Senator Tom Cotton to New Hampshire Friday and gives the senator a bird’s eye view of the state. “The Hillsborough County Republican Committee did a great job in bringing the senator to New Hampshire,” says Andy. “Cotton is a bright star in our Republican future. Republicans need to work constantly to broaden our base. We face the proverbial ‘existential’ challenges of Chinese Communist Party diseases as well as criminality. The latest disclosures about NBA torture camps being run in China by American NBA officials are scary, a disgrace to pro basketball. China is the Nazi Germany of the 2020’s. If eternal vigilance is the price of freedom, I feel better knowing Tom Cotton is in the U. S. Senate, where I hope to join him.”

ANDY MARTIN /2020         
Republican for U. S. Senator
New Hampshire
P.O. Box 742
Manchester, NH 03105-0742
Cellphone:  (347) 960-9593
Fax (866) 214-3210

July 30, 2020

Sen. Tom Cotton
U. S. Senate
Washington, DC 20510

Dear Tom:

I want to be among the many who will welcome you to New Hampshire on Friday. The Hillsborough County Republicans are to be congratulated for bringing you to Nashua.

As I was writing this letter you popped up on Fox News exposing the so-called “1619 Project” boondoggle of the New York Times. That the trashy misrepresentation of our history, 1619, won a Pulitzer Prize shows how deeply our nation has been degraded. No tax dollars for the 1619 Project!

New Hampshire is evenly balanced between Republicans, Democrats and independents. In my opinion, the state is now trending Democratic although not everyone agrees with me. The Republican Party is a work in progress. I try especially hard to encourage and motivate Young Republicans to run for office.

Over the past decade I have worked to fight corruption and incompetence in the state GOP. I opposed the selection of the notorious Jennifer Horn as state chairman, but no one listened. Now her name is always associated with “former Republican Party Chairman.” Uggh. I was a prophet without honor in my own party. But Horn is consistent at least. She and her band of pirates who formed the Lincoln Project are as corrupt and malignant as she was in New Hampshire, where she destroyed the Republican Party. I predicted in 2011 she was a Democrat; her endorsement of Joe Biden comes as no surprise.

Nevertheless, New Hampshire is generally a sensible place. We have low taxes and limited government, although the D’s are always pressuring for more taxes and more government.

Because of your principled conservative stands you are one of my heroes in the Senate. But New Hampshire and Arkansas need to work hard to expand our political horizons to a national audience.

I hope you will decide soon enough to become part of the national conversation.

Politics, like warfare, is a pretty brutal business. Even as we strive to reelect our president, we are looking ahead to 2024.

Be brave. Be Bold.

Only a few of our fellow Republicans will be able to make it into the Hillsborough Dinner (sold out). I will be at the earlier reception. I know I speak confidently on behalf of almost all Republicans in joining as one voice to extend a heartfelt welcome as you visit New Hampshire.





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Andy Martin is a legendary New Hampshire-based muckraker, author, Internet columnist, talk television pioneer, radio talk show host, broadcaster and media critic. With over fifty (50) years of background in radio and television and with decades of intelligence, investigative and analytical experience in Washington, the USA and around the world, Andy provides insight on politics, foreign policy, military and intelligence matters. For a full bio, go to: See also;

Andy has also been a leading corruption fighter in American politics and courts for over fifty years and is executive director of the National Anti-Corruption Policy Institute.

He holds a Juris Doctor degree from the University of Illinois College of Law and is a former adjunct professor of law at the City University of New York (LaGuardia CC, Bronx CC).

He is the author of “Obama: The Man Behind the Mask” [] and produced the Internet film “Obama: The Hawaii’ Years” []. Andy is the Executive Editor and publisher of the “Internet Powerhouse,” blogging at and

Andy’s family immigrated to Manchester, New Hampshire over 100 years ago; today his home overlooks the Merrimack River and he lives around the corner from where he played as a small boy. He is New Hampshire’s leading corruption fighter and Republican Party reformer.


Andy’s opinion columns are posted at, and

[NOTE: We try to correct any typographical errors in our stories; find the latest version on our blogs and don’t hesitate to let us know if you find an error.]


