Monday, May 26, 2014

Andy Martin: “Who has lost the most ground in New Hampshire?” (Answer: “Jeanne Shaheen has lost her sheen”)

Republican U. S. Senate candidate Andy Martin continues his four-part Memorial Day weekend series analyzing the state of New Hampshire’s U. S. Senate race with some thoughts on whether Jeanne Shaheen is still up to the job. Today: who has lost the most ground in New Hampshire? Who lost the most ground in the U.S. Senate race? Andy says Shaheen’s remarks on Boko Haram may signal a decline in the senator’s capacity to serve in Washington.

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Andy Martin
Republican for U.S. Senator

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Republican U. S. Senate candidate Andy Martin continues his four-part Memorial Day weekend series on the U. S. Senate race in New Hampshire

Today: Who has lost the most ground in the U. S. Senate race?

Has Jeanne Shaheen lost her sheen?

(Manchester, NH) (May 26, 2014) 

Dear Republican:

If you watched the final episode (for now) of “Mad Men” on AMC Sunday night, one of the themes was how people’s needs and priorities change as they go through life. At different stages we want to live our lives in different ways.

When I went back to Memorial Stadium last September to celebrate the Fiftieth Anniversary of my team’s winning the Big Ten Championship and the Rose Bowl I was surprised by the toll age had taken on my teammates. In the half-time photo I was the only person on the football team who still bent a knee. My college roommate, who meant so much to me as a freshman football player, had died. But other, old players were still going strong. There is seemingly no rhyme or reason as to who loses energy, and who maintains their zip, as we go through life.

One of the comments on the Wall Street Journal’s “Mad Men” blog stated, “Living is a great sweet adventure which can only be obtained via the wisdom of experience!” Well, Jeanne Shaheen has been “living” in Washington for the past five years. What has she learned from the experience? Is Shaheen’s mind really on the job in Washington? Or has Jeanne effectively “retired” from public office without making a formal announcement?

In my opinion, Shaheen’s remarks on Boko Haram may reflect that she is no longer up to the job of national office and can’t face the stress-and-strain of being a national legislator in a world where terrorism is likely to be a major factor in our lives for the foreseeable future.

Shaheen’s grossly incompetent and unbelievably inappropriate remarks on Islamic terrorism may have triggered a “death spiral” from which her campaign will not emerge unscathed.

Shaheen’s comments on Boko Haram (please see link below) manifested both blind partisanship and gross negligence. In an editorial, the Union Leader (link below) called Shaheen’s comments “ridiculous and dangerous.” Calling into question Shaheen’s own mental competence, the newspaper referred to “Shaheen world,” as though Shaheen is now working and living in a parallel universe. Rick Moran in American Thinker (below) said Shaheen was a “naïve fool.”

We have a very spirited and animated democracy and there is a lot that Democrats and Republicans justifiably argue about. Is Obamacare good or bad? Most Republicans say bad, most Democrats say good. Differences on unemployment compensation, health care and similar controversies are not a basis to question a candidate’s competence for office.

But the inability of a federal official (U.S. Senator Shaheen) to understand the global threat posed by Islamic extremism? Such ignorance or blindness to reality may be a basis to question whether Mrs. Shaheen’s mind is “still in the game.”

Recently a great deal was made of the fact that Shaheen voted with President Obama “99% of the time” in 2013. Fair enough. But did Shaheen vote with Obama out of partisan loyalty, or because she had no idea what was going on in Washington and merely acted as a rubber stamp for the president?

Shaheen was elected governor of New Hampshire three times because whatever her policies, the state was still standing at the end of each term. But New Hampshire is not at the crossroads of the urban dilemma. Concord, the capital, is still a somnolent New England town, not the center of urban experimentalism. Shaheen’s gubernatorial decisions affected slightly over a million people, in a state that was solid when she arrived and was still standing when she left New Hampshire and headed to Boston.

But Washington is different. The Cold War is back with a vengeance. Vladimir Putin has proven more adept than the Nazis at invading countries and stealing territory. Putin threatens “Europe,” just as Europeans are always threatened by their own divisions and mendacity. China is building a massive military machine. For what? In order to threaten, terrorize and possibly invade its neighbors. North Korea? Don’t ask. Too scary to contemplate. Africa? A basket case with sub-Saharan Africa the latest “headquarters” of Islamic extremism and Al Qaeda sympathizers.

Unlike being governor of New Hampshire, serving as a U. S. senator is working in a dangerous, high risk, high pressure environment with worldwide challenges.

