Wednesday, August 20, 2014

New Hampshire politics: U. S. Senate candidate Andy Martin says Scott Brown may be “the creepiest candidate”

Republican U. S. Senate candidate Andy Martin has spent a lifetime investigating, observing researching and analyzing. His “Psychological Profile of Barack Obama,” published February 10, 2007, predicted years in advance why Obama would not be able to function if he reached the Oval Office. Now Andy is working on a psychological profile of Scott Brown. Andy shares a few of his thoughts and explains why he feels Brown may be the “creepiest candidate.”
News from:
Andy Martin
Republican for U.S. Senator

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Andy Martin suggests Scott Brown’s early childhood deprivation still drives his public persona

Andy says Brown’s behavior during the primary has been self-defeating

Andy promises his long-awaited psychological profile of Scott Brown for next week (week of September 25th)

(Manchester, NH) (August 20, 2014) 

Dear Granite Stater:

Let me start with a little-known insight into political campaigns. In normal campaigns (not the U. s. Senate primary in New Hampshire in 2014) the candidates get to know each other at regular appearances and debates. Gradually a sense of camaraderie develops among the candidates. They often strike hard blows, but not foul ones. It is because of this healing process, which is going on even as the campaign unfolds, that candidates often appear at “unity” events after the primary. “Party unity” is based on the principle that parties run fair and honest elections and because of that fairness and honesty the losing candidates support the winner. That will not happen in September in New Hampshire.

The New Hampshire Republican Party has run a dirty campaign supporting Scott Brown and will pay a heavy price for that dirtiness on September 10th. That is why Scott Brown is also likely to lose on Election Day.

Virtually all of my life I have been engaged in investigation, intelligence and analysis. If you look at the list of countries I have lived in or visited ( I have done a lot of investigating, observing and analyzing. As a law student I was fascinated by the links between law and psychology.

In 2007 I began to assemble a “Psychological Profile on Barack Obama.” The Profile forms the first chapter in my book, “Obama; the Man Behind the Mask.” (Yes, I probably coined the “Mask” term.) I have a link below to the original blog posting.

Today, over seven years later, the entire nation, even Democrats, are perplexed as to why Barack Obama cannot function in the Oval office. I laid it all out on February 10, 2007.

And so it was probably inevitable that as I observed Scott Brown’s bizarre campaign behavior that I would want to do a psychological profile of him. It is hopefully going to be ready next week.

The more I studied Brown, the creepier I felt. I finally got to see Brown in action. Brown has avoided as many joint appearances as he can before local Republican groups. After I spoke at a Rockingham County Republican Committee event on July 27th I went to the back of the room to sign copies of my book and catch a bite to eat. And then, almost as phantom, Scott Brown slipped into the room and started repeating his talking points. He finished, and left.

I have read Brown’s 2012 (ghost-written) “biography.” He goes into minute detail about his miserable childhood. I was surprised when he and his sister made a TV commercial about his unhappy childhood in the spring. And then I saw him start delivering his Epping remarks. With his miserable childhood as the opener.

I think I have it right: Brown had seventeen “homes” before he was eighteen. Eight marriages between his mother and father. It was painful to hear. At the start of his speech.

Candidates do not usually lead off with painful memories of their childhoods. But for Brown the unhappiness and emotional deprivation of his early years are still very much with him. To the point of creepiness.

I started reading Brown’s book from his 2012 campaign in Massachusetts while on a short trip with a friend. I said, “This book is so depressing I can only stand a few pages at a time.” Why would someone “write” (ghost write) a “campaign biography” that is so depressing?

Brown’s unhappy childhood explains why he was Barack Obama’s “favorite” Republican senator, and hopes to be again in 2015. Brown’s unhappy childhood explains his occasionally bizarre offhanded remarks. It explains his desire to “make deals” in Washington.

Every one of us can tell of unfortunate experiences. Sadness and loss are a part of human life. But few of us bear our childhood pain on our shoulders, as part of our daily personae.

I have not met Bob Smith, and I am certain he won't like me after Thursday night. It’s hard to know what runs through Smith’s mind, though I have an idea.

I have met Jim Rubens on several occasions. I like Jim. He seems to be a decent person. (He may not like me either, after Thursday night.) I don’t know anything of Jim’s family history but I don’t get the sense that unhappiness is part of Rubens’ daily routine.

But with Brown, you can always feel the pain, the uncertainty, the unhappiness close to the surface.

And that may be why he has not connected emotionally with people either in Massachusetts or New Hampshire. He is a good-looking man and like most lawyers he is a bit of a chatterer. But underneath it all there is the unhappiness.

Brown has raised millions for his campaign. The rest of us are working with scraps (Rubens promises “millions,” but they have yet to appear; sorry Jim). If Brown had been a gracious candidate, an open candidate, if he gone out of his way to be a friend to his opponents, some of us might have voted for him if he wins the primary. But he has been hiding from the people of New Hampshire just as he has been hiding from his opponents.  In a psychological sense he is also hiding from himself. In plain view.

Brown will not be at Franklin Pierce University on Thursday night. Another joint appearance declined. Fear drives the man.

Brown might have won the primary in a way that could have sent him on to victory. But if he “wins” the primary, and that is still an open question in my mind, he will “win” on September 9th in a way that guarantees his defeat in November. Once again, his inner demons will have defeated him. And I find that just plain, old-fashioned creepy.

Stay tuned.

If you disagree with me I’d love to hear your thoughts.




Coming columns in advance of the Franklin Pierce University debate:

Note August 19th: we are running a little behind on these but we hope to be caught up by debate time)

Tuesday, August 19th: Jennifer Horn, a “while collar criminal”

Wednesday, August 20th: Jim Rubens, the “Democrat in drag” in the Republican U. S. Senate primary

Thursday, August 21st: Bob Smith, a bloated relic of 20th century conservative politics campaigning on 19th century issues

Don’t miss any of these advance insights into the FPU debate on Thursday, August 21st starting at 6:00 P.M.!


Link to Psychological profile of Barack Obama:

FPU Debate information link and to webcast information:

(c) Andy Martin 2014 - All Rights Reserved 

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