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Wednesday, July 29, 2020

New Hampshire U. S. Senate candidate Andy Martin has asked Senator Mitch McConnell to support renewal of the full $600 Coronavirus unemployment benefit. Andy says in the long run federal and state governments will save more money by avoiding the social pathologies of unemployment than they will by reducing the benefit

Republican U. S. Senate candidate Andy Martin has asked Senator Mitch McConnell to renew the full emergency unemployment benefit. “If Republicans diddle around with 20-30 million people who have lost jobs through no fault of their own, the Republican Party will be decimated in November,” Andy says. “But good politics is also good government. The social costs of cutting off assistance to innocent victims of Chinese Communist treachery will dilute the rest of the GOP message from now to November. I still remember the trauma my brother and I felt when we were little boys and our mom lost her job. We were dependent on her unemployment check. We worried constantly about enough food, money for rent, gasoline. The injury of Coronavirus job losses is emotional and familial as well as financial. Under normal conditions I would be against expanding the deficit and national debt. But in an emergency, you take care of the American people first. Like, ‘America First.’ Are you listening President Trump? Do you want to be reelected?”

ANDY MARTIN /2020         
Republican for U. S. Senator
New Hampshire
P.O. Box 742
Manchester, NH 03105-0742
Cellphone:  (347) 960-9593
Fax (866) 214-3210

July 24, 2020

Sen. Mitch McConnell
U. S. Senate
Washington, DC 20510

Dear Mitch:

I am writing to you from the front lines of the battle to save America and save President Trump. I urge you to renew the $600 Covid unemployment benefit. That program has saved our New Hampshire economy.

Republicans nationally can’t brag about an economic recovery, while cutting themselves off by canceling the benefit that caused the upturn.

I know there has been controversy over whether some people did not go back to work. Reality check: there are always some people who will abuse a government program. In NH, full indoor dining has not recovered; many shops are still closed. Across the nation indoor dining has been blocked. Government has usurped the authority of small business owners by ordering a “greater good” closure of their establishments. In my book, that’s a “taking” under the Constitution. So, don’t be cheap with the “giving.”

The reason the special payments are a boon to citizens is that they create massive spending velocity. I am opposed to a “state aid” relief bill. Guess what? The Covid benefit benefits states and localities through the back door. Everyone benefits. The money is distributed; then it moves at “warp speed” to landlords, who pay taxes to local governments. That’s indirect state aid. The money also goes to utilities, grocery stores and other institutions that have maintained the spending that gave us the good economic news last month. If the economy recovers, the benefits become taxable! It’s a win-win situation.

Right now, the virus is challenging us again. Spending is slowing. If you cut the Covid benefit, I suspect you can kiss the senate majority away. People who are being evicted will tear at the heartstrings of the nation, and motivate people to vote against the president and GOP senate candidates.

I am a balanced budget guy and if I come to Washington, I will vote for spending restraint. But not now. We are in a national emergency that was caused by China. The government-ordered shutdowns of major parts of the economy disrupted tens of millions of Americans. How can leaders complain when the generous benefits they approved limited the stress of economic losses?

Do you know how much stress will be triggered if the benefits are ended? A lot. It’s a losing approach. Society will not recoup the unemployment money in savings because there will be other societal breakdowns that cost more, not less, than continuing the generous benefits in this desperate time .

Here's a tactic for you: stick it to the Democrats. Pass a simple bill which only renews the Covid unemployment benefit. Nothing else in the bill. It will be very popular with all Americans. The president will be a winner and the D’s will be stumped. It’s good politics.

Good luck.




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Andy Martin is a legendary New Hampshire-based muckraker, author, Internet columnist, talk television pioneer, radio talk show host, broadcaster and media critic. With over fifty (50) years of background in radio and television and with decades of intelligence, investigative and analytical experience in Washington, the USA and around the world, Andy provides insight on politics, foreign policy, military and intelligence matters. For a full bio, go to: See also;

Andy has also been a leading corruption fighter in American politics and courts for over fifty years and is executive director of the National Anti-Corruption Policy Institute.

He holds a Juris Doctor degree from the University of Illinois College of Law and is a former adjunct professor of law at the City University of New York (LaGuardia CC, Bronx CC).

