Monday, August 25, 2014

Bedford NH Republicans deliberately humiliate U. S. Senate candidate Andy Martin

New Hampshire Republican U. S. Senate candidate Andy Martin was invited by Bedford Republicans in a “Dear Candidate” email to come to their breakfast August 25th. Andy purchased a ticket appeared at the breakfast and was humiliated in front of his primary opponents when the master of ceremonies refused to let Andy speak. “In almost a half a century in politics this is probably the shabbiest behavior I have ever seen,” Andy says. “That a Republican committee would invite me to their event, as a candidate, and then let my opponents speak and refuse to let me speak is disgraceful behavior. What do you think? Should there be paycheck for this disgraceful conduct by the leaders of the New Hampshire Republican Party? Is this the way to encourage ‘party unity?’”

News from:
Andy Martin
Republican for U.S. Senator

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Andy Martin says Bedford Republicans engaged in deliberate humiliation when they invited him to their event as a candidate and then refused to allow him to speak alongside his primary opponents

Andy says, “The behavior of New Hampshire Republicans in trying to protect Scott Brown from a meaningful primary campaign has been and was today, disgraceful; harassing and embarrassing a statewide candidate is the tawdriest behavior I have seen in almost half a century of political activism”

(Manchester, NH) (August 25, 2014) 

Dear New Hampshire Republican:

Today I was deliberately humiliated by the Bedford Republican Committee. Will anyone stand up to defend my right to run for the U. S. Senate? My credentials and qualifications easily match or exceed those of my opponents.

Here is the emailed invitation received:

Dear Candidate,

I hope you are having a great summer and that all is going well with your campaign.   I know it is a lot of work and we at the Bedford Republican Committee appreciate all who are willing to dedicate time and resources to run for office and serve as elected officials.

At the end of this month we have a great opportunity for you to meet and mingle with the people of
Bedford just before the primary.   It is our annual Breakfast and is scheduled for Monday morning, August 25th at 7:00 AM.   It will be held at the Manchester Country Club in Bedford.  We will hear from many of our national candidates and some of our state candidates as well.    There will be time before and after the program to mingle, pass out literature, etc.

Tickets are $30 each and can be purchased on our website   We are also making tables of 8 available to candidates for purchase at the discounted price of $210.    Thank you to those of you who already taken us up on this offer.

We feel like this will be a great election for the Republicans and are doing are best to energize and activate people here in

Again,  thank you for your contributions to this effort.   We hope to see you at our breakfast.   If you have any questions feel free to give me a call.

Valerie Earnshaw
Chair, Bedford Republican Committee

I purchased a ticket and appeared. Earlier today you received a copy of the remarks I prepared to deliver at the Bedford breakfast on President Obama’s procrastination in the rescuing of James Foley.

The master of ceremonies, Sen. Andy Sanborn (Bedford), was the emcee for the speaker portion. Sanborn announced he would take the candidates speaking in alphabetical order. When he came to “M” he ignored me and went on to “R.”

People came up to me and asked why I was not being allowed to speak. I told them I was an invited guest and I was completely surprised by a committee inviting me and then humiliating me in front of my primary opponents. Is this democracy, New Hampshire Republican-style?

I have a distinguished record of public service and political involvement, see and You don’t have to agree with me or support me to defend my right to run for office.

There is no basis to treat me in this disgraceful manner.

Adding to the insult, Scott Brown got up and said he wanted “party unity” after the primary. Why would I support people that have violated their oaths of party office to remain neutral in the primary, and have done everything in their power to humiliate and harass me?

Today Bedford Republicans reached a new low.

At the end of the Bedford “program” this morning Senator Sanborn ended with a lecture on the need for party unity.

In April, Bedford Republicans conducted a “senate debate,” including Karen Testerman but not me. Shortly afterwards she dropped out. Is this the kind of “neutrality” the party by-laws require?

Should Brown and his posse expect payback from me for the humiliation today? Do you think anyone who has been abused in this manner should simply ignore the bad manners of Bedford Republicans and back them anyway? I invite your responses.

New Hampshire is a wonderful state. I have met many fine rank-and-file Republicans. But the leadership of the Republican Party is rotten to the core. Bedford Republicans proved that today. Which is why the GOP keeps losing statewide elections.

Will anyone stand up to condemn this disgraceful behavior against a qualified candidate? Or do Republican leaders need to lose another election before they get the message?



(c) Andy Martin 2014 - All Rights Reserved

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