U. S. Senate candidate Andy Martin
says Monica Lewinsky may be “the most powerful woman in America
today.” Andy says Monica could single-handedly bring down Hillary’s
presidential campaign by raising questions about Hillary’s integrity. Andy
feels Monica is to be commended for coming forth with her interview of
experiences in the Bill Clinton White House. Andy has “the talk” with New
Hampshire Republicans and says the GOP need not fear an honest discussion of
Hillary Clinton’s fractured personal history. Andy also speculates about the
accuracy of claims that Scott Brown may have personal problems of his own in Boston .
News from:
Andy Martin
Republican for U.S. Senator
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Republican U. S. Senate candidate Andy Martin comments
on Monica Lewinsky’s interview with Vanity Fair
Andy says Hillary Clinton must address the ghosts
of Bill Clinton and apologize to Lewinsky before running for president
Andy says Republicans do not need to “fear”
discussing the Clintons ’ fractured history in the White
Andy calls Monica Lewinsky possibly “the most
powerful woman in America ”
(Manchester , NH )
(May 8, 2014 )
Dear Republican and New Hampshire
Today we are going to have “the talk.” If you are embarrassed
reading about or discussing “sex,” please read no further.
1. My history in Washington
When I went to the Illinois General Assembly as an intern many
years ago, I learned about “Springfield
wives.” Legislators would hire “farm girls” and turn them into concubines so that
they would have sex readily available during the legislative sessions. Not
surprisingly, the legislative sessions became longer and longer over the years.
Similar practices exist in other state legislatures. It’s repugnant behavior.
When I went to work for a U.
S. Senator I knew he did not have a girl
friend. I knew because I was his driver for several months. I can still
remember the street number of his home address and his phone number, after all
these years. But my senator was a close private friend of President Johnson.
Their friendship was to alter the course of my life. And, unavoidably, I also
came to find out about President Johnson’s girl friends. One name still sticks
in my mind.
I have been in and out of Washington
over the past forty-nine years. And I helped out investigating more than one
congressional sex scandal. Remember Representative Wayne Hays? I do. And so it
Ordinary men and women go to Washington
after being elected in their home states as senators and representatives. The
Capitol allows them to think of themselves as gods. Staffers, especially young
women, treat them as though they are gods. Scott Brown was not immune to an
inflated sense of self-importance. During the 2012 campaign Brown famously told
Massachusetts voters that he
(Brown) met with “kings and queens” every day. Wow!
Is it any surprise that sexual escapades take place in the
charged atmosphere of Washington ?
No surprise to me. I have seen it all.
And it is equally true that recent college graduates, both
men and women, think they know it all. Men and women go to Washington
seeking power. And, as former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger once stated, “Power
is the ultimate aphrodisiac.” But it can be a very capricious aphrodisiac.
2. Lewinsky’s tragic encounter with Bill Clinton
Recently a book was published by a New
York socialite who wrote about being seduced, and
ultimately abandoned, by President John F. Kennedy. Jack Kennedy was the
ultimate seducer. Senator Ted Kennedy? Say no more. Others? The list is long.
Remember Representative Gary Condit? Senator Gary Hart?
Thus Lewinsky’s “encounter” with Bill Clinton came as no
surprise to me. What was surprising was that Clinton
chose to debase the Oval Office and satisfy his sexual appetite right in the
heart of the peoples’ house. I have learned about and looked into a lot of sex
scandals but Clinton ’s was about as
coarse and despicable about any imaginable.
And, yes, Monica is right. The sexual encounter was “consensual.”
Why would an impressionable young woman turn down the importunations of the
president? It was a genuinely disorienting experience. Monica may have flirted
with Mr. Clinton. But all of us flirt a little, every day. But we don’t expect
our kind remarks and harmless banter to result in a stranger taking us into a
closet and demanding sexual satisfaction.
Lewinsky was literally “in the moment.” She obviously had no
idea what could happen, and did happen, because she lacked any Washington
Lewinsky didn’t expect Hillary Clinton to unleash her dogs.