He is the author of “Obama: The Man Behind the Mask” [] and produced the Internet film “Obama: The Hawaii’ Years” []. Andy is the Executive Editor and publisher of the “Internet Powerhouse,” blogging at and

Andy’s family immigrated to Manchester, New Hampshire over 100 years ago; today his home overlooks the Merrimack River and he lives around the corner from where he played as a small boy. He is New Hampshire’s leading corruption fighter and Republican Party reformer.


Andy’s opinion columns are posted at, and

[NOTE: We try to correct any typographical errors in our stories; find the latest version on our blogs and don’t hesitate to let us know if you find an error.]


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Saturday, July 25, 2020

Manchester News Conference: New Hampshire U. S. Senate candidate Andy Martin will hold a Manchester News Conference Saturday, July 25th to disclose who he believes is Q of QAnon; Andy will also take the Digital Soldier Oath and follow up on his report last week

ANDY MARTIN /2020         
Republican for U. S. Senator
New Hampshire
P.O. Box 742
Manchester, NH 03105-0742
Cellphone: (347) 960-9593
Fax (866) 214-3210


Attention, New Hampshire, Washington, National daybook/assignment and Political editors

News conference details:

Who: U. S. Senate candidate Andy Martin

What: Andy discloses Q identity, takes Digital Soldier Oath

Where: In front of Manchester City Hall, One City Hall Plaza

When: Saturday, July 25, 2020 – 12:00 P.M. (noon)



(MANCHESTER, NH) (July 25, 2020) --- New Hampshire Republican U. S. Senate candidate Andy Martin will hold a Manchester news conference Saturday, July 25th to disclose who he believes is “Q” of QAnon. Andy will also take the Digital Soldier Oath.

“I am not embracing 100% of QAnon,” Andy says. “But I am willing to look at issues on a case-by-case basis. I do believe there is a ‘Deep State,’ or whatever you want to call it. I believe a lot of information is being withheld from the public in an attempt to defeat President Trump for reelection. Only last week did we learn of damaging new data from the FBI. Why did it take 3-1/2 years for the public to learn of the Comey/Mueller conspiracy? What is still being concealed, 100 days before the election?

“I am a lifelong investigator; I want to know everything there is to know. I am perfectly capable of separating fact from fiction. As a senator, I would be a leading investigator in conducting congressional oversight.”

“In my earlier statement last week, I provided a detailed explanation of the QAnon belief system. No one has challenged my analysis. Saturday’s news conference is a follow-up.”


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Andy Martin is a legendary New Hampshire-based muckraker, author, Internet columnist, talk television pioneer, radio talk show host, broadcaster and media critic. With over fifty (50) years of background in radio and television and with decades of intelligence, investigative and analytical experience in Washington, the USA and around the world, Andy provides insight on politics, foreign policy, military and intelligence matters. For a full bio, go to: See also;

Andy has also been a leading corruption fighter in American politics and courts for over fifty years and is executive director of the National Anti-Corruption Policy Institute.

He holds a Juris Doctor degree from the University of Illinois College of Law and is a former adjunct professor of law at the City University of New York (LaGuardia CC, Bronx CC).

He is the author of “Obama: The Man Behind the Mask” [] and produced the Internet film “Obama: The Hawaii’ Years” []. Andy is the Executive Editor and publisher of the “Internet Powerhouse,” blogging at and

Andy’s family immigrated to Manchester, New Hampshire over 100 years ago; today his home overlooks the Merrimack River and he lives around the corner from where he played as a small boy. He is New Hampshire’s leading corruption fighter and Republican Party reformer.


Andy’s opinion columns are posted at, and

[NOTE: We try to correct any typographical errors in our stories; find the latest version on our blogs and don’t hesitate to let us know if you find an error.]


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Wednesday, July 22, 2020

New Hampshire U. S. Senate candidate Andy Martin says that the QAnon movement is spreading widely while leaving few visible signs of its presence; the Republican Party is watching and waiting

Andy will hold a special news conference in Manchester, NH Saturday, July 25th to disclose who he believes is “Q” and also to take the digital soldier pledge.

