Saturday, June 28, 2014

Andy Martin has asked U. S. Senator Kelly Ayotte to join him in fighting to stop the fixed/rigged 2014 U. S. Senate primary

New Hampshire GOP U.S. Senate candidate Andy Martin has asked U. S. Senator Kelly Ayotte to join in the fight to end dirty tricks and candidate harassment by Jennifer Horn in the 2014 senate primary. Ayotte herself is up for reelection in 2016. “I am committed to supporting the winner of a free, open and fair primary,” Andy says. “I am not committed to respecting the results of a fixed and rigged primary, particularly one corrupted by Chairman Jennifer Horn who, due to her IRS liens and problems, is under the virtual control of Obama’s IRS. Scott Brown is increasingly viewed as a sure loser and everyone recognizes that fact. So why rig the primary in Brown’s favor? Let’s have an open and fair primary and everyone can then get behind the winner.” Andy’s letter to Senator Ayotte follows as both an email and attachment [a couple of minor editing changes have been made to the original letter].

Andy Martin
Republican for U.S. Senator

you can call Andy:
(603) 518-7310
(917) 664-9329

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June 24, 2014

Senator Kelly Ayotte
United States Senate
Washington, DC 20510

Re: Unlawful actions of Jennifer Horn damaging my campaign

Dear Senator Ayotte:

I have been thinking about sending this letter for several weeks. What precipitated actually writing the letter was the contretemps last week generated by Jennifer Horn’s latest ploy to promote Scott Brown: a letter demanding a “loyalty oath” from his opponents. Initially two candidates refused to sign. I went to the mailbox to look for my copy of Horn’s loyalty letter and there was none there. Horn does not recognize me as a Republican Party candidate.

Who is Jennifer Horn to tell people I am not a Republican? What empowers her to seek to degrade a candidate for the same office you hold?

Before Horn further endangers New Hampshire Republicans and ultimately drags your own office into the cesspool of her activity I wanted to offer you an opportunity to intervene for the good of the party.

Let me state what is not involved. Private citizens and ordinary Republicans are free to “endorse” whom they want. I have no problem with that. But the party By Laws preclude Horn from using either her office or the party or the party’s staff to promote a candidate in a primary election. Horn has egregiously violated both the By Laws and also New Hampshire state law.

     1. What the Republican Party By Laws provide   

          This is what the Party’s By Laws provide

No officer of the State Committee as defined in Article II,
Section 2, shall participate in any primary contest on behalf
of any candidate for a Republican nomination. They shall remain
strictly neutral in any such primary contest.

Jennifer Horn has shamelessly been promoting Scott Brown for months. She has actively supported Brown and she has actively endeavored to destroy my campaign by seeking to deny I am a Republican. She has also used the Executive Director to bully local committees into refusing to recognize my candidacy.

Horn’s actions, as well as those of Matt Mowers, had the direct intention of hurting my campaign and benefiting Brown’s. The party’s use of the term “strictly neutral” in the By Laws embodies a clear and unequivocal commitment to fair and open primaries.

There is no question Horn is violating the party’s By Laws. Apparently she is trying to provoke a lawsuit. But lawsuits, while useful, are not the only means of payback for corrupt party officials.

     2. My history as a Republican

          I have been a Republican corruption fighter for decades. My work over the years has taken me around the U.S.A. Everywhere that I lived I became active with the Republican Party. Despite the fact that I have always sought to encourage the party to live up to its stated ideals, Republicans have always treated me fairly:

          A. In 1998 I almost won the U. S. Senate nomination in Florida. I carried the state’s largest county, Miami-Dade with 68% of the vote. I held the winner of the statewide race, Charlie Crist, to a draw with the exception of Crist’s home TV market, Tampa. Until Crist was later elected governor, no Republican ever received more votes against Crist than I did.

          B. In Illinois I exposed Mark Kirk as a military fraud. Kirk was forced to admit he had fabricated much of his military career. My political opponents have posted clips of me debating in Chicago, unlike New Hampshire a major national market. Obviously, I was also treated reasonably by the media. Look at note 1 below if you want to see the clips.

          C. I was the first Republican to investigate Barack Obama’s family history, and to expose his fabrications. I played a major role in the 2008 presidential election, particularly after your friend John McCain collapsed and all but surrendered the campaign to Obama, see note 2 below.

My biography, credentials and accomplishments rival or surpass those of any other candidate in the senate primary. And, unlike the senate candidate you are currently supporting, who has an extensive history of sleazy business activity, I have always been devoted to public integrity, not public corruption.

