Sunday, August 17, 2014

New Hampshire politics: U. S. Senate candidate Andy Martin says the Franklin Pierce University U. S. Senate debate will sizzle

Republican U. S. Senate candidate Andy Martin provides special insight into the “great television” coming to Franklin Pierce University when the first and only genuine debate between Republican U. S. Senate candidates takes place on August 21st. Andy has forty-six years of radio and TV experience and will be offering advance insights all week into the strengths and weaknesses of his primary opponents. While continuing to campaign full-time, Andy is also working overtime to protect Market Basket employees from the predatory corporate raiders and “private equity pirates” who are supporting Scott Brown. The Market Basket “greed derby” of Arthur S. Demoulas will feature prominently in Andy’s presentation on statewide television sponsored by NHPTV and in a live online webcast.
News from:
Andy Martin
Republican for U.S. Senator

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Republican U. S. Senate candidate Andy Martin says New Hampshire’s only genuine U. S. Senate TV debate will sizzle at Franklin Piece University

Andy says Jennifer Horn and Scott Brown have devastated the Republican Party by trying to “dumb down” the U. S. Senate primary process

Andy plans to expose Bob Smith, Jim Rubens and Scott Brown - “It’s going to be the most exciting television in recent New Hampshire political history”

(Manchester, NH) (August 17, 2014) 

Dear Granite Stater:

On Thursday, August 21st Franklin Pierce University (FPU), New Hampshire Public Television and the Monadnock Leger will sponsor the only genuine debate of the U. S. Senate primary. I invite you to attend. If you can’t come in person (seats are limited) you can watch online (a news release from FPU with a link to the online webcast information is below).

In this initial commentary of several biting columns to come (see a list of topics and days below), I would like to explain why the GOP primary process has been a total failure and hurt Republican prospects in November.

1. Why is this the “only debate?”

Some of my opponents have appeared at various forums and debates to which I was not also invited. They were boring events, mostly “Patty Cake” sessions with no genuine debate or sharp disagreements among the candidates. Well, I disagree sharply with my opponents. The purposes of primaries is to expose both the strengths and weaknesses of party candidates (more of this discussion in a separate section below on the “Eleventh Commandment”). In my opinion, when a debate is rigged in advance to exclude strong candidates, the sponsors of the debate are trying to “fix” the outcome and favor one candidate.

The Exeter and Rockingham Republicans have not invited me to their “debate” on August 23rd. But the event is going to be so boring that I am not even complaining about the slight. When the strongest debater is deliberately excluded what you have is a sham and a farce, not a genuine debate. Go for it Exeter and Rockingham.

I thank Franklin Pierce University and NHPTV for inviting all of the candidates on the ballot to appear at FPU. Not all of them have agreed to appear, however; some are in hiding. Guess who?

2. My history of creating exciting television moments

I am the youngest person ever authorized by the Federal Communications Commission to own and operate a television station license. I have been involved in radio and TV for forty-six years. I was a participant in the early days of “talk television” and an early guest on the Fox News Channel when it began. We are hoping to post an anthology of these classic video clips on my website.

I have been producing TV commercials and programs for 46 years so I know a lot of what people expect when they turn on the TV set. They do not expect to be bored by brain-dead candidates repeating stale talking points. They want an exciting exchange between the candidates. They want serious and substantive issues discussed with the repartee of candidates who know how to disagree on TV.

During the 2008 presidential campaign I became the focal point of opposition to candidate Obama after the McCain campaign all but collapsed. My appearance on Sean Hannity enraged Obamabots and eventually cost Obama millions of votes (please see the link below). The left put me on the front page of the New York Times and my supporters increased exponentially. The Times gambit backfired. In 2010 I exposed then-Congressman Mark Kirk as a military fraud. The Washington Post later verified all of my allegations and Kirk was forced to apologize and return his phony medals.

So I know television and I know how to make viewing a debate an interesting and informative and exciting experience for the viewer. I promise that you will see great television on NHPTV and online from FPU next Thursday.