Republican for U. S. Senator
New Hampshire
P.O. Box 742
Manchester, NH 03105-0742
Cellphone: (347) 960-9593
Fax (866) 214-3210



(MANCHESTER, NH) (July 22, 2020)  

Dear Granite State Voter:

The QAnon movement is largely a mystery. Except that it is not. The Republican Party has been challenged by QAnon supporters. QAnon believers are clearly becoming part of the party “base,” but they are not acknowledged as a movement within the GOP.

The liberal media have taken notice. The New York Times ran an extensively-researched article. (Please see Link [1] below.) The Atlantic conducted an extensive investigation. (Please see Link [2} below.) And after a congressional candidate in Colorado toppled an incumbent, the QAnon link was noted. (Please see link [3] below.)

Liberal media call QAnon a “conspiracy theory.” In part it is. But it is also a rapidly organizing movement that could form the initial citizens’ resistance to the Democrats if President Trump is defeated for reelection.

While QAnon is not a conspiracy theory – it is much to elaborate and complex to be a simple theory – it is a coherent belief system. Belief systems have at least three levels. First, they usually have a factual basis for the beliefs. Second, there is conjecture and speculation surrounding the beliefs. Finally, there are myths that grow around and provide s surrounding layer for the facts and conjectures.

Republicans are of two minds. President Trump has retweeted QAnon postings. But QAnon-themed clothing is not allowed at his rallies. (Please see Link [4] below.)

I don’t think the Republican Party nationally has an official position on QAnon, but as congressional candidates win primaries and appear on the ballot, there is increasing media scrutiny.

QAnon involves a series of interlocking facts and conjectures, including the existence of the “Deep State” and an international pedophile ring among other allegations. QAnon is drawing international attention. Hollywood is under attack.(Please see link [6] below.)

And there is also an element of hokey, Boy Scouterism involved. Recently “Q” issued a “digital solder oath.” Candidates have taken the oath and General Michael Flynn recently “took the
oath” as well.

Because of my decades-long investigative background, and my exposure of Barack Obama’s lies, I am constantly asked, “Who is Q?” In a very loose sense, QAnon can be seen as an inevitable outgrowth of the Obama campaign and Obama’s enduring legacy. There were masses of “conspiracy theories” about Obama. Most were untrue. But some were true. I never published a false fact about Obama. Indeed, it was my fact-based investigation of the Illinois state senator, whom I first encountered in Springfield, that irritated him the most. He could not dismiss me as, of course, a “conspiracy theorist.”

When I began investigating Obama in 2004 almost nothing was known about the man. I issued a prophetic proclamation in August, 2004 exposing his lies. (Please see link [5] below.) My investigative work became the Rosetta Stone for other authors who looked into Obama’s murky truths. And so, the fact that QAnon evenly morphed out of the anti-Obama movement does not surprise me.

To be clear, I do not deal in or traffic in conspiracy theories. I am not a supporter of QAnon, although the digital soldier oath may be a different matter. But I have been exceptionally successful over the decades in separating fact from fiction, and I am doing a deep dive into QAnon. There are facts behind the QAnon movement and there is an underlying basis for the adherents to Q. But there are other aspects of the movement that are not fact-based. I will do my best to separate fact from fiction.

My current primary is bizarre. One of my primary opponents manifests unstable and irrational behavior. The other one is a phony and crook. So, I could end up as the Republican nominee for the U. S. Senate. Would I be a QAnon supporter? You’ll have to wait and see.

We have a follow-up event scheduled for this coming Saturday in Manchester. Stay tuned.




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Andy Martin is a legendary New Hampshire-based muckraker, author, Internet columnist, talk television pioneer, radio talk show host, broadcaster and media critic. With over fifty (50) years of background in radio and television and with decades of intelligence, investigative and analytical experience in Washington, the USA and around the world, Andy provides insight on politics, foreign policy, military and intelligence matters. For a full bio, go to: See also;

Andy has also been a leading corruption fighter in American politics and courts for over fifty years and is executive director of the National Anti-Corruption Policy Institute.

He holds a Juris Doctor degree from the University of Illinois College of Law and is a former adjunct professor of law at the City University of New York (LaGuardia CC, Bronx CC).