     3. Horn’s harassment campaign against me

          Beginning in 2011 Jennifer Horn has exhibited an obsession with attacking me. Acting as Jack Kimball’s poodle, she went on the radio in February, 2011 and attacked me for exposing Barack Obama’s lies. That bizarre attack confirmed for me that Horn was not very intelligent and not very tightly wound. For Horn to attack a Republican for writing a book telling the truth about Obama was strange behavior on her part.

I am enclosing a copy of my book. Have a staff member read it for you. They will be as mystified as I was why Horn attacked what I wrote about Obama. My opinions and predictions have all been proven correct. Who put up Horn to lie about my book?

But there is more to Horn’s bizarre history. When I ran against her for party chair in 2013, Horn’s IRS tax problems were exposed. In the next few days I will be doing an updated check on Horn’s refusal to pay her income taxes. Horn committed a federal crime when she diverted her federal income tax payments into her political campaigns. Candidates are not allowed to use the IRS as a piggy bank.

Because the IRS can prosecute Horn at any time, Horn is effectively under the thumb of Barack Obama’s IRS. If Horn steps out of line the IRS could charge her with income tax evasion whenever a political decision to do so is made. I don’t think that’s a proper situation for a Republican State Chairman to be in. Despite respecting your right to support any person you wanted to, I thought your support for Horn as Chair was misguided and short-sighted.

     4. Horn tries to erase my candidacy

          Horn and Matt Mowers have importuned Republican committees to deny me participation in local activities and candidate debates. Since April, party committees, some of which have state committee party members on their local committee leadership, have been conducting “debates” from which I am excluded. Apparently I was good enough for Florida Republicans and Illinois Republicans but I am not good enough for New Hampshire Republicans. Given Horn’s sworn adherence to the party’s By Laws, she is violating the By Laws and making a joke of the neutrality required of party officials and employees.

Can you imagine that Horn sent a “loyalty letter” to some candidates last week (apparently orchestrated by the Scott Brown campaign, see below) but not to me? Why didn’t Horn send me a loyalty request? What does that mean? I am a candidate. Doesn’t she what me to be loyal? Or what? Horn’s behavior is very juvenile and very self-destructive.

When a candidate becomes the victim of Horn’s type of political harassment inevitably the victim strikes back and the party can suffer in the process.

     5. Horn is now attacking Bob Smith

          I am not for or against Bob Smith. But Horn is not satisfied with only attaching me. Horn has now started attacking Bob Smith. In one poll Smith was listed as #2 in the primary where Scott Brown is the #1 candidate. Obviously, Horn is trying to undermine all of Brown’s opponents. Smith says he has good evidence that Horn orchestrated the “loyalty letter” to embarrass him. In a sleight-of-hand which is so bizarre it is almost unbelievable, Horn is biasing the state party in favor of Scott Brown and then attacking Brown’s opponents if they do not agree in advance to support Brown. Is Horn being “strictly neutral?” Or is she making a joke of the party’s By Laws?

Let me be clear. If the party conducts a free and open primary, and obeys the neutrality mandated by the By Laws, I have no problem supporting the ultimate winner. The result of a fair and open primary should be respected. I have always supported the winner of every free and open Republican primary in the past.

But when the party tries to rig the primary and to destroy a candidate’s campaign, why does the victim of such perfidiousness owe any loyalty to his obvious enemies?

Last week Smith made a couple of convoluted remarks. Candidates often say things that are discombobulated when they are on the campaign trail. Horn has now set herself up as the censor of Smith’s utterances. Horn started chirping to her favorite media shill John DiStaso that “questions” were raised about what Smith said. In other words, Horn turned Smith’s gaffes into a media issue to make Smith look bad. The beneficiary of Horn’s legerdemain? Scott Brown, of course. Obviously, she was trying to undermine and embarrass Smith. Another violation of the By Laws.

     6. So why am I writing you about Horn’s misconduct?

          When Horn was confronted with her diverted income taxes, which she used to fund her political campaigns and not to pay her taxes, you provided “cover” for Horn by endorsing her in 2013. You have been turning a blind eye to Horn’s corruption of the state party, presumably because she is supporting your candidate, Mr. Brown. But whether you play a formal or informal role in the primary, you are a de facto leader of the party.

I have a very clear path ahead, and I have thought out my course of action.

          A. If Horn reverses course and stops harassing my campaign, and starts obeying the By Laws, I will support the winner of the primary, even if it is Scott Brown.

