Thursday, April 9, 2015

Andy Martin charges that New Hampshire GOP leader Jennifer Horn is jeopardizing the 2016 presidential primary by defending a sex fiend

Independent New Hampshire Republican leader Andy Martin says a New Hampshire sex scandal involving U. S. Senator Kelly Ayotte, Jennifer Horn, State Representative Bill O’Brien and Dave Wihby will almost certainly impact the 2016 presidential primary. Horn’s inappropriate behavior defending an accused sex fiend could also inflict lasting damage on both New Hampshire’s presidential primary and the local Republican Party.

David Wihby, a senior staff associate to U. S. Senator Kelly Ayotte, was recently arrested in Nashua in a prostitution sting. Ordinarily the actions of the Nashua Police Department’s “Prostitute Squad” would not have national implications. But Andy explains why the sex scandal and Horn’s belligerent and incompetent behavior is reopening old wounds and creating party fissures that will seriously impact the 20216t presidential primary.

New Hampshire Republicans
Not affil. with N. H. Republican State Committee

Andy Martin,  J. D.
executive director
New Hampshire Republicans

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Andy Martin says that Jennifer Horn’s attacks on State Representative Bill O’Brien are certain to impact the 2016 presidential primary

Andy says Horn‘s corruption and incompetence as a state party leader will make a mess of the 21016 presidential primary

Andy says Horn is jeopardizing the integrity of New Hampshire’s “first in the nation” primary and should resign as state chairman

Andy says Horn’s corruption and incompetence cost New Hampshire Republicans a 2014 U. S. Senate election victory

Andy once again defends free speech in the New Hampshire Republican Party

(Honolulu, HI) (April 10, 2015) Let me begin by stating some basics: [1] I am not a friend or supporter of State Representative Bill O’Brien. [2] I am an admitted political opponent of New Hampshire Republican State Chairman Jennifer Horn. [3] I am not an opponent of U. S. Senator Kelly Ayotte but I generally view her record favorably. [4] I am in all probability New Hampshire’s leading (only?) political and governmental corruption fighter.

Ironically, I am in Honolulu this week and part of next week investigating a prostitution arrest connected to President Barack Obama (more to come on that important story as my investigation in Honolulu proceeds).

So what caught my attention? A prostitution arrest back home in New Hampshire because that arrest will almost certainly affect the outcome of the 2016 presidential primary.

David Wihby, the “state director” for U. S. Senator Kelly Ayotte (see multiplicity of links below) was arrested by the Nashua Police Department in a prostitution sting. Usually a local prostitution arrest would not trigger national implications. But the “secondary explosions” following the arrest of local powerhouse David Wihby do have national implications for the 2016 presidential primary and perhaps even for primaries after that one. Allow me to explain. (I will also be providing coverage in greater depth on this issue during the next few days as we approach a “First in the Nation” presidential candidate event April 18-18 in – where else? – Nashua. (Hopefully no candidate will be caught by the NPD’s “Prostitution Squad” during the “FITN” event.)

I worked in the U. S. Senate and have been a follower of the senate and national politics for half a century. One of the cardinal rules for U. S. Senators is that they should not intrude in local politics and party primaries because such local meddling can cost them support and ultimately reelection. Ayotte has been a decent senator, not excellent but decent, but her lack of prior elected political experience and her constant meddling in New Hampshire GOP internal politics and primaries could cost her reelection in 2016.

In 2014, Ayotte supported Horn’s maneuver to import an out-of-state candidate, Scott Brown, for the U. S. Senate. The tactic backfired. Conservatives rebelled. In late 2014 Ayotte again backed Horn during an internal battle over who would become speaker of the state house of representatives after Republicans took control in Concord in 2014. The majority of the caucus supported State representative Bill O’Brien but Horn and Ayotte backed his opponent. O’Brien was stabbed in the back when the supporters of Horn and Ayotte supported an anti-O’Brien candidate for speaker, and the Democrats ended up choosing the speaker for a Republican majority. Understandably, O’Brien is still rankled by what happened only a few months ago.

Horn has been attacking me since 2011 and so I have no more love for her than Bill O’Brien does.

Earlier this week O’Brien issued an attack on Ayotte for her poor choice of senior staff member in Wihby. End of story? Not at all. Horn then attacked O’Brien for attacking Wihby and herein lies the crux of the conflict for 2016 and thereafter.

