Monday, June 30, 2014

Can New Hampshire Republicans take Jim Rubens seriously as a candidate for U. S. Senator?

New Hampshire U. S. Senate candidate Andy Martin is a recognized expert on Iraq and the Middle East. Andy lived in Iraq in 2003. Andy was a critic of the Bush/Cheney invasion, a critic of the occupation and critic of Barack Obama’s withdrawal. Andy did support the “surge” in 2007 as the only means of bringing some sanity to the conflict. Jim Rubens is now writing crack-pot guest columns for small town New Hampshire newspapers. Rubens suggests that Americans should essentially withdraw from the Middle East and allow a Muslim Caliphate to be established in the region between Syria and Iraq. This is not the first time Rubens has published grossly incompetent foreign policy views (another column is coming). Andy says Rubens can no longer be taken seriously as candidate for U. S. Senator.

News from:
Andy Martin
Republican for U.S. Senator

you can call Andy:
(603) 518-7310
(603) 866-4343

you can email Andy:

you can write Andy at:
fax (866) 214-3210, or
P. O. Box 742
Manchester, NH 03105-0742

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Republican U. S. Senate candidate Andy Martin says that Jim Rubens’ “foreign policy analysis” on Iraq is wacky

Andy says small town newspapers are publishing Ruben’s crackpot analysis of the Iraq conflict without any debate or response

Andy lived in Iraq in 2003 and is an expert on what went wrong

Andy says that despite being a nice man, Rubens cannot be taken seriously as a U. S. Senate candidate because Rubens’ views are on the far left of the Democratic Party

(Manchester, NH) (July 1, 2014) 

Dear Republican:

Whenever I start commenting about Jim Rubens I usually preface my remarks by saying I have met Mr. Rubens and he is a decent and honorable man. I do so again today before providing the following criticism of one of Mr. Rubens’ bizarre foreign policy pronouncements. My remarks are obviously a little long; but please bear with me as we consider serious issues and the danger to America posed by political candidates that spew forth opinions without any valid information to back them up.

Jim Rubens has published a column of his crackpot ideas and solutions for the Middle East. The same column has appeared in several small town newspapers (see the links below; the column is the same in each newspaper).

Before we analyze Rubens’ views on Iraq, let’s start with the obvious. Rubens has no foreign policy experience. He left local Hew Hampshire politics in 1998 and took a sixteen year vacation from public issues to make money as a Mitt Romney-style Wall Street stock speculator. Ok.

By comparison, I have extensive experience in the Middle East and lived in Iraq in 2003. While Jim Rubens has never published any analysis prior to becoming a candidate you can dig back into my published statements and find that I have consistently and accurately analyzed and predicted the future of that region.

1. Background to the 2003 Iraq invasion

At the bottom of these remarks is a separate synopsis of my foreign policy experience. I was in New York on September 11, 2001 and saw the attack on that city. Later I went downtown to help. I will never forget the chaos.

In response to 9/11 President Bush launched a counterattack against Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan. I strongly supported Bush’s actions. Al-Qaeda was headquartered in Afghanistan so it made sense to attack the rats’ nest.

But Bush had no experience in foreign policy and he soon came under the evil influence of Dick Chaney. Cheney wanted to attack Iraq because of Cheney’s priorities, not America’s. As recently as June, 2014, Cheney is still lying on Fox News and falsely claiming that Iraq was linked to 9/11. Cheney’s claim is a joke. Cheney manipulated Bush into retaliating against Iraq when Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11.

When it became obvious that Bush had been inveigled into attacking Iraq, I wrote against his plans and marched against the proposed invasion. I knew that an invasion of Iraq would be a disaster for the United States and would also endanger the survival of the State of Israel. In de facto exile today, Bush still believes that history will take a kinder view of his Iraq policy. Mr. Bush will be even more excoriated and reviled by history that he has been in the present because of his disastrous Iraq policy. Fortunately for Bush, his incompetence will always be laminated together with that of his successor, Barack Obama, the two most incompetent presidents in American history.

In a perverse way, Iraq’s criminal leadership, led by psychopath Saddam Hussein and his psychopathic sons, served our interests. Saddam was clearly a bulwark against expansion of Iranian power into southern Iraq. One could see that if Saddam fell, Iran would fill the vacuum. Saddam fell and Iran moved into southern Iraq.

It is important to restate these facts because Cheney continues to lie and continues to distort the reality of what existed in March, 2003 when the invasion of Iraq was launched. Bush had permitted a suicide mission for America to begin.

2. Andy drives into Iraq the week Saddam Hussein disappears

Hours after Saddam fell in 2003 I began preparations to go Baghdad. I arrived there a few days after the collapse. No one knew what would happen to Iraq. The United Nations had hundreds of trucks loaded with emergency supplies on the Jordanian border; they were unnecessary. Iraqis muddled through. There were claims of mass starvation. Rations were short, but few, if any, starved.

I will give Dick Cheney one correct prediction. He has always said that we would be “greeted as liberators.” And he was right. We were. Sadly, Bush/Cheney fumbled away the welcome we received and turned smiles into frowns. The Iraqi’s acquiescence to our invasion was tentative, provisional and based on a “show me” attitude as to what would come in the days ahead.

I was near the city of Kufa the day General Jay Garner arrived in Iraq (we had been living in Baghdad for weeks, but the U. S. said the city was too “dangerous” for our military commander.) The single biggest mistake Bush/Cheney made was removing General Garner and replacing him with Paul Bremer. Garner knew the Middle East. Bremer knew nothing.

3. Andy becomes unpopular in the Green Zone for highlighting American incompetence

I very soon began to criticize the incompetence of the occupation. With each passing day, the military command - under the control of “conservative” commissars from Washington - began to squander the good will America had received in April. The American response to everything was to build a wall, create a security perimeter and set up a checkpoint, when the opposite was needed.

Iraq slowly came back to life. But it was Iraqis restarting their own economic engines, not assistance from the Green Zone. Bush/Cheney did nothing but send their conservative munchkins into Iraq to remake the country.

