Independent New Hampshire Republican Party leader Andy
Martin has written presidential wannabe Jeb Bush accepting Jeb Bush’s offer to
“go outside” with anyone who questions the Bush family’s “greatness,”
presumably to resolve the dispute over the Bush family’s failures with
fisticuffs. Andy is leading the opposition to Bush’s presidential campaign and
has vowed to prevent Bush from either being the Republican candidate or being
elected president. Andy charges that behind his veneer of establishment
respectability, Jeb Bush is just a front man for political, governmental and
Wall Street corruption. “The Bush family is not great,” Andy says. “The Bushes
are the greatest disaster to happen to the United
States in the last fifty years.”
Not affil. with N. H.
Republican St. Comm.
Andy Martin, J. D.
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says two failed Bush presidencies and two failed Bush wars are enough
(February 6, 2015 ) Independent
New Hampshire Republican Party leader Andy Martin has written presidential
wannabe Jeb Bush accepting Jeb Bush’s offer to “go outside” with anyone who
questions the Bush family’s “greatness,” presumably to resolve the dispute over
the Bush family’s failures with fisticuffs. Andy is leading the opposition to
Bush’s presidential campaign and has vowed to prevent Bush from either being
the Republican candidate or being elected president. Andy charges that behind
his veneer of establishment respectability, Jeb Bush is just a front man for
political, governmental and Wall Street corruption. “The Bush family is not
great,” Andy says. “The Bushes are the greatest disaster to happen to the United
States in the last fifty years.”
Andy’s letter to Bush follows
(links to claims in the letter are also posted below):
(letterhead removed)
Jeb Bush
and email:
Dear Jeb:
We met in Orlando
a little over 25 years ago. I became one of your earliest opponents way back in
1993 when I criticized you for seeking to profit from family connections by
peddling water pumps in Africa (remember my headline “Andy is ‘pumped up’ about
Jeb Bush’s pump business?). (As a footnote, I actually visited your
grandfather’s U. S. Senate office; I go back a long way with your family.) Later,
you were to abuse the powers of your office to attack me and to seek to rig
elections in Florida .
We also tangled about the disconnect and hypocrisy involving
your public views on drug abuse and the drug addiction of a family member. A
little research on the Internet will produce links to confirm our past history.
While I think you are an agreeable person and would not have a problem sitting
down with you for a chat, I do not believe you are remotely qualified to be
president. I have been startled by what some of my recent preliminary research
has developed about your personal life. I will be disclosing that research in
the days ahead.
At a speech in Detroit
earlier this week, you said:
"I love my dad. In fact, my dad is the greatest man
alive. If anybody disagrees, we'll go outside, unless you're like 6-foot-5, 250
pounds and much younger than me. Then we'll negotiate," he said to
laughter from the audience.
"And I love my brother. I think he has been a great
In a nutshell, you have explained why you are totally unfit
to be the Republican Party’s candidate for president in 2016. You have visibly
linked yourself to two failed presidencies and two failed wars. Now back to the
issue of fisticuffs.
You say that if anybody disagrees your father “is the
greatest man alive” you want to “go outside” and presumably resolve the dispute
with fisticuffs. I accept your offer. And, since we are both roughly the same
age and the same size, I am an ideal opponent for you.
1. The failures of George H. W. Bush (“GHWB”)
I have no doubt you love your dad. Most children, especially
sons, idolize their parents. But by your own admission you are totally unable
to divorce your filial love from an objective understanding of your father’s
abject failure as a president and as a leader.
Your father obtained party support on the promise of “no new
taxes.” He made that promise, and then broke it. “Poppy” Bush was often “out of
it.” He didn’t even know the price of milk while people were suffering through
a recession. GHWB was totally the creature of and lived in the Washington , DC
More devastatingly to his place in history, through his
bungling your father created an unnecessary war that cost tens of thousands of
lives and hundreds of billions of dollars. Your loyalty as a son obviously
blinds you to the reality that GHWB’s State Department implicitly gave Saddam
Hussein a green light to attack Kuwait .
Even when it was obvious Saddam had misread GHWB’s signals, your father did
nothing to stop Saddam’s invasion of Kuwait
(which cost Kuwaiti lives as well as American ones).
Yes, GHWB did organize a collation to undo the mess he had
created. He was lucky in that regard. But the First Gulf War was totally
unnecessary and only became unavoidable because April Glaspie, the U.
S. Ambassador, fed Saddam false
evidence that was never refuted by your father’s administration.
The “greatest man in the world?” Your father is far from it.
