New Hampshire U. S. Senate candidate Andy Martin will hold a
Manchester , NH
news conference today, Monday, July 28th to criticize Bob Smith for embarrassing
the New Hampshire Republican Party. Andy suggests that Smith cancel his
“Confederate Railroad” concert because the group’s songs are insulting to women
notwithstanding the claim the lyrics are “tongue-in-cheek.” “We live in a state
where we have an all-woman congressional delegation,” Andy says. “Nationally as
a party we are trying to attract minorities. And Bob Smith wants to link us to
‘Confederate Railroad?’ Same old Bob Smith.”
News from:
Andy Martin
Republican for U.S. Senator
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Republican U. S. Senate candidate Andy Martin says
Bob Smith is embarrassing Republicans by having “Confederate Railroad” at a
fundraising concert
“We are a party trying to attract minorities, in
a state represented by all-women in congress, and Bob Smith thinks ‘Confederate
Railroad’ is a proper theme for his campaign?” Andy asks
Andy suggests Smith should cancel the Confederate
Railroad concert
(Manchester , NH )
(July 28, 2014 )
Dear Republican:
I don’t know Bob Smith personally. He may be a very nice
man. But I do know he is not a serious candidate for U.
S. Senator.
Twelve years ago Smith was thrown out of the Senate by New
Hampshire Republicans because of Smith’s unstable behavior. (Smith blames his
primary defeat on a “conspiracy’ against him, but in reality Smith’s nutty
behavior and abandonment of the Republican Party were the causes of his
removal.) Smith later claimed that in retaliation for being dumped he endorsed
Bob Kerry in 2004. Then he denied he endorsed Kerry. Or didn’t vote for Kerry.
Or whatever. Who knows what runs through Bob Smith’s mind? He also claimed he
was “not serious” when he ran for the U. S. Senate from Florida .
How do we know Bob is “serious” in 2014?
I don’t like criticizing a senior citizen because old age is
a condition most of us will not escape. But Smith’s judgment is seriously
impaired. Old age should not be an excuse for bizarre behavior, especially when
you want to be elected to the U. S. Senate. Smith's latest stunt could
embarrass the Republican Party nationally, as well as scandalizing the New
Hampshire Republican leadership.
Smith plans to hold a concert with the southern band
“Confederate Railroad,” see link #1 below. Although Confederate Railroad claims
they are only a musical organization, they have been embraced by the broader
Confederate revival movement, see link #2.
Many towns in New Hampshire
have monuments to men who fought during the Civil War to save the union and who
gave their lives in battles against the Confederacy.
There are many areas of entertainment in our country attracting
large audiences; entertainers are free to perform as they wish. I strongly
support artistic freedom of expression. And I personally like country music.
But when a political candidate for national office allows himself to be
associated with “Confederate-themed” entertainment the connection raises
troubling questions for his political party.
In particular, New Hampshire Republicans need to attract
more women voters. Today the entire congressional delegation is composed of
women (3 Democrats, 1 Republican). Confederate Railroad’s signature song is
“Trashy Women.” How’s that for a welcome mat to New
Hampshire women? How’s that for an image that could
become a national controversy? Will the Democrats pounce on Smith’s ridiculous
behavior and use of confederate symbols (the band features the Confederate
Ten years of being on the beach in Florida
has not improved Bob Smith’s judgment. He campaigns in a parallel universe, as
though he were back in the 1990’s. This is a free country. If you want to
support Bob Smith go right ahead. But don’t say you were not alerted to Smith’s
flakiness and his embarrassment of the New Hampshire Republican Party. Reprising
his 1990’s misconduct, Smith has done it again. And he has “done” it to the
very party in which he is a candidate. Bob Smith should cancel his Confederate
Railroad concert. Maybe he should cancel himself as a leader.
How long before Bob Smith is back on the beach in Florida ?
Hampshire U. S. Senate candidate Andy Martin
Andy Martin says Bob Smith’s
“Confederate Railroad” concert embarrasses the New Hampshire Republican Party
Monday, July 28, 11:00 A.M.
CONTACT: Andy Martin (603) 518-7310; CELL (603) 289-0276 or (866)
706-2639 E-MAIL :
LINKS TO THIS STORY (cut and paste the entire link below and not
just the underlined portion):
Link #1
Link #2
Andy is a
legendary New Hampshire-based muckraker, author, Internet columnist, talk
television pioneer, radio talk show host, broadcaster and media critic. Andy’s
family immigrated to Manchester 100 years ago; today his home overlooks the Merrimack River and he lives around the corner from where
he played as a small boy. He has forty-five years of background in radio and
television. He is the author of “Obama: The Man Behind The Mask”
[] and he produced the Internet film "Obama: The
Hawaii’ Years” []. Andy is the Executive Editor and
publisher of the “Internet Powerhouse,”
He comments on New Hampshire , national and international events with
more than four decades of investigative and analytical experience both in the USA and around the world. For more, go to:
Andy has also been a leading corruption fighter in American
politics and courts for over forty-five years and he is executive director of
the National Anti-Corruption Policy Institute. He is currently sponsoring
See also;
He holds a Juris Doctor degree from the University of
Illinois College of Law and is a former adjunct professor of law at the City
University of New York (LaGuardia CC, Bronx CC).
Andy's columns are also posted at
[NOTE: We try to correct any typographical errors in our stories; find the latest version on our blogs.]
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Andy Martin 2014 – All Rights Reserved
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