I did what I had always done; I built a network of friends and informants across the city and later across the country. When my source in the hotel told me there were Ghurkas guarding the 13th floor, my lady friend and I left the hotel and moved into an apartment. Shortly thereafter the hotel was rocketed. Even in a “war zone,” normality soon returns. Almost every day I walked into downtown Baghdad to buy pastries, foods and other necessities, and to take the temperature of the city.

One reporter asked me if I was the unofficial “mayor of Baghdad.” I smiled.

When soldiers guarding the hotel asked me to help one of “my” puppies survive, I managed to find a veterinarian. The army colonel in charge of downtown Baghdad and I became friends. But at the top of the U. S. presence, in the “Green Zone,” which I quickly called the “Emerald City,” my criticism of Mr. Bremer did not win me any friends.

4. Andy supports the “surge” in 2007 as the only way to bring the horrible mistake to some conclusion

As the years dragged on and the United States had no genuine Iraq policy, the occupation, of course, turned into a disaster. I supported the “surge” in 2007 as the only way to restore order and create an exit strategy.  

At this point let me be crystal clear: I had vigorously and vehemently opposed the 2003 invasion. But once the invasion was over, in the unforgettable words of Colin Powell, “if you break it you own it.” And so, despite my strong opposition to the 2003 invasion, I was constantly forced to evaluate options for ending the occupation and continuing a policy that would allow Iraq to survive and evolve. That was why I supported the surge. Order had to be restored.

5. Andy opposes Barack Obama in 2008; where was Rubens?

I knew that Barack Obama would undo the tranquility America had finally established in Iraq. And so, as an analyst, I initially opposed Obama’s campaign for the presidency. Later, because the McCain campaign collapsed and the Republican Party became paralyzed by indecision and incompetence, by default I moved into the role of an anti-Obama strategist. And, the more prominent I became as an opponent of Obama, the greater the attacks he directed at me.

Where was Jim Rubens in 2008? (Hint: making money on Wall Street) Where was Bob Smith? (Hint: sadly, we know; Smith was engaged in some ditsy scheme in Florida). I was on the front lines of opposing Obama. My 2014 primary adversaries were “missing in action.”

6. Obama delivers Iraq to Islamic extremists on a silver platter

After taking office Obama delivered Iraq to Islamic extremists and Iranian ayatollahs. It was inevitable that if U. S. Forces fell below adequate levels, the country would shudder and eventually collapse. Which it has. Obama accepted Nouri Al-Maliki, originally enthroned during the Bush regency. Al-Maliki promptly began to destroy national unity on behalf of - surprise - Iran. (Al-Maliki had lived in Iran and was an Iranian stooge from the gitgo.)

7. Rubens’ analysis of the current situation in Iraq is idiotic

Jim Rubens has published comments in several New Hampshire newspapers saying Iraq is a lost cause and we should just walk away and accept the creation of a Muslim caliphate. Surprise! As I was writing these remarks, the “ISIS” terrorists “officially” proclaimed an Islamic caliphate (see Washington Post link below).

Adding to the Marx Brothers comedy aspects of matters in Baghdad, the Russians have now appeared with ancient fighter jets and helicopters. And Obama is still studying the situation.

If Rubens were a senator, his views on Iraq would be on the far left of the Democratic Party, in bed with Obama. Rubens talks of opposing “American boots on the ground.” Only he fears such a possibility; no one is advocating a new invasion. Rubens says the Shiites “do not want American troops in Iraq.” But contrary to Rubens’ claims, other groups do. Now the Shiites are demanding America return to Iraq with weapons and expertise. So Rubens is wrong again.

Already the Iraqi military is claiming that newly-arrived U. S. advisors have begun to have an impact on the Iraqi counterattack against ISIS forces. Jim Rubens is very misinformed, and he has been misinforming Granite State voters. Rubens’ comments on Iraq, like his remarks on other crucial issues, have betrayed that Rubens may be a “Republican” in name but his actual views fall on the far left of the Democratic Party.

8. A very important role of a U.s. Senator is to evaluate foreign policy

As I write these words Monday morning I don’t know what challenges a senator will face starting in 2015. Obviously, the Russians are a problem. China? A big problem. The newly-proclaimed “Islamic State?” A massive problem. Iran? You know.

What I do know is that when people go to Washington without any knowledge of or experience with foreign policy, intelligence and military affairs, they quickly fall under the control of lobbyists and special interests (as Scott Brown did in 2010).

You have just read my foregoing analysis. Whether you agree or disagree with my views or conclusions, obviously I have thought deeply about the problems we face in the Middle East. I have the experience to deal with them. Do Rubens, Smith and Brown have any credible experience?  No. Voting for one of them you are voting for inexperience and incompetence to determine the future of America’s foreign policy.

9. The New Hampshire and local media are robbing voters of a genuine primary debate over foreign policy

I welcome the opportunity to debate Rubens, Smith and Brown. But Brown, according to a report by Kathleen Ronayne in the Concord Monitor (see link below) is trying to “starve his opponents of oxygen.” Unfortunately, in starving his opponents of “oxygen,” and trying to deaden the primary campaign, Brown is also starving New Hampshire’s Republican and Independent voters of the real debate they deserve. Brown is impoverishing the political process and allowing incompetent opinions such as Rubens’ to flourish without any rejoinder.

Thanks to corrupt local media and the utterly corrupt and incompetent New Hampshire Republican Party leadership,      voters are being deprived of a genuine primary.

10. Rubens’ proposals would mean the end of the state of Israel
If Jim Rubens’ views and Scott Brown’s (and probably Bob Smith’s views as well) prevail in Washington, Israel is doomed. 

Because she is an ignoramus, Jennifer Horn loves to run around New Hampshire falsely attacking me as anti-Semitic. On the contrary, I am the only intelligent and informed supporter of Israel in the primary. Eleven (11) years ago, I predicted that if America invaded Iraq, both America and Israel would be losers. I was correct. Who is stronger today? Islamic extremists and Iran, or America and Israel?