He is the author of “Obama: The Man Behind the Mask” [] and produced the Internet film “Obama: The Hawaii’ Years” []. Andy is the Executive Editor and publisher of the “Internet Powerhouse,” blogging at and

Andy’s family immigrated to Manchester, New Hampshire over 100 years ago; today his home overlooks the Merrimack River and he lives around the corner from where he played as a small boy. He is New Hampshire’s leading corruption fighter and Republican Party reformer.


Andy’s opinion columns are posted at, and

[NOTE: We try to correct any typographical errors in our stories; find the latest version on our blogs and don’t hesitate to let us know if you find an error.]


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© Copyright by Andy Martin 2020 – All Rights Reserved

Sunday, July 19, 2020

New Hampshire U. S. Senate candidate Andy Martin says that left-wing demands for a boycott of Goya Foods have prompted a backlash from Americans who are supporting the Latino foods company

Republican for U. S. Senator
New Hampshire
P.O. Box 742
Manchester, NH 03105-0742
Cellphone: (347) 960-9593
Fax (866) 214-3210



(MANCHESTER, NH) (July 20, 2020)  

Dear Granite State Voter:

When I signed on as a U. S. Senate candidate I never expected to be writing about beans, a hill of beans, pinto beans, garbanzo beans, kidney beans. But then I underestimated the stupidity of Sandy Cortez of Westchester County, a/k/a Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of the Bronx, and her fellow traveler former presidential candidate Julian Castro. They are dumb.

The chief executive of Goya Foods, the largest source for Latino cuisine in America (please see link [1] for details), visited the White House recently and praised President Trump. CEO Bob Unanue had previously visited President Obama without any outcry or even notice. But when Unanue extended a reciprocal courtesy to Trump, Ocasio-Cortez and Castro exploded with anger, calling for a boycott of Goya Foods (please see link [2] below). When the president, in response to the left’s boycott, displayed Goya Foods in the Oval Office, the media were quick to claim an “ethics violation” had occurred (please see link [3] below). The ethics attack was complete nonsense.

In my many writings I do not usually list or discuss my grocery purchases. But last week I bought Goya products as part of the “buy-cott” organized by supporters of the Goya Company. I do not believe I ever purchased Goya products before; I am not much of a cook and know little about Latino foods. I grew up in a Greek household and so I gravitate to Greek recipes with, of course, a healthy supply of regular American cuisine (roast beef was on the menu Sunday and occasional junk food). Not surprisingly, I am on a diet.

But I had to make a statement in support of Goya. Every time we have a business person make a few remarks about our president, we can’t have leftist crazies demand that the business executive’s firm be destroyed. It’s insane. Businesses should be welcome visitors at the White House.

Goya Foods is an incredible success story. It began with a small grocery started by immigrants (link [1]). It remains a family-owned firm. The success of Goya Foods should not be controversial or political in any rational universe. Visits by executives to the White House should also be nonpartisan.

But the “cancel culture” being spread by extreme leftists means that every incident, no matter how small, must be escalated into a war against President Trump. Every contact becomes a launching pad for vitriol against the president. Ocasio-Cortez and Castro and their supporters should be ashamed of themselves.

I don’t always agree with President Trump. But I usually ignore the “small stuff” and reflect on the fact he has done an incredible job for the nation. Ironically, on the way to an expected reelection, earlier this year he was betrayed by the Chinese Communist regime that spread its disease into the United States and around the world for the umpteenth time in the past half century. The left’s Goya attacks do not amount to a hill of beans.

Joe Biden actually says it best: Don’t compare him to the almighty; compare him to the alternative. Likewise, I would compare Trump to the alternative, but there isn’t any. Biden regrettably is a mere shadow of himself, and the Democratic Party he seeks to lead no longer exists. Polls which “support” Biden are a complete fraud. Those polled know virtually nothing about Biden. Biden is a chimera.

And so, we start where we began, with a hill of beans. Goya beans. They sell a lot of different varieties.

There probably won’t be any civility between now and November. Nancy Pelosi is becoming increasingly unhinged. The president is subject to the most relentless media attacks I have ever seen, and I will write more about them tomorrow.