But Jeanne is acting in Washington as though she is still the governor of New Hampshire. She does photo ops and supports non-controversial bills. Probably over 90 percent of what Shaheen does is done for her by her staff, or scheduled by her local New Hampshire office. Shaheen’s U. S. Senate “career” is all non-controversial, harmless political pap. Shaheen’s mind is effectively shut off and disengaged from any critical thinking. A good staff can complement a senator’s high energy level. But Shaheen’s own energy is nonexistent in Washington. Her staff is propping her up.

In recent months Shaheen almost appears as though she has spent more time in Manhattan (New York) than she has in Manchester (New Hampshire). Shaheen may have come to that stage in her life where public service is on autopilot, and she just wants to enjoy the “benefits” of serving in public office without putting in the hard work and grueling hours. That’s why she just automatically pushes the “Obama button” 99% of the time when she votes. Her mind is not focused on the national interest and national security.

In common with many other congressional spouses today, Shaheen’s husband functions as her bag man, offering “legal services” to those who can’t comprehend the laws Jeanne enacts into law. (Dick Durbin and other Democrats also use their spouses as de facto conduits for “honest graft.”)

Which brings us back to Boko Haram, Al Qaeda and Jeanne Shaheen’s bizarre claim that the Nigerian terrorist group is not “Islamic.” Barack Obama, of course, was born into the Islamic religion, since his putative father was a Muslim. In office, Obama has gone to great lengths to denigrate Christianity and elevate Islam to an equal status in the United States. His reward: Islamic fanatics have shredded his foreign policy and made a mockery of Obama’s genuflections to the mad mullahs.

Shaheen, however, is in Washington to represent New Hampshire, and New Hampshire’s interest in national security and a safe world - not Obama’s misguided pro-Islam poppycock.

Unfortunately, Shaheen is towing the Obama-Islam party line: “Islamic terrorists are not Islamic.”

No wonder the Union Leader calls Shaheen “ridiculous and dangerous,” and Rick Moran calls her a “naïve fool.”

So is Shaheen making stupid statements because she has “lost” her political instincts, and is way over her head in Washington? Or has she lost interest in the hard work of the senate, and wants to merely kick back and enjoy being a senator, with a minimal presence in New Hampshire? None of the possibilities reflect well on Shaheen. She is now on a slippery slope to irrelevance as a political leader.

More significantly, Jeanne Shaheen has become just another Obama acolyte who is a threat to our national security. Is Jeanne too old, too lazy, too greedy or too disinterested to represent New Hampshire? The options are scary. She can still rely on the formidable Democratic Party machine to give her reelection a boost. But does she really care? Is her new campaign motto, “Meet me in Manhattan (at the Hearst Corporation headquarters).”

Jeanne Shaheen has lost her sheen. That is why I believe she has lost the most ground in the senate race; she had the most to lose and she went ahead and lost it.



P.S. Please do the right thing. Open your mind. Consider voting for me in the primary. You’ll be proud you did.


ujntsman wasd reelected in November, 2008. A few monrths later he resigned to serve
his president,” Barack Obama. SDo whyh was it so terrible that Palin resigned and Hutsman served evenless of his secondterm? Can I say “double standard” again.

What os this show us? Whetyher thessue s resigfnaitonsor religion,th emedia shamlessly create double standards tgo favr theiiberal medioa pets (fulldisclosure; I am ot aliberalmedia pet).
MEDIA CONTACT: Andy Martin (866) 706-2639; CELL (917) 664-9329

LINKS TO THIS STORY (cut and paste the entire link below and not just the underlined portion):


Andy is a legendary New Hampshire-based muckraker, author, Internet columnist, talk television pioneer, radio talk show host, broadcaster and media critic. Andy’s family immigrated to Manchester 100 years ago; today his home overlooks the Merrimack River and he lives around the corner from where he played as a small boy. He has forty-five years of background in radio and television. He is the author of “Obama: The Man Behind The Mask” [] and he produced the Internet film "Obama: The Hawaii’ Years” []. Andy is the Executive Editor and publisher of the “Internet Powerhouse,” He comments on New Hampshire, national and international events with more than four decades of investigative and analytical experience both in the USA and around the world. For more, go to:

Andy has also been a leading corruption fighter in American politics and courts for over forty-five years and he is executive director of the National Anti-Corruption Policy Institute. He is currently sponsoring See also;

He holds a Juris Doctor degree from the University of Illinois College of Law and is a former adjunct professor of law at the City University of New York (LaGuardia CC, Bronx CC).


Andy's columns are also posted at

[NOTE: We try to correct any typographical errors in our stories; find the latest version on our blogs.]7
© Copyright by Andy Martin 2014 – All Rights Reserved

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