I am a genuine supporter of Israel because I am familiar with the challenges Israel faces if it is to survive. If the Islamic extremists that Jim Rubens and many others want to ignore do establish a radical Islamic “state,” a “caliphate” in Syria and Iraq (which as of Sunday they now claim to have done), Israel could be doomed.

In some form or fashion the United States can muddle through a collapse of the Middle East. Israel does not have that option. If you are truly a supporter of Israel, then you need to send someone to Washington who understands the risks involved and the path to survival for Israel. I am the only candidate who can work to ensure the survival of Israel. It’s that simple.
11. Conclusion

To summarize, George Bush made a tragic miscalculation in 2003 when he invaded Iraq. Bush was betrayed by his closest associates. But by the time Bush left office, he had cleaned up much of his mess. He left a relatively stable situation behind for Barack Obama.

Obama took a stable situation and has created an even bigger mess and a much more dangerous situation than Bush. Obama’s incompetence, or intentions, have now led to the creation of an alleged radical Islamic “state” at the center of the Middle East. Cleaning up Obama’s mess will be a great challenge; we can’t trust people such as Rubens, Smith and Brown to take on this task.

I hope that you will think seriously about the foregoing facts and opinions. Once again, as it has done in the past, the New Hampshire Republican Party is defrauding Granite State voters by promoting candidates that are both manifestly unsuited to campaigning against Jeanne Shaheen and highly unlikely to vote in an informed and intelligent manner in Washington. Scott Brown knows nothing about foreign policy and Jim Rubens is a dingbat on the issue.

If you vote for one of my incompetent opponents, do not complain afterwards when you get incompetence in Washington. The lives of our men and women in uniform serving abroad, and the very survival of our way of life here at home, are in jeopardy.

I respectfully ask you to give my credentials and qualifications serious consideration.



P.S. After finishing thee above remarks I noticed that on Sunday Tom Friedman in the New York Times also debunked Rubens’ fallacious beliefs about Shiites and Sunnis (there is a link below).


[How Andy became a foreign policy/military/intelligence and counterterrorism expert:

Andy has forty-nine years of experience in Asia, Southwest Asia and the Middle East; he is regarded overseas as one of America’s most respected independent foreign policy, military and intelligence analysts. He is known as an “over-the-horizon” expert who synthesizes conditions to prepare predictive opinions.

Andy first went to the Arab world in 1970 and has traveled to almost every country in that region. Andy was in Iran and Afghanistan during the hostage crisis in 1979-80. He lived in Iraq in 2003.

His analysis of the terrorist threat in Iran during 1979-80, and again in Iraq in 2003, were leading-edge predictions of what Americans faced in the future. Andy has lived in or been in Israel, Jordan, Libya, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Viet-Nam, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, Burma, Hong Kong and the United Kingdom.]


ujntsman wasd reelected in November, 2008. A few monrths later he resigned to serve
his president,” Barack Obama. SDo whyh was it so terrible that Palin resigned and Hutsman served evenless of his secondterm? Can I say “double standard” again.

What os this show us? Whetyher thessue s resigfnaitonsor religion,th emedia shamlessly create double standards tgo favr theiiberal medioa pets (fulldisclosure; I am ot aliberalmedia pet).
MEDIA CONTACT: Andy Martin (603) 518-7310; CELL (603) 866-4343 or (917) 664-9329 E-MAIL:

LINKS TO THIS STORY (cut and paste the entire link below and not just the underlined portion):


Andy is a legendary New Hampshire-based muckraker, author, Internet columnist, talk television pioneer, radio talk show host, broadcaster and media critic. Andy’s family immigrated to Manchester 100 years ago; today his home overlooks the Merrimack River and he lives around the corner from where he played as a small boy. He has forty-five years of background in radio and television. He is the author of “Obama: The Man Behind The Mask” [] and he produced the Internet film "Obama: The Hawaii’ Years” []. Andy is the Executive Editor and publisher of the “Internet Powerhouse,” He comments on New Hampshire, national and international events with more than four decades of investigative and analytical experience both in the USA and around the world. For more, go to:

Andy has also been a leading corruption fighter in American politics and courts for over forty-five years and he is executive director of the National Anti-Corruption Policy Institute. He is currently sponsoring See also;

He holds a Juris Doctor degree from the University of Illinois College of Law and is a former adjunct professor of law at the City University of New York (LaGuardia CC, Bronx CC).


Andy's columns are also posted at

[NOTE: We try to correct any typographical errors in our stories; find the latest version on our blogs.]
© Copyright by Andy Martin 2014 – All Rights Reserved

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Andy Martin has asked U. S. Senator Kelly Ayotte to join him in fighting to stop the fixed/rigged 2014 U. S. Senate primary

New Hampshire GOP U.S. Senate candidate Andy Martin has asked U. S. Senator Kelly Ayotte to join in the fight to end dirty tricks and candidate harassment by Jennifer Horn in the 2014 senate primary. Ayotte herself is up for reelection in 2016. “I am committed to supporting the winner of a free, open and fair primary,” Andy says. “I am not committed to respecting the results of a fixed and rigged primary, particularly one corrupted by Chairman Jennifer Horn who, due to her IRS liens and problems, is under the virtual control of Obama’s IRS. Scott Brown is increasingly viewed as a sure loser and everyone recognizes that fact. So why rig the primary in Brown’s favor? Let’s have an open and fair primary and everyone can then get behind the winner.” Andy’s letter to Senator Ayotte follows as both an email and attachment [a couple of minor editing changes have been made to the original letter].

Andy Martin
Republican for U.S. Senator

you can call Andy:
(603) 518-7310
(917) 664-9329

you can email Andy:
you can write Andy at:
fax (866) 214-3210, or
P. O. Box 742
Manchester, NH 03105-0742

Blogs/web sites  (partial):

June 24, 2014

Senator Kelly Ayotte
United States Senate
Washington, DC 20510

Re: Unlawful actions of Jennifer Horn damaging my campaign

Dear Senator Ayotte:

I have been thinking about sending this letter for several weeks. What precipitated actually writing the letter was the contretemps last week generated by Jennifer Horn’s latest ploy to promote Scott Brown: a letter demanding a “loyalty oath” from his opponents. Initially two candidates refused to sign. I went to the mailbox to look for my copy of Horn’s loyalty letter and there was none there. Horn does not recognize me as a Republican Party candidate.