          B. If Horn persists with her current course of action seeking to destroy my campaign, then I will consider the primary result to have been corrupted by Horn’s misconduct and regard the primary results as an invalid exemplar of voter intentions.

          C. As a result of part (B) above, I will campaign in the general election to defeat Scott Brown because his selection was the product of a corrupt and unethical primary process.

          D. If Brown wins the primary, I do not expect him to win in November. If he does, I wish him well. If he loses, then Horn and her cabal of faithful acolytes have to go. I will seek to have her removed when she runs for reelection.

          E. If the core leadership of the party persists in blinding itself to Horn’s abuse of office and corruption of the party and reelects her in 2015 I will take my case to the 2016 primary.

So the party can either obey the By Laws and start respecting and recognizing my campaign or the party leadership can reap the rewards of their misconduct and malfeasance.

     7. What would I like you to do?

          I would respectfully request that you take the following steps. You are an attorney and you can read the By Laws and study the public record of the way Horn has treated me since last year. You can’t just engage in ostrichism and pretend you don’t know what is going on in New Hampshire.

          A. I would ask that you individually and independently issue a public statement condemning efforts by Horn to violate the By Laws and stating clearly that the party’s primaries are free and open elections, and the party’s local and county committees should hear all voices in a primary, and not just the voice of a candidate who is being endorsed by some party leaders.

          B. I would suggest that you urge Horn to issue an apology for her past misconduct and agree publicly to start treating me on a fair and equal basis with other candidates for the same office. She should agree to end her campaign of dirty tricks against my candidacy.

          C. I would suggest that you convene a meeting with me, Horn and anyone else who you may deem appropriate, to see if we can avoid a lawsuit against the state party. I think it would be far preferable if we worked matters out without litigation.

Lawsuits are not easy to prosecute, but sometimes they work. I have both won and lost cases in the New Hampshire courts and overall I have a very high national batting average winning lawsuits. Take a look at my legal bio, see note 3 below.

          D. I think that you need to admonish the candidate you have endorsed, Mr. Brown, that his efforts to control and manipulate the state party through behind-the-scenes activity, as is probable in the case of the “loyalty letter,” are hurting the party and hurting himself. Brown should want to face all candidates. If he can’t face me, he will never be able to face Shaheen.

In closing, I am a reasonable person with an extensive national reputation for working both towards party unity and public integrity. You can work with me.

Because Mrs. Horn is violating her oath by violating the By Laws, I am compelled to take an escalating series of actions to defend myself and my candidacy. Does Horn think she can conceal her hostile behavior by ignoring the By Laws and trying to hide behind a veil of secrecy? It won’t wash. Horn’s misconduct can only backfire and boomerang on the party.

After July 1st I will lay out my cause in court, and let a judge examine the facts and the law. If that doesn’t work, there is always the general election after the primary in 2014, her reelection in 2015, and a new round of elections in 2016. I am committed to making the Republican Party of New Hampshire a moral party and an honest party even if it means removing the existing leadership.

Please join me in fighting for an open and honest party. No more dirty deals and no more dirty tricks by Jennifer Horn and the people she supports and who support her.

New Hampshire is ready for reform.

Best wishes,







MEDIA CONTACT: Andy Martin (866) 706-2639; CELL (917) 664-9329

LINKS TO THIS STORY (cut and paste the entire link below and not just the underlined portion):


Andy is a legendary New Hampshire-based muckraker, author, Internet columnist, talk television pioneer, radio talk show host, broadcaster and media critic. Andy’s family immigrated to Manchester 100 years ago; today his home overlooks the Merrimack River and he lives around the corner from where he played as a small boy. He has forty-five years of background in radio and television. He is the author of “Obama: The Man Behind The Mask” [] and he produced the Internet film "Obama: The Hawaii’ Years” []. Andy is the Executive Editor and publisher of the “Internet Powerhouse,” He comments on New Hampshire, national and international events with more than four decades of investigative and analytical experience both in the USA and around the world. For more, go to:

Andy has also been a leading corruption fighter in American politics and courts for over forty-five years and he is executive director of the National Anti-Corruption Policy Institute. He is currently sponsoring See also;

He holds a Juris Doctor degree from the University of Illinois College of Law and is a former adjunct professor of law at the City University of New York (LaGuardia CC, Bronx CC).


Andy's columns are also posted at

[NOTE: We try to correct any typographical errors in our stories; find the latest version on our blogs.]7
© Copyright by Andy Martin 2014 – All Rights Reserved

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