But Hillary was experienced at destroying Lewinsky’s predecessors. Hillary
started demolishing Monica’s character and mental state with relish. Bill
Clinton had an experienced sexual response team to protect him: Team Hillary.
Hillary’s behavior and her unhinged state of mind remind me
of the movie about unwed mothers that were tortured by Irish nuns. Hillary was
the Irish nun par excellance; Monica was
her “pregnant” charge. The results were not surprising.
Because the Clintons
are political psychopaths, they shred peoples’ lives with impunity and spit
them out with immunity, with no more than a passing glance. Monica was just
“road kill” for Hillary. Hillary had killed off a lot of “Monicas” before
Monica, and Hillary has probably killed off “Monicas” after Monica. Indeed, if
you look deeply into Freud, Hillary’s glee in butchering Bill’s paramours was a
perverted form of satisfaction for Mrs. Clinton.
Bill didn’t commit just one mistake in an otherwise admirable
marriage. The Clinton marriage
itself was nothing more than a political sham.
3. Bill Clinton is a sexual predator
Bill Clinton and I both came of age in the 1960’s. The
social construct that had hitherto existed started to crumble with the arrival
of “the pill” and other contraceptive methods. Many young people were in
rebellion. Suffice it to say I know the era in which Bill Clinton came of age.
Knowing Bill Clinton’s “era” is what makes me so amazed at
his relentless behavior as a sexual predator. Clinton
was not just a seducer, à
la Jack Kenney. Bill Clinton was an exhibitionist, rapist and manifested all sorts
of other aggressive sexual action. If Clinton
had merely romanced a real “girl friend” in the White House, and slipped away
to somewhere on Connecticut Avenue
for an occasional assignation, no one would have ever known about any of his “Monicas.”
But Clinton was
not satisfied with women his age. With Clinton ,
“sex” was about power and domination, not about sex. His infidelity was as much
about inflicting pain on Hillary as it was about providing pleasure to himself.
Bill took on all comers. He was an indiscriminate predator.
Monica was young enough to be the president’s daughter. Clinton
exercised no caution, no self-restraint, no self-respect. And then he lied. He
was the living embodiment of a psycho-sexual predator. He was the embodiment of
Whatever was “wrong” with Clinton
hasn't disappeared into the ashcan of his former life. Bill may suppress the “monster”
aspects of his personality, as Hillary has suppressed her “monster” tendencies.
But their flawed characters are merely hidden beneath the surface of their smiles.
To return Bill to the White House, even as First Husband, would probably reopen
his floodgates to more sexual infidelities, more embarrassments and more emotional
abuse of the now-President Hillary.
Who needs this? After eight years of Obama?
4. Ron Paul did the Republican Party a service
Ron Paul did the Republican Party a service: he raised the
issue of Monica Lewinsky in the context of the Democratic Party’s hypocritical attacks
on Republicans for a fallacious “war on women.” Senator Paul was attacked by
other Republicans for even uttering the words “Monica Lewinsky.” On the
contrary, Senator Paul should be congratulated for raising the issue of the “fitness”
of both Clintons to ever again
reside in the White House.
It is clear that Hillary Clinton is a deeply conflicted and
deeply repressed woman who has had to swallow all of Bill’s infidelities in her
relentless crusade to be elected president in her own right. But can’t we look
back at how she acted and reacted when she lived in the White House? Do we have
to put on blinders as to her firing of the travel staff, her abusive treatment
of workers and the way she orchestrated and directed the character assassination
of every woman who had “sexual relations with that man?”
It is not enough to say that what happened between the Clinton ’s
is a private matter. Our experience with eight years of the Clintons
confirms that how we live our private lives has a direct impact on how we deal with
our public responsibilities, and how we conduct ourselves under stress. In a
famous 2008 TV commercial, Hillary Clinton confronted candidate Obama about the
potential for a “3:00 A.M. telephone
call.” But when that “call” ultimately arrived on September 11, 2012 , Clinton
botched her response to the Benghazi
challenge. Obama? He went to bed and hid under his sheets.