Who is Jennifer Horn to tell people I am not a Republican? What empowers her to seek to degrade a candidate for the same office you hold?

Before Horn further endangers New Hampshire Republicans and ultimately drags your own office into the cesspool of her activity I wanted to offer you an opportunity to intervene for the good of the party.

Let me state what is not involved. Private citizens and ordinary Republicans are free to “endorse” whom they want. I have no problem with that. But the party By Laws preclude Horn from using either her office or the party or the party’s staff to promote a candidate in a primary election. Horn has egregiously violated both the By Laws and also New Hampshire state law.

     1. What the Republican Party By Laws provide   

          This is what the Party’s By Laws provide

No officer of the State Committee as defined in Article II,
Section 2, shall participate in any primary contest on behalf
of any candidate for a Republican nomination. They shall remain
strictly neutral in any such primary contest.

Jennifer Horn has shamelessly been promoting Scott Brown for months. She has actively supported Brown and she has actively endeavored to destroy my campaign by seeking to deny I am a Republican. She has also used the Executive Director to bully local committees into refusing to recognize my candidacy.

Horn’s actions, as well as those of Matt Mowers, had the direct intention of hurting my campaign and benefiting Brown’s. The party’s use of the term “strictly neutral” in the By Laws embodies a clear and unequivocal commitment to fair and open primaries.

There is no question Horn is violating the party’s By Laws. Apparently she is trying to provoke a lawsuit. But lawsuits, while useful, are not the only means of payback for corrupt party officials.

     2. My history as a Republican

          I have been a Republican corruption fighter for decades. My work over the years has taken me around the U.S.A. Everywhere that I lived I became active with the Republican Party. Despite the fact that I have always sought to encourage the party to live up to its stated ideals, Republicans have always treated me fairly:

          A. In 1998 I almost won the U. S. Senate nomination in Florida. I carried the state’s largest county, Miami-Dade with 68% of the vote. I held the winner of the statewide race, Charlie Crist, to a draw with the exception of Crist’s home TV market, Tampa. Until Crist was later elected governor, no Republican ever received more votes against Crist than I did.

          B. In Illinois I exposed Mark Kirk as a military fraud. Kirk was forced to admit he had fabricated much of his military career. My political opponents have posted clips of me debating in Chicago, unlike New Hampshire a major national market. Obviously, I was also treated reasonably by the media. Look at note 1 below if you want to see the clips.

          C. I was the first Republican to investigate Barack Obama’s family history, and to expose his fabrications. I played a major role in the 2008 presidential election, particularly after your friend John McCain collapsed and all but surrendered the campaign to Obama, see note 2 below.

My biography, credentials and accomplishments rival or surpass those of any other candidate in the senate primary. And, unlike the senate candidate you are currently supporting, who has an extensive history of sleazy business activity, I have always been devoted to public integrity, not public corruption.

     3. Horn’s harassment campaign against me

          Beginning in 2011 Jennifer Horn has exhibited an obsession with attacking me. Acting as Jack Kimball’s poodle, she went on the radio in February, 2011 and attacked me for exposing Barack Obama’s lies. That bizarre attack confirmed for me that Horn was not very intelligent and not very tightly wound. For Horn to attack a Republican for writing a book telling the truth about Obama was strange behavior on her part.

I am enclosing a copy of my book. Have a staff member read it for you. They will be as mystified as I was why Horn attacked what I wrote about Obama. My opinions and predictions have all been proven correct. Who put up Horn to lie about my book?

But there is more to Horn’s bizarre history. When I ran against her for party chair in 2013, Horn’s IRS tax problems were exposed. In the next few days I will be doing an updated check on Horn’s refusal to pay her income taxes. Horn committed a federal crime when she diverted her federal income tax payments into her political campaigns. Candidates are not allowed to use the IRS as a piggy bank.

Because the IRS can prosecute Horn at any time, Horn is effectively under the thumb of Barack Obama’s IRS. If Horn steps out of line the IRS could charge her with income tax evasion whenever a political decision to do so is made. I don’t think that’s a proper situation for a Republican State Chairman to be in. Despite respecting your right to support any person you wanted to, I thought your support for Horn as Chair was misguided and short-sighted.

     4. Horn tries to erase my candidacy

          Horn and Matt Mowers have importuned Republican committees to deny me participation in local activities and candidate debates. Since April, party committees, some of which have state committee party members on their local committee leadership, have been conducting “debates” from which I am excluded. Apparently I was good enough for Florida Republicans and Illinois Republicans but I am not good enough for New Hampshire Republicans. Given Horn’s sworn adherence to the party’s By Laws, she is violating the By Laws and making a joke of the neutrality required of party officials and employees.

Can you imagine that Horn sent a “loyalty letter” to some candidates last week (apparently orchestrated by the Scott Brown campaign, see below) but not to me? Why didn’t Horn send me a loyalty request? What does that mean? I am a candidate. Doesn’t she what me to be loyal? Or what? Horn’s behavior is very juvenile and very self-destructive.

When a candidate becomes the victim of Horn’s type of political harassment inevitably the victim strikes back and the party can suffer in the process.

     5. Horn is now attacking Bob Smith

          I am not for or against Bob Smith. But Horn is not satisfied with only attaching me. Horn has now started attacking Bob Smith. In one poll Smith was listed as #2 in the primary where Scott Brown is the #1 candidate. Obviously, Horn is trying to undermine all of Brown’s opponents. Smith says he has good evidence that Horn orchestrated the “loyalty letter” to embarrass him. In a sleight-of-hand which is so bizarre it is almost unbelievable, Horn is biasing the state party in favor of Scott Brown and then attacking Brown’s opponents if they do not agree in advance to support Brown. Is Horn being “strictly neutral?” Or is she making a joke of the party’s By Laws?