But, by buying a few Goya products, and trying out those you like and maybe don’t like, you could respond to the cancel culture of the extreme left that won’t stop rest until it has completely undermined our common heritage and common social norms. How about it? “Go Goya!”

God bless the Goya company. I hope they are even more prosperous as a result of being unfairly pilloried by the “dumbsters” Ocasio-Cortez and Castro. Reasonable people can disagree about some of President Trump’s decisions; but his welcome of the Goya CEO to the White House, and the CEO’s response, is not one of them.




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Andy Martin is a legendary New Hampshire-based muckraker, author, Internet columnist, talk television pioneer, radio talk show host, broadcaster and media critic. With over fifty (50) years of background in radio and television and with decades of intelligence, investigative and analytical experience in Washington, the USA and around the world, Andy provides insight on politics, foreign policy, military and intelligence matters. For a full bio, go to: See also;

Andy has also been a leading corruption fighter in American politics and courts for over fifty years and is executive director of the National Anti-Corruption Policy Institute.

He holds a Juris Doctor degree from the University of Illinois College of Law and is a former adjunct professor of law at the City University of New York (LaGuardia CC, Bronx CC).

He is the author of “Obama: The Man Behind the Mask” [] and produced the Internet film “Obama: The Hawaii’ Years” []. Andy is the Executive Editor and publisher of the “Internet Powerhouse,” blogging at and

Andy’s family immigrated to Manchester, New Hampshire over 100 years ago; today his home overlooks the Merrimack River and he lives around the corner from where he played as a small boy. He is New Hampshire’s leading corruption fighter and Republican Party reformer.


Andy’s opinion columns are posted at, and

[NOTE: We try to correct any typographical errors in our stories; find the latest version on our blogs and don’t hesitate to let us know if you find an error.]


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© Copyright by Andy Martin 2020 – All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

After the Washington Post awards Don Bolduc’s campaign “two Pinocchios” for seeking to mislead and defraud the public, New Hampshire U. S. Senate candidate Andy Martin says it is time for Bolduc to withdraw as a candidate for Senator

Republican for U. S. Senator
New Hampshire
P.O. Box 742
Manchester, NH 03105-0742
Cellphone: (347) 960-9593
Fax (866) 214-3210



(MANCHESTER, NH) (July 15, 2020)  

Dear Granite State Voter:

It looks like Don Bolduc is the most incompetent, or devious, U. S. Senate candidate in New Hampshire history. When he announced his candidacy, I pointed out Bolduc used a convicted stock swindler to narrate his announcement. (Please see link [1] below.) Last year Bolduc suggested Senator Mitch McConnell’s operatives were supporting Bolduc. Where’s Mitch? Mitch dumped Bolduc like a hot potato. (More phony reporting form New Hampshire’s media.)

Earlier this year Bolduc showed a total lack of awareness of the Civil War, a fatal flaw for a retired soldier. (Please see link [2] blow.)

Now the Washington Post, using an exquisite distinction, has awarded two “Pinocchios” (liar’s points) to Bolduc’s “campaign” for using a video associating Bolduc with a military operation, the “Horse Soldiers,” when Bolduc never participated in that operation.

The “Horse Soldiers” were men who fought in northern Afghanistan; a movie was made about them. Bolduc was in southern Afghanistan. He was never part of the actual Horse Soldiers. Yet his campaign issued videos suggesting he was part of the group when he was not.

The Washington Post says Bolduc’s “campaign” has been trying to mislead voters about his service.

You can read the Washington Post for yourself (link [3]). No reasonable person can deny that Bolduc has allowed his “campaign” to mislead the media. In the military, fine distinctions between operations mean everything when it comes to claiming credit for service in actual battles. The men who landed on Normandy Beach on D-Day were unique. If you landed on Normandy Beach two days later, you could not say you landed on D-Day.

To be clear, and as I have said before, I honor Don’s service to the nation and admire him. I have been shot at and targeted in various war zones. I know what Don went through. But his honorable service is not a blank check to be a senate candidate. And no one can hide behind military service to commit campaign fraud as Bolduc’s “campaign” did. The Washington Post distinguished between lies made by Bolduc’s “campaign,” and lies by Bolduc himself. Voters will not make the same fine separation.