The fact that Hillary Clinton has spent forty years “privately”
internalizing Bill Clinton’s infidelities is a matter that almost every
psychologist would concede is an important factor in assessing her personality
now that she is approaching another presidential campaign. Character is formed
and informed by experience; Hillary Clinton has been experiencing infidelity
and emotional /physical/ sexual denial for forty years.
5. Where do we go from here?
When the news broke that a major new Monica Lewinsky interview
was coming this week both liberal and “conservative” media went into full
conniption mode. Lewinsky is a disruptive factor in a potential presidential
race. The Clintons want to forget
and erase their “history,” and focus exclusively on their plans for the
“future.” But the reappearance of Monica Lewinsky forces the Clintons
to confront the “character” issue. When and how and why did Bill become a sexual
predator? He was almost certainly a predator before his marriage to Hillary
Rodham. After he married her his abusive behavior was even more pronounced.
And how did Hillary’s emotions and her psyche survive forty
years of emotional abuse? Many psychologists would say that emotional abuse -- especially
sexual emotional abuse and compulsive philandering - would inflict much more
damage on a spouse than mere arguments over the family budget. Hillary is an
emotionally abused and emotionally beaten woman who has endured forty years of
extreme emotional and psychological torture. We are told this is all part of
her unquenchable ambition to be elected president. That’s doesn’t change the
“content of her character.” Or her emotional unsuitability to serve as
In her highest office to date, Secretary of State, Hillary
was totally ineffective (more on that in a future letter). Ironically she ended
up serving under another emotionally damaged and unbalanced male though,
thankfully, Barack Obama does not appear to be a compulsive womanizer (see my
2007 psychological profile of Obama for a chillingly accurate prediction of how
ineffective Obama would be in the White House; it’s in my book [below] and on
the Internet).
6. The Bottom line: Monica Lewinsky is a courageous woman
Monica is now 40. Her life has obviously been scarred by her
encounter with Bill Clinton. But her life has been scarred as much by Hillary’s
character assassination as Bill’s infidelity. Monica has apologized for her
poor judgment. Hillary Clinton never has. Will it take a presidential campaign
to pry loose the truth from Hillary’s “cold, dead heart?” Thanks Monica; no
thanks Hillary.
Actually, today Monica Lewinsky, not Michele Obama, may be
the most powerful woman in America .
If Lewinsky returns to “silence,” the Clintons
may pull off their latest scam and use their daughter as a stage prop to masquerade
as a happy family during the 2016 campaign.
But if Monica continues to speak, ever so softly, but with
the compelling truth of her unbelievable narrative, she could single-handedly
bring down the Clinton presidential
campaign and put an end to America ’s
“long national nightmare” with Bill and Hillary.
Monica, are you up to the task of being a truth teller,
whatever the cost and whatever the price you personally have to pay? Time will
And as for Republicans, all they have to do is stand by
silently and roll their eyes.
In my humble opinion a nation that would return the Clintons
to the White House is a nation that has taken leave of its senses and lost all
sense of its national honor.
P.S. “Hey, Andy, what about you?”
If you send me to Washington ,
there will not be any sex scandals in my office. None. Period. I have not led a
perfect life. No one has. But I have learned enough through life to know what
should be expected of a public official. As for the reports about Scott Brown
having a girl fiend, we will have to see how that plays out. Mr. Brown has shown
extremely bad judgment in other areas of his life. It would not surprise me if
he has to confront a “bimbo eruption.” There are elements of Scott Brown’s and
Gail Huff’s marriage that remind me of the Clintons .
MEDIA CONTACT: Andy Martin (866) 706-2639; Cell
phones: (603) 866-4343 and (917) 664-9329 E-MAIL : AndyNewHampshire@aol.com
LINKS TO THIS STORY (cut and paste the entire link below and not
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Andy is a
legendary New Hampshire-based muckraker, author, Internet columnist