Let me be clear. If the party conducts a free and open primary, and obeys the neutrality mandated by the By Laws, I have no problem supporting the ultimate winner. The result of a fair and open primary should be respected. I have always supported the winner of every free and open Republican primary in the past.

But when the party tries to rig the primary and to destroy a candidate’s campaign, why does the victim of such perfidiousness owe any loyalty to his obvious enemies?

Last week Smith made a couple of convoluted remarks. Candidates often say things that are discombobulated when they are on the campaign trail. Horn has now set herself up as the censor of Smith’s utterances. Horn started chirping to her favorite media shill John DiStaso that “questions” were raised about what Smith said. In other words, Horn turned Smith’s gaffes into a media issue to make Smith look bad. The beneficiary of Horn’s legerdemain? Scott Brown, of course. Obviously, she was trying to undermine and embarrass Smith. Another violation of the By Laws.

     6. So why am I writing you about Horn’s misconduct?

          When Horn was confronted with her diverted income taxes, which she used to fund her political campaigns and not to pay her taxes, you provided “cover” for Horn by endorsing her in 2013. You have been turning a blind eye to Horn’s corruption of the state party, presumably because she is supporting your candidate, Mr. Brown. But whether you play a formal or informal role in the primary, you are a de facto leader of the party.

I have a very clear path ahead, and I have thought out my course of action.

          A. If Horn reverses course and stops harassing my campaign, and starts obeying the By Laws, I will support the winner of the primary, even if it is Scott Brown.

          B. If Horn persists with her current course of action seeking to destroy my campaign, then I will consider the primary result to have been corrupted by Horn’s misconduct and regard the primary results as an invalid exemplar of voter intentions.

          C. As a result of part (B) above, I will campaign in the general election to defeat Scott Brown because his selection was the product of a corrupt and unethical primary process.

          D. If Brown wins the primary, I do not expect him to win in November. If he does, I wish him well. If he loses, then Horn and her cabal of faithful acolytes have to go. I will seek to have her removed when she runs for reelection.

          E. If the core leadership of the party persists in blinding itself to Horn’s abuse of office and corruption of the party and reelects her in 2015 I will take my case to the 2016 primary.

So the party can either obey the By Laws and start respecting and recognizing my campaign or the party leadership can reap the rewards of their misconduct and malfeasance.

     7. What would I like you to do?

          I would respectfully request that you take the following steps. You are an attorney and you can read the By Laws and study the public record of the way Horn has treated me since last year. You can’t just engage in ostrichism and pretend you don’t know what is going on in New Hampshire.

          A. I would ask that you individually and independently issue a public statement condemning efforts by Horn to violate the By Laws and stating clearly that the party’s primaries are free and open elections, and the party’s local and county committees should hear all voices in a primary, and not just the voice of a candidate who is being endorsed by some party leaders.

          B. I would suggest that you urge Horn to issue an apology for her past misconduct and agree publicly to start treating me on a fair and equal basis with other candidates for the same office. She should agree to end her campaign of dirty tricks against my candidacy.

          C. I would suggest that you convene a meeting with me, Horn and anyone else who you may deem appropriate, to see if we can avoid a lawsuit against the state party. I think it would be far preferable if we worked matters out without litigation.

Lawsuits are not easy to prosecute, but sometimes they work. I have both won and lost cases in the New Hampshire courts and overall I have a very high national batting average winning lawsuits. Take a look at my legal bio, see note 3 below.

          D. I think that you need to admonish the candidate you have endorsed, Mr. Brown, that his efforts to control and manipulate the state party through behind-the-scenes activity, as is probable in the case of the “loyalty letter,” are hurting the party and hurting himself. Brown should want to face all candidates. If he can’t face me, he will never be able to face Shaheen.

In closing, I am a reasonable person with an extensive national reputation for working both towards party unity and public integrity. You can work with me.

Because Mrs. Horn is violating her oath by violating the By Laws, I am compelled to take an escalating series of actions to defend myself and my candidacy. Does Horn think she can conceal her hostile behavior by ignoring the By Laws and trying to hide behind a veil of secrecy? It won’t wash. Horn’s misconduct can only backfire and boomerang on the party.

After July 1st I will lay out my cause in court, and let a judge examine the facts and the law. If that doesn’t work, there is always the general election after the primary in 2014, her reelection in 2015, and a new round of elections in 2016. I am committed to making the Republican Party of New Hampshire a moral party and an honest party even if it means removing the existing leadership.

Please join me in fighting for an open and honest party. No more dirty deals and no more dirty tricks by Jennifer Horn and the people she supports and who support her.

New Hampshire is ready for reform.

Best wishes,







MEDIA CONTACT: Andy Martin (866) 706-2639; CELL (917) 664-9329

LINKS TO THIS STORY (cut and paste the entire link below and not just the underlined portion):


Andy is a legendary New Hampshire-based muckraker, author, Internet columnist, talk television pioneer, radio talk show host, broadcaster and media critic. Andy’s family immigrated to Manchester 100 years ago; today his home overlooks the Merrimack River and he lives around the corner from where he played as a small boy. He has forty-five years of background in radio and television. He is the author of “Obama: The Man Behind The Mask” [] and he produced the Internet film "Obama: The Hawaii’ Years” []. Andy is the Executive Editor and publisher of the “Internet Powerhouse,” He comments on New Hampshire, national and international events with more than four decades of investigative and analytical experience both in the USA and around the world. For more, go to:

Andy has also been a leading corruption fighter in American politics and courts for over forty-five years and he is executive director of the National Anti-Corruption Policy Institute. He is currently sponsoring See also;

He holds a Juris Doctor degree from the University of Illinois College of Law and is a former adjunct professor of law at the City University of New York (LaGuardia CC, Bronx CC).


