Monday, July 28, 2014

U.S. Senate candidate Andy Martin smokes out “Slippery Scott” Brown; both candidates appear in Epping, NH

Republican U. S. Senate candidate Andy Martin accomplished something Sunday, July 27th that local Republican committees had been unable to accomplish for weeks: Andy smoked out “Slippery Scott” Brown and forced Brown to face Andy in a candidate forum where all of the party’s candidates were welcome to participate. While Brown has steadfastly refused to appear with Jim Rubens and Bob Smith, Brown could not ignore a forum where Andy was a speaker. The result: Brown was forced to leave his rabbit hole
and Rockingham County Republicans got to hear all of the senate candidates.

Andy says the New Hampshire Republican Party’s tactics have backfired on party leaders and made post-primary party unity on September 10th virtually impossible. Andy suggests that a genuinely open, honest and above-board primary between now and September 9th might provide an opportunity for party unity afterwards. But he suggests that excluding candidates and avoiding multi-candidate debates in the primary is a prescription for defeat in November.

News from:
Andy Martin
Republican for U.S. Senator

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Republican U. S. Senate candidate Andy Martin smokes out “Slippery Scott” Brown at the Rockingham County Republican Committee’s Meet-and-Greet the candidates’ day

Andy says GOP leaders have damaged the Republican Party by trying to “lock down” the primary; Andy suggests an open primary between now and September 9th is the only approach which could potentially unify the party on September 10th

National and local media get the slip as Brown makes a surprise appearance in Rockingham County

Scott Brown again bars taping of a candidates’ forum

(Manchester, NH) (July 27, 2014) 

Dear Republican:

The U. S. Senate race just got a lot more interesting. And a lot more dangerous for party leaders that have tried to stifle candidates who are running against Scott Brown. For weeks (months?) Scott Brown has been blowing off joint appearances with Bob Smith and Jim Rubens before local committees. The helpless, hapless two chumbolones just couldn’t get Brown to engage.

But when I appeared before the Rockingham County Republican Committee in Epping Sunday, Brown suddenly popped up out of his rabbit hole. I knew something was afoot when an announcement was made at the beginning that taping was prohibited. Prohibiting taping is a standard Scott Brown demand.

Rockingham Republicans got to see what Republicans across the state have been missing for months: a genuine joint appearance by senate candidates before a grass roots Republican audience.

I could not have received a warmer welcome in Epping, for which I am deeply appreciative (maybe the committee will post their video).

The bottom line: there is obviously something about my campaign activity that makes Brown fearful that he doesn’t manifest when he is only facing Rubens and Smith. So why is Brown concerned?

Perhaps because of my background. I am an experienced national campaigner. When I appear before a Republican audience Brown can’t pretend he doesn’t care. He feels a need to show up in person when I am present. Suddenly Brown’s bankroll is less significant. He can’t ignore the Republican grass roots.

I can’t tell you where the polls are going to end up. But this I know: five weeks in politics is a lifetime.

Brown realizes something his supporters don’t yet appreciate: my campaign poses a threat to Brown that the Rubens and Smith campaigns do not.

Brown’s supporters can pretend there are only “three candidates” in the senate primary but that was always a delusion. They look increasingly stupid making that claim.

Here are two closing thoughts:

First, Republican leaders, while trying to protect Brown from having to confront me on the primary trail, have not only robbed primary voters of a meaningful debate they have robbed Brown himself. “Slippery Scott” could afford to blow off Rubens and Smith because neither one is a heavyweight candidate. Brown and I are serious opponents. If Brown ultimately wins the primary, he would be a better candidate if he had faced me and received my support.

My attacks are only a sampling of the dirt Brown is going to have to face from the Democrats. And before September 10th I have some new campaign bombs to drop. The senate primary has been listless precisely because Brown has been hiding from my attacks. The party has suffered as a result.

The manner in which Brown is winning the primary - locking out his opponents, demanding to speak off the record and trying to silence legitimate candidates such as myself - is weakening Slippery Scott in the eyes of voters.

Which leads me to my second and more important point.

Brown spoke Sunday about “party unity after the primary.” Sadly, that is another one of his delusions. The manner in which Brown is winning the primary - locking out his opponents and trying to silence legitimate candidates such as myself - is going to leave the party bitterly divided on September 10th.

I would be delighted to support the winner of a fair, open and honest primary. But that is not what we have witnessed from Republican Party organizations for the past several months. You tell me: how should I react to being the target of a fixed and rigged primary orchestrated by party leaders to protect Brown and undermine me? I’d appreciate your feedback.

Kudos to Rockingham County Republicans for inviting all senate candidates. That's the Republican Party I belong to. Fair and open. Rockinghammers accomplished - with my help - what no other county has been able to accomplish: lure Scott Brown into an unscripted appearance with all of his primary opposition.

Rockingham Republicans were the winners. It’s a pity more local and county parties did not see the value of an open party and an open invitations to all candidates. Rockingham County did, and won.

Here is my suggestion to the misguided party leaders who are supporting Brown. Admit that you made a mistake by trying to lock down the primary and by excluding candidates from the process. Ask all party committees to hold open candidate forums and encourage a vigorous debate between now and September 9th. That is the only way to unify the part after September 9th. If you continue to conduct a closed primary you are only ensuring Brown’s defeat in November.



© Andy Martin 2014 All rights reserved

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