Bolduc has no idea how to be a candidate, or run a campaign. In some sense, I feel sorry for him. He is being misused by his supporters and advisers. I warned this would happen, and it is.

Here’s the sad part. Or the shocking part. Neither the Union Leader nor WMUR took notice of the embarrassing national story in the Washington Post exposing their professional gullibility and incompetence because they failed to report on Bolduc’s misleading campaign. The effort by the Union Leader to cover-up the UL’s own journalistic incompetence about Bolduc’s exaggerations speaks for itself about that newspaper’s failure as media.

WMUR’s John DiStaso merely shuffles press releases on his desk and computer; he rarely does any original reporting. DiStaso fell for the Bolduc’s “Campaign” fraud hook, line and sinker.

Can you trust New Hampshire’s home-grown media liars? Hell no. They do more to hide the truth than report it.

As I have said so often. New Hampshire’s media are a disgrace. Over and over again national media have had to come in to New Hampshire to expose local media fraud. Likewise, the efforts by a Bolduc supporter in the Union Leader, Brendan Finn, to rouge up Bolduc’s campaign dishonesty was an ongoing effort to mislead New Hampshire voters. It will not succeed.

Can Bolduc continue his campaign as a retired military hero when his “campaign” has now been exposed as a political fraud? Doubtful. Bolduc has refused to make a full disclosure of how the misleading images in his campaign videos, suggesting he was a Horse Soldier, were photoshopped. Bolduc’s refusal to make the producer of his campaign videos available for searching examination is circumstantial evidence he knows he has been caught in a fraud. But then he also had a convicted stock swindler as a narrator when he announced his candidacy (link [1] below). Bolduc hopes the scandal will blow over. It won’t.

There is a military term for what Bolduc did: stolen valor. Bolduc has a distinguished military career. Why exaggerate his record by claiming credit for an operation where he never served? Because for Don Bolduc, too much is never enough. He can tap dance around the topic all he wants, but he never was a Horse Soldier; his campaign video efforts to suggest he was do an injustice to the many people of New Hampshire who are supporting him. His “defense” claim now that they also used horses in southern Afghanistan is pathetic. They also used asses.

Don Bolduc should apologize and withdraw before he further embarrasses himself. Bolduc’s “campaign” has made Bolduc a later day “Tail Gunner Joe,” another senate candidate who exaggerated his military career.

Is Don Bolduc a serious candidate for the senate? Don’t make me laugh. Are New Hampshire’s media crooked and incompetent? Don’t make me cry.

For shame.



P.S. We have more research on Bolduc to come out in the days ahead; we are behind schedule on our promised “Bolduc Week” exposés. You may be surprised by what we know; Bolduc will be embarrassed.


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Andy Martin is a legendary New Hampshire-based muckraker, author, Internet columnist, talk television pioneer, radio talk show host, broadcaster and media critic. With over fifty (50) years of background in radio and television and with decades of intelligence, investigative and analytical experience in Washington, the USA and around the world, Andy provides insight on politics, foreign policy, military and intelligence matters. For a full bio, go to: See also;

Andy has also been a leading corruption fighter in American politics and courts for over fifty years and is executive director of the National Anti-Corruption Policy Institute.

He holds a Juris Doctor degree from the University of Illinois College of Law and is a former adjunct professor of law at the City University of New York (LaGuardia CC, Bronx CC).

He is the author of “Obama: The Man Behind the Mask” [] and produced the Internet film “Obama: The Hawaii’ Years” []. Andy is the Executive Editor and publisher of the “Internet Powerhouse,” blogging at and

Andy’s family immigrated to Manchester, New Hampshire over 100 years ago; today his home overlooks the Merrimack River and he lives around the corner from where he played as a small boy. He is New Hampshire’s leading corruption fighter and Republican Party reformer.


Andy’s opinion columns are posted at, and

[NOTE: We try to correct any typographical errors in our stories; find the latest version on our blogs and don’t hesitate to let us know if you find an error.]


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© Copyright by Andy Martin 2020 – All Rights Reserved