In retirement, people have forgotten his leadership failures and focused on his
lovable eccentricities.
The Democrats would like nothing better than to run against
your family’s failures in public office and your irrational, inflated and
totally false claims to “greatness.” GHWB’s failures as a leader in no way
qualify your father for any rational claim of “greatness.”
2. George W. Bush (“GWB”) is the next-to-worst president
You call your brother George W. Bush “a great president.”
Until Barack Obama came along to rescue your brother from being the worst
president of the modern era, your brother was a total and complete failure. GWB
damaged America with
trillions of dollars of unnecessary war costs (over the decades), enhanced the
power of Iran by
destabilizing the Middle East and
created the conditions for the chaos which is still festering today.
When the history of this era is written it will be the utter
incompetence of your brother’s two terms as president that destabilized the
world. The fact that you claim your brother is a “great president” simply
disqualifies you as a credible presidential candidate. Obama is now obviously
the worst president in modern history (as I clearly predicted he would be, way
back in 2007). Your brother is securely second in line for that dubious honor.
GWB was totally unqualified for the presidency and he was
totally unqualified to lead the nation. He blundered into a horrible war based
on false claims and a total lack of a plan or policy for the “day after.” Many
believe GWB started a false war to avenge a slight to your father by Saddam
Hussein. Was/is your brother a ”good guy” in a colloquial sense? I think he is.
I think we could probably sit down and have a cookout and tell jokes and yuck
it up. But not about his presidency (we’d be joking about his successor, off
the record, of course). Sadly, you seem incapable of separating family loyalty
from political reality and the national interest. But then I knew you were a
lightweight way back in 1993.
It is not only Democrats who know you are out of touch with
reality. Republicans are also aware you are nothing but the latest in a long
line of Bush family blowhards that use Wall Street corporate money to purchase
public office to enrich your cronies and impoverish the nation. That you now
claim to be a “born again” populist is a joke. Show me the money! Show me where
in your track record as Florida
governor you went out of your way to help ordinary citizens.
I am leading the effort to deny you any semblance of
credibility for the presidential nomination. If the Republican Party engages in
yet another suicide mission by nominating you, I am prepared to work hard to
see you are not elected president. Two failed Bush presidencies, and two
unnecessary wars, are enough!
By this letter I have now accepted your challenge to “step
outside” because, frankly, your claims that your dad and brother are “great
men” is delusional and poses a severe risk to every honorable and honest
Republican that wants to recapture the White House in 2016.
In the past you have used your political power and public
office to retaliate by harassing and abusing me for exposing your corruption
and conflicts of interest. So I welcome the opportunity to “step outside” or
step inside the ring or do whatever is necessary to deflate your bloated,
insincere and irrational claims about the “greatness” of your relatives and
maybe to beat some common sense into your pampered head.
Collectively, the Bush family has done more than any other
family to undermine and endanger our national security and to devastate our
economic security. Your family obviously has no shame, because despite all the
incontrovertible evidence to the contrary, you continue to claim a false mantle
of “greatness” when precisely the opposite is the reality.
Let’s put on the gloves so you can have at me, and vice
versa. I am happy to sell tickets to our match, and I am happy to donate the
proceeds of the fight to charity. Those proceeds will be the first time the
Bush family has ever done anything to financially benefit ordinary citizens.
LINKS TO THIS STORY (cut and paste the entire link below and not
just the underlined portion):
Andy is a
legendary New Hampshire , New York and Chicago-based muckraker, author,
Internet columnist, talk television pioneer, radio talk show host, broadcaster
and media critic. Andy’s family immigrated to New Hampshire 100 years ago; today his home overlooks
the Merrimack
River and he
lives around the corner from where he played as a small boy. He has forty-five
years of background in radio and television. He is the author of “Obama: The
Man Behind The Mask” [] and he produced the Internet
film "Obama: The Hawaii’ Years” []. Andy is the
Executive Editor and publisher of the “Internet Powerhouse,”
He comments on New Hampshire , national and international events with
more than four decades of investigative and analytical experience both in the USA and around the world.
Andy has been a leading corruption fighter in American
politics and courts for over forty-five years. [] He is
currently sponsoring
See also;
He holds a Juris Doctor degree from the University of
Illinois College of Law and is a former adjunct professor of law at the City
University of New York (LaGuardia CC, Bronx CC).
Andy's columns are also posted at
[NOTE: We try to correct any typographical errors in our stories; find the latest version on our blogs.]
© Copyright by
Andy Martin 2015– All Rights Reserved
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