3. In the days before the FPU/NHPTV debate I will be “turning up the heat”

Starting Monday I will be profiling the weaknesses of my opponents. The bogus New Hampshire media have tried to avoid any confrontation between the candidates. That is the quiet way the liberal media have destroyed the Republican Party in New Hampshire. Without adversarial primaries, voters have no idea of the strengths and weaknesses of primary candidates. Losers keep being nominated and the GOP is now a minority party.

Read my daily commentaries exposing Rubens, Smith and Brown for the unsuitable “candidates” they really are. None of the three is qualified to go head-to-head with Jeanne Shaheen in the fall campaign. Shaheen is a pro. These guys are amateurs.

4. Why Ronald Reagan’s “Eleventh Commandment” hurts Republicans

Thirty-five years ago The Gipper concocted the “Eleventh Commandment,” to limit criticism of him by other Republicans. Probably nothing has done more damage to the GOP than the Eleventh Commandment.

First, the media environment has changed since 1979. Viewers today are used to the sharp exchanges on cable TV. When candidates get up and start reciting talking points, viewers turn off.

But most critically, by suppressing discussion of a candidate’s weaknesses, primary voters are left without any idea of what can happen once the primary is over. Like tin soldiers being shot down by the Democrats, Republican candidates are nominated in primaries only to fall in general elections. The weaknesses of candidates are never discussed.

Primary debates become “pretend” sessions in which like Lake Wobegone, all candidates are “above average” and no candidates have any negatives or flaws to discuss. Then the Democrats pull out their sharp knives and Republicans watch in horror as their primary winners are butchered on Election Day in November.

So where’s the benefit to the Eleventh Commandment? Knowing The Gipper, he probably concocted the Eleventh Commandment as a lighthearted aside. But people took him seriously. The result: a continuing disaster for the GOP.

When sponsoring groups ask me to observe the Eleventh Commandment, I do. Sponsors of events can place their own limitations of the functions they produce.

But the Eleventh Commandment has a further corrosive impact: stripped of adversarial debates within the Republican Party, candidates are unfamiliar with how to “debate” in an open forum before the media. The result, Republicans as a party are lousy debaters.

There will be no Eleventh Commandment observed at FPU on August 21st. Viewers will get the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth about the unholy three imposters who, with liberal media connivance, have been masquerading across New Hampshire as serious candidates for the U. S. Senate.

6. America is under attack at home and abroad

Americans are challenged by a president who is working overtime to implement his socialist schemes to redistribute wealth before he is removed from office. I predicted all this in 2008 (take a look at the Hannity video) but John McCain and his team of losers was not able to fight back. Let me assure you I am a fighter. I will fight for ordinary citizens on August 21st; I will continue to fight for Market Basket workers to see their jobs are not threatened by Scott Brown’s “private equity pirates;” I will fight to win on September 9th, although I am being undermined by the leadership of the NHGOP; and if I am nominated I will fight to retire Barack Obama’s favorite Democrat, 99% Jeanne Shaheen. (Obama’s favorite Republican, by the way, is Scott Brown. Come to think of it, why would any Republican vote for Obama’s “favorite Republican?” Beats me. Wake Up New Hampshire.)

Reserve a seat at FPU or watch on TV or the Internet. You will be glad you did. The debate will be exciting television.




Link to Hannity/Andy Obama video


Coming columns in advance of the Franklin Pierce University debate:

Monday, August 18th: Scott Brown, the “creepiest candidate”

Tuesday, August 19th: Jennifer Horn, a “while collar criminal”

Wednesday, August 20th: Jim Rubens, the “Democrat in drag” in the Republican U. S. Senate primary

Thursday, August 21st: Bob Smith, a bloated relic of 20th century conservative politics campaigning on 19th century issues

Don’t miss any of these advance insights into the FPU debate on Thursday, August 21st starting at 6:00 P.M.!


Debate information link and webcast information:

(c) Andy Martin 2014 - All Rights Reserved 

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