Horn likes to talk about “party unity.” But Horn is functionally an idiot. Horn has done more to spread GOP party disunity than anyone else in New Hampshire. For Horn, “party unity” is a one way street, and she owns the street. Not surprisingly, conservative and pro-integrity Republicans such as me are opponents of Horn and her one-way demands for party unity.

Horn said O’Brien’s critical remarks about Ayotte and Wihby were “extremely disappointing and beneath the dignity of his public office.” Defending Ayotte and Wihby, Horn said everyone should be praying for the “john” and his “recovery.”

I am not defending O’Brien. He is fully capable of defending himself. But I am defending free speech for New Hampshire Republicans, this time Bill O’Brien’s. Last month Horn attacked U. S. Senator Ted Cruz, seeking to limit his free speech; I also defended Cruz’s right to speak his mind.

Horn recently obtained national publicity when Governor Scott Walker had to avoid her home due to a dog allergy. How many presidential candidates are going to want to be seen with Horn or by her side when she is creating intra-party conflicts and reopening wounds, thereby becoming toxic to local Granite State Republicans? How many? Not many. And how many candidates are politely going to go out of their way to avoid Horn? Very many.

I am going to have a lot more to say about Jennifer Horn’s toxicity in the next week. Horn is a disgrace to the New Hampshire Republican Party. And because she continually keeps insulting loyal Republicans, seeking to rig state primaries and prefer one candidate over another to promote her own self-interest, she is going to negatively impact the 2016 presidential primary. Other states are only too willing to pounce on New Hampshire’s “first in the nation” status. If Horn keeps making New Hampshire a place where state leaders – who are supposed to be neutral – keep attacking loyal local Republicans with whom they disagree, New Hampshire is going to become a primary pariah in the future. Horn made a lifetime enemy of me in 2011 (all while her son was driving drunk along the state’s highways, potentially killing someone and while Horn has IRS tax liens on her home; she is the complete hypocrite) and Horn is making new enemies of Granite State Republicans every day.

Bill O’Brien was the choice of a majority of his caucus. He was screwed by Horn & Co. Any presidential candidate who allows himself or herself to be featured with Horn is likely to become toxic to O’Brien and other conservatives. I am not perfect, O’Brien is not perfect. Horn is not perfect. If we were able to sit down and work out our differences without dirty dealing and backstabbing perhaps we could. But because Horn persists in repeatedly screwing us and many, many other Republicans she is single-handedly destroying the Republican Party in New Hampshire and ensuring ongoing Democratic Party dominance.

Jennifer Horn? She is “First in the Nation” among corrupt and incompetent state Republican Party leaders. Need I say more about what this bodes for the 2016 presidential primary and beyond? And so, an obscure prostitution arrest of an obscure individual will almost certainly have an impact in the 2016 New Hampshire presidential primary. Any presidential candidate seen with Horn will be toxic to loyal New Hampshire Republicans.

LINKS TO THIS STORY (cut and paste the entire link below and not just the underlined portion):

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One author has called Andy the “big kahuna” of the anti-Obama movement. Another said “Andy Martin is revolutionizing journalism… [Andy] brings to online journalism what Rush Limbaugh [brings] to radio or Michael Moore to film: sleek little stories that fit into larger political narratives…”
“The only American journalists that are “standing UP” [to Obama] are, Andy Martin…”

Andy is a legendary New Hampshire, New York and Chicago-based muckraker, author, Internet columnist, talk television pioneer, radio talk show host, broadcaster and media critic. Andy’s family immigrated to Manchester 100 years ago; today his home overlooks the Merrimack River and he lives around the corner from where he played as a small boy. He has forty-five years of background in radio and television. He is the author of “Obama: The Man Behind The Mask” [] and he produced the Internet film “Obama: The Hawaii’ Years” []. Andy is the Executive Editor and publisher of the “Internet Powerhouse,” He comments on New Hampshire, national and international events with more than four decades of investigative and analytical experience both in the USA and around the world. For more, go to:

Andy has also been a leading corruption fighter in American politics and courts for over forty-five years and he is executive director of the National Anti-Corruption Policy Institute. He is currently sponsoring See also;
He holds a Juris Doctor degree from the University of Illinois College of Law and is a former adjunct professor of law at the City University of New York (LaGuardia CC, Bronx CC).


Andy’s columns are also posted at

[NOTE: We try to correct any typographical errors in our stories; find the latest version on our blogs.]

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