Andy's columns are also posted at

[NOTE: We try to correct any typographical errors in our stories; find the latest version on our blogs.]7
© Copyright by Andy Martin 2014 – All Rights Reserved

U. S. Senate candidate Andy Martin’s hard hitting ads may have forced Scott Brown to release financial data

New Hampshire U. S. Senate candidate Andy Martin speculates that his hard-hitting statewide advertising attacking Scott Brown as a corrupt candidate may have forced Brown’s hand and led to Brown’s release of his detailed financial information on Friday.

Inquiry: has anyone checked recently to see what the status of Jennifer Horn’s IRS tax lien is? Please advise if you have.

News from:
Andy Martin
Republican for U.S. Senator

you can call Andy:
(603) 518-7310
(603) 866-4343

you can email Andy:

you can write Andy at:
fax (866) 214-3210, or
P. O. Box 742
Manchester, NH 03105-0742

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Republican U. S. Senate candidate Andy Martin speculates that his statewide advertising campaign attacking Scott Brown as a corrupt candidate may have forced Brown to release his detailed finances

“This is the weirdest political campaign I have ever seen,” Andy says. “And it is just getting started”

Andy compares his status to the “Psychoed”

(Manchester, NH) (June 22, 2014) 

Dear Republican:

I have a question for you to ponder: why did Scott Brown, after refusing for weeks to release his financial forms, suddenly release them on Friday? Is it just possible that my hard-hitting statewide attack ad calling Brown a corrupt candidate and listing his financial improprieties forced Brown’s hand? (The ad continues running across the state. The ad is attached to emailed versions of this story to refresh your recollection.)

I have been involved in national and local politics for almost half a century. And this is the weirdest campaign I have ever seen.

Four candidates are competing actively for the Republican U. S. Senate nomination. One is clearly the party favorite, Brown. Two candidates are in love with themselves but are totally ineffective as challengers, Rubens and Smith. And in the eyes of the media I simply do not exist. Weird.

But I may be having more influence on Scott Brown that either Rubens or Smith. Brown obviously has contempt for any threat posed by Rubens and Smith.

For weeks, perhaps months, Brown refused to release his financial disclosure forms. He asked for an extension into August to file them with the Senate. Then, suddenly, Friday afternoon he released them (see first link below). Brown was obviously “feeling the heat” for him to advance the date of releasing his financial forms. But the only heat source was me.

What could have changed Brown’s mind? Could my attack ad, exposing Brown as a financial fraud, forced his hand? Could a candidate that “does not exist” be more existent that candidates who allegedly do exist but have virtually nonexistent campaigns? You be the judge.

My attack ad will continue to run and it will be rolled out to another market next week. The media may pretend I don’t exist, but I am a real, very real force in the primary. And I am just getting started. Watch for my bombshell letter to Senator Kelly Ayotte on Monday.

I may remind Brown of the ditty they teach in psychology classes. It’s called “The Psychoed” (see second link below):

The Psychoed
by Hughes Mearns (1875-1965)

As I was going up the stair,
I met a man who wasn't there.
He wasn't there again today
I wish, I wish he'd go away.

I bet Scott Brown wishes I would go away. But I’m not. As for the other two chumbolones, Rubens and Smith, the media have propped them up as paper maché opponents for Brown. It isn’t working.

Watch for my letter to Kelly.




ujntsman wasd reelected in November, 2008. A few monrths later he resigned to serve
his president,” Barack Obama. SDo whyh was it so terrible that Palin resigned and Hutsman served evenless of his secondterm? Can I say “double standard” again.

What os this show us? Whetyher thessue s resigfnaitonsor religion,th emedia shamlessly create double standards tgo favr theiiberal medioa pets (fulldisclosure; I am ot aliberalmedia pet).
MEDIA CONTACT: Andy Martin (603) 518-7310; CELL (603) 866-4343 or (917) 664-9329 E-MAIL:

LINKS TO THIS STORY (cut and paste the entire link below and not just the underlined portion):


Andy is a legendary New Hampshire-based muckraker, author, Internet columnist, talk television pioneer, radio talk show host, broadcaster and media critic. Andy’s family immigrated to Manchester 100 years ago; today his home overlooks the Merrimack River and he lives around the corner from where he played as a small boy. He has forty-five years of background in radio and television. He is the author of “Obama: The Man Behind The Mask” [] and he produced the Internet film "Obama: The Hawaii’ Years” []. Andy is the Executive Editor and publisher of the “Internet Powerhouse,” He comments on New Hampshire, national and international events with more than four decades of investigative and analytical experience both in the USA and around the world. For more, go to:

Andy has also been a leading corruption fighter in American politics and courts for over forty-five years and he is executive director of the National Anti-Corruption Policy Institute. He is currently sponsoring See also;

He holds a Juris Doctor degree from the University of Illinois College of Law and is a former adjunct professor of law at the City University of New York (LaGuardia CC, Bronx CC).


Andy's columns are also posted at

[NOTE: We try to correct any typographical errors in our stories; find the latest version on our blogs.]
© Copyright by Andy Martin 2014 – All Rights Reserved

Concord News Conference tonight: Andy Martin speaks before Gun Owners of New Hampshire

New Hampshire U. S. Senate candidate Andy Martin will hold a Concord, NH news conference today, Tuesday, June 17th at the main entrance to the State Capitol before appearing before the Gun Owners of New Hampshire to present his Second Amendment credentials. “I am the only Second Amendment activist,” Andy says. “The other candidates are either paper maché supporters of the Second Amendment (Brown) or else they are resting on their laurels from long ago (Smith and Rubens). New Hampshire needs a strong voice in Washington, not one living in decades gone by.” Andy recently helped win a major Second Amendment federal court victory.

