Wednesday, August 20, 2014

New Hampshire politics: U. S. Senate candidate Andy Martin says Scott Brown’s supporters are beginning to panic

Republican U. S. Senate candidate Andy Martin was attacked Tuesday by supporters of “faux” Senate candidate Scott Brown. Jeff Chidester, a close associate of Brown and Jennifer Horn, launched a smear campaign against Andy Martin. Andy says, “I promised you I would scare these clowns and they have already panicked. They can’t stand to be exposed as phonies and crooks. The Franklin Pierce debate Thursday night is becoming what I promised, the “can’t miss” event of the campaign and a night of exciting television. My opponents will be screaming, but the truth hurts. (One of Jeff Chidester’s “crazies” even attacked me for supporting Market Basket workers. Chidester obviously has a lowlife following.)

News from:
Andy Martin
Republican for U.S. Senator

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Scott Brown supporters panic as Republican U. S. Senate candidate Andy Martin promises to “tell the truth” at Franklin Pierce University

Andy says Jennifer Horn, Scott Brown and their stooge Jeff Chidester are panicked as the Franklin Pierce debate on Thursday approaches

Andy promised Sunday he will “deliver the truth” on Thursday; Brown and Horn are already in full panic mode

(Manchester, NH) (August 19, 2014) 

Dear Granite Stater:

On Sunday, August 17th I promised you the only real debate of the U. S. Senate campaign would be held at Franklin Pierce University (FPU) on August 21st. I ridiculed the “faux” debates sponsored by some media and Republican organizations. I said the FPU debate would “sizzle.” Well, the “sizzle” arrived even earlier than I expected. My promise to deliver exciting television has triggered a panicked response even before we get to FPU.

Scott Brown and his claque of corrupt Republicans has panicked and launched a smear attach on me. “Slippery Scott” is running scared. I wonder why?

Jeff Chidester, a lapdog for Scott Brown and Jennifer Horn, attacked me on Facebook Tuesday, calling me names and insulting the sponsor of the only real U. S. Senate primary debate for inviting me. Brown, Horn and Chidester are terrified I am going to tell the truth on Thursday night.

Here is what Chidester had to say about me:

Andy Martin is political pariah. Arrogance and bloviating make for a poor candidate – Andy Martin’s recent e-mail tirades are a clear indication there is NO PLACE in any Republican debate for him (hell for that matter, any public debate). He will be on the stage on August 21 only to embarrass the Republican Party, and those who applaud him are idiots. Martin will bring nothing of value to the debate on the 21st, but will proclaim victory anyway, like the narcissi he is. Republicans need to stop this farce and turn their backs on Martin once and for all. For those in the press that try to lump Martin in with Republicans, yet cast aside people like Lyndon LaRouche and Vermin Supreme when they claim to be Democrats, you only serve to help make the election process the circus you complain it has become, and then go on to callously report on our nationally dysfunction, ignoring your own culpability of course.

I have provided a link below to Chidester’s nonsense on Facebook so you can read what some of Chidester’s “crazies” have to say. Check it out. These people need to get a life.

The fact that Chidester brags he writes for the Portsmouth Herald should suggest to you what kind of paper it is.

I have been fighting political corruption and exposing political fraud all of my life ( Six years ago I was based in Chicago. I wrote the first exposes on Barack Obama. I am not some wannabe “journalist” like Chidester (who is a failed police officer).

I have a background at the national level.

Take a look at the link below where I exposed military fraud Mark Kirk on ABC News Chicago (my expose comes at the end of the segment). I did more to protect and respect veterans than all of my opponents combined. I exposed the fraud among us. The Washington Post verified all of my allegations about Kirk. Veterans hate someone such as Mark Kirk who engages in stolen valor. Brown is another Kirk. Brown lied about his congressional junket in Afghanistan and called it “military service.”

I am apparently good enough to appear on ABC News, but I am not good enough for Exeter Republicans and Rockingham County? By refusing to invite a candidate with national stature these people show what losers they are (Chidester is the “moderator”). Another loser is Spectrum Marketing. They publish a calendar of events but refused to list my name and Bob Smith’s for the Franklin Pierce debate. How childish is that? Such small, petty people are the reason the Republican Party in New Hampshire has been losing elections.

Brown and Horn are running scared. Because I am armed with the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

I have exposed political corruption since I was a law student. I have exposed political crooks and fraud all of my life. So, obviously, Brown, Horn and Chidester don’t like me. But what does that say about them?

I promised you a hot debate Thursday night and by the way Brown, Horn and Chidester are reacting they are panicking. I have already delivered on what I promised just two days ago. The Franklin Pierce debate has become the “can’t miss” debate of the 2014 election. I am going to drag the Republican Party of New Hampshire, kicking and screaming, into the sunlight and expose how a bunch of petty party hacks have demeaned and disgraced and destroyed the GOP in the Granite State. The truth hurts.

But my whole life I have dealt only with and in the truth. Which is why liars like Brown, Horn and Chidester are in panic mode. I urge you to watch Thursday night, or you are sure to miss something exciting and informative. New Hampshire has not had an FPU-class debate for years. And the Republican Party has suffered for the absence.




Link to Andy exposing political fraud Mark Kirk on ABC News


Link to Jeff Chidester and his “crazies”

Coming columns in advance of the Franklin Pierce University debate:

Note August 19th: we are running a little behind on these but we hope to be caught up by debate time)

Monday, August 18th: Scott Brown, the “creepiest candidate”

Tuesday, August 19th: Jennifer Horn, a “while collar criminal”

Wednesday, August 20th: Jim Rubens, the “Democrat in drag” in the Republican U. S. Senate primary

Thursday, August 21st: Bob Smith, a bloated relic of 20th century conservative politics campaigning on 19th century issues

Don’t miss any of these advance insights into the FPU debate on Thursday, August 21st starting at 6:00 P.M.!


FPU Debate information link and to webcast information:

(c) Andy Martin 2014 - All Rights Reserved

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