News from:
Andy Martin
Republican for U.S. Senator

you can call Andy:
(603) 518-7310
(603) 866-4343

you can email Andy:

you can write Andy at:
fax (866) 214-3210, or
P. O. Box 742
Manchester, NH 03105-0742

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Republican U. S. Senate candidate Andy Martin holds a Concord news conference tonight, June 17th

Later tonight Andy appears before the Gun Owners of New Hampshire

Andy launches “Brown Week” by calling Scott Brown a “Massachusetts gun grabber who has crossed the state line to confuse Granite State voters”

(Concord, NH) (June 17, 2014) 

Dear Republican:

I have been invited to appear before the Gun Owners of New Hampshire this evening (Tuesday, June 17th). Because that group is non-political and tax exempt, I will be presenting my credentials but not making any political attacks on my opponents.

However, before the Gun Owners meeting at 7:00 P.M. at the Holiday Inn in Concord, I will hold a news conference in front of the New Hampshire State Capitol to launch political attacks on Brown, Rubens and Smith.

Scott Brown is a Massachusetts wolf that has wandered north to gobble up gullible Granite state voters. Brown is not a supporter of the Second Amendment.

As for Rubens and Smith, legislating and battling in Washington is hard work. Smith has been lying on a beach in Florida for decades. Can he keep up with the pace? No one can seriously claim he can.

Likewise, Rubens is coming off a sixteen-year vacation from politics. Rubens was last active when dial-up was the means of accessing the Internet; Bill Clinton was president. Is Jim Rubens, a very nice and decent man, up to the challenge of Washington? I don’t think so.

Smith and Rubens avoided any activity in opposition to Obama in 2008 and 2012. They were deserters from the conservative cause. I was a leading Obama opponent.

Recently I helped win a major Second Amendment victory in federal court. My submission was filed by the judge as an amicus curiae ("friend of the court"). We blocked a request for an order  that eventually could have created chaos for Walmart. I have the energy and the experience to stand up for the Second Amendment. With all due respect, my corrupt (Brown) and aged opponents (Smith, Rubens) do not.

Join the battle to support my campaign and defend the Second Amendment.





New Hampshire U. S. Senate candidate Andy Martin


Andy Martin opens “Brown Week” by attacking Scott Brown as a “Massachusetts gun grabber,” says Rubens and Smith are “paper tigers from the past” on the Second Amendment


State Capitol, Concord, main entrance

Tuesday, June 17, 6:30 P.M.


ujntsman wasd reelected in November, 2008. A few monrths later he resigned to serve
his president,” Barack Obama. SDo whyh was it so terrible that Palin resigned and Hutsman served evenless of his secondterm? Can I say “double standard” again.

What os this show us? Whetyher thessue s resigfnaitonsor religion,th emedia shamlessly create double standards tgo favr theiiberal medioa pets (fulldisclosure; I am ot aliberalmedia pet).
MEDIA CONTACT: Andy Martin (603) 518-7310; CELL (603) 866-4343 or (917) 664-9329 E-MAIL:

LINKS TO THIS STORY (cut and paste the entire link below and not just the underlined portion):


Andy is a legendary New Hampshire-based muckraker, author, Internet columnist, talk television pioneer, radio talk show host, broadcaster and media critic. Andy’s family immigrated to Manchester 100 years ago; today his home overlooks the Merrimack River and he lives around the corner from where he played as a small boy. He has forty-five years of background in radio and television. He is the author of “Obama: The Man Behind The Mask” [] and he produced the Internet film "Obama: The Hawaii’ Years” []. Andy is the Executive Editor and publisher of the “Internet Powerhouse,” He comments on New Hampshire, national and international events with more than four decades of investigative and analytical experience both in the USA and around the world. For more, go to:

Andy has also been a leading corruption fighter in American politics and courts for over forty-five years and he is executive director of the National Anti-Corruption Policy Institute. He is currently sponsoring See also;

He holds a Juris Doctor degree from the University of Illinois College of Law and is a former adjunct professor of law at the City University of New York (LaGuardia CC, Bronx CC).


Andy's columns are also posted at

[NOTE: We try to correct any typographical errors in our stories; find the latest version on our blogs.]
© Copyright by Andy Martin 2014 – All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

U. S. Senate candidate Andy Martin calls Scott Brown “the most corrupt statewide candidate in New Hampshire history”

New Hampshire U. S. Senate candidate Andy Martin will hold a Manchester, NH news conference today, Tuesday, June 17th to relaunch his candidacy with a new statewide radio attack that calls Scott Brown “the most corrupt statewide candidate in New Hampshire history.” Martin’s radio ad lists examples of Brown’s corruption and contempt for public integrity. A copy of Andy’s ad is attached to emailed versions of this news release. If you are reading these comments on the Internet check our web site or send us a request for a copy of the ad.

News from:
Andy Martin
Republican for U.S. Senator

you can call Andy:
(603) 518-7310
(603) 866-4343

you can email Andy:

you can write Andy at:
fax (866) 214-3210, or
P. O. Box 742
Manchester, NH 03105-0742

Blogs/web sites  (partial):

To become a regular subscriber to our emails please send an email to and place “SUBSCRIBE” in the subject line.




Republican U. S. Senate candidate Andy Martin lunches attack ads calling Scott Brown “the most corrupt statewide candidate in New Hampshire history.”

Andy launches “Brown Week” with a focus on Brown’s corruption and conflicts of interest

“Brown is the successor to Eric Cantor,” Andy says.

(Manchester, NH) (June 17, 2014) 

Dear Republican:

The filing period for federal campaigns is now closed. The candidate list for U. S. Senate primary is now fixed. And what a bizarre situation you face:

Candidate #1. The “front runner,” Scott Brown, is boycotting the primary campaign and failing to appear at joint campaign forums.

Candidate #2. “Rip Van Winkle” Rubens is trying to stage a comeback after ignoring politics for the past sixteen years. Rubens, a successful Wall Street stock speculator, appears to believe public offices are bought and sold like shares of stock. A lot has changed in the sixteen years since Rubens was politically active. Next week we will feature “Rubens Week,” exposing why Jim is not a credible opponent for Scott Brown. (Full disclosure: I like Jim and feel he is a decent fellow. He’s just not ready for prime time against Jeanne Shaheen.)

Candidate #3. Bob Smith is running a brilliant campaign - for 1996. Smith still believes voters in New Hampshire are focused on gay marriage and abortion. Smith’s only role in the campaign is to give old age a bad reputation and to make Jim Rubens appear like a spring chicken by comparison. Smith is an embarrassment to “fiscal and social conservatives.” (please see link below)

Candidate #4. Yup, I put myself in fourth place out of respect for the senior citizens that claim they are running ahead of me. But the liberal media, including WMUR and the Union Leader ("Union Follower?"), deny that I exist at all. Scott Brown-style, they are “boycotting” my campaign. There hasn’t been this much “pretend” in the media since they claimed Barack Obama represented hope and change. Do they believe if they ignore me I will disappear? Fat chance.

Other than Brown, I am the only candidate with a national profile, except in the eyes of New Hampshire’s childish and petty media. WMUR and the “Union Follower” are embarrassments to New Hampshire.

Ironically, I am the only candidate who is actually running a primary campaign against Scott Brown. Rubens is mired in his own memories of politics in the 1990's, and Smith has lost his memory, except for opposition to abortion and gay marriage. Neither Rubens nor Smith is remotely credible against Jeanne Shaheen.

Today I am announcing “Brown Week.” All week long we will be focused on Scott Brown’s corruption and conflicts of interest. In my opinion, Brown is the most corrupt statewide candidate in New Hampshire history.

So why am I the only credible opponent to Scott Brown? Because I am following the Nashua Telegraph’s Kevin Landrigan’s game plan, without realizing it was Landrigan's approach as well as my own. If you read nothing else in this campaign, read Landrigan’s remarks in the June 16th Nashua Telegraph (please see link below).

Here’s what Landrigan says about Smith:

It’s up to Smith to turn this into a bigger event by engaging in an all-out assault of GOP Senate front-runner Scott Brown.

Amazingly, Smith and Testerman went through an entire, celebratory press conference last Friday without even mentioning Brown by name.

While Landrigan is writing about Smith, not me, since I may not exist in Landrigan’s world either, what Landrigan has to say mirrors my campaign over the past several months. I am focused on defeating Brown.

We are relaunching my campaign with an aggressive ad exposing Scott Brown as “the most corrupt statewide candidate in New Hampshire history.” Say what you want about me, I am actually campaigning against Brown, unlike Smith and Rubens. Smith claims to be a “conservative” candidate but he is really the “drum” candidate, banging the same old drums that have repeatedly been rejected by Republican primary voters (in 2002 in Smith’s case, when they voted him out of office) and by general election voters over the past two decades.

Not to showcase Landrigan and forget the “Union Follower” newspaper, the “Follower” had a front page story Monday announcing that Brown is missing in action. My candidacy was just plain missing in the Union Follower. But, seriously, has anyone actually seen Scott Brown in New Hampshire recently? Is Brown still in Las Vegas with his hedge fund honchos?

Likewise, Republican leaders who are unanimously supporting Brown have tried to undermine my campaign by pretending I don’t exist. (They know who Brown’s real opponent is, me.)

Well, Republicans are about to reap what they sow. On Wednesday, there will apparently be a “debate” between Rubens and Smith and no one else. I am sure that pair will attract a large audience. By trying kill off my campaign the liberal media are killing off their own campaign coverage. Who really wants to hear what Rubens and Smith have to say? If Rubens and Smith had any brains they would refuse to appear at “debates” unless I was also invited. But they don’t have any brains so they will “debate” only each other.

OK, so if you receive these remarks by email, I have attached a copy of the new ad that is being broadcast all over New Hampshire. Do listen. And then ask yourself: who is really campaigning against Scott Brown? If you don’t believe me, just ask Kevin Landrigan. He agrees with me. No one ever won a “race” against an opponent by standing still.

As usual, we welcome your comments, reactions, thoughts. But please don’t tell me a candidate’s weaknesses should not be exposed in a primary. Republicans are masters of ignoring the weaknesses of their candidates in primary campaigns, and then reacting in shock when Democrats drag out the dirty linen in November.





New Hampshire U. S. Senate candidate Andy Martin


Andy Martin’s new advertising campaign calls Scott Brown the “most corrupt statewide candidate in New Hampshire history”


Manchester, NH, Northwest corner of Elm and Webster Streets

Tuesday, June 17, 11:00 A.M.


ujntsman wasd reelected in November, 2008. A few monrths later he resigned to serve
his president,” Barack Obama. SDo whyh was it so terrible that Palin resigned and Hutsman served evenless of his secondterm? Can I say “double standard” again.

What os this show us? Whetyher thessue s resigfnaitonsor religion,th emedia shamlessly create double standards tgo favr theiiberal medioa pets (fulldisclosure; I am ot aliberalmedia pet).
MEDIA CONTACT: Andy Martin (603) 518-7310; CELL (603) 866-4343 or (917) 664-9329 E-MAIL:

LINKS TO THIS STORY (cut and paste the entire link below and not just the underlined portion):


Andy is a legendary New Hampshire-based muckraker, author, Internet columnist, talk television pioneer, radio talk show host, broadcaster and media critic. Andy’s family immigrated to Manchester 100 years ago; today his home overlooks the Merrimack River and he lives around the corner from where he played as a small boy. He has forty-five years of background in radio and television. He is the author of “Obama: The Man Behind The Mask” [] and he produced the Internet film "Obama: The Hawaii’ Years” []. Andy is the Executive Editor and publisher of the “Internet Powerhouse,” He comments on New Hampshire, national and international events with more than four decades of investigative and analytical experience both in the USA and around the world. For more, go to:

Andy has also been a leading corruption fighter in American politics and courts for over forty-five years and he is executive director of the National Anti-Corruption Policy Institute. He is currently sponsoring See also;

He holds a Juris Doctor degree from the University of Illinois College of Law and is a former adjunct professor of law at the City University of New York (LaGuardia CC, Bronx CC).


Andy's columns are also posted at

[NOTE: We try to correct any typographical errors in our stories; find the latest version on our blogs.]
© Copyright by Andy Martin 2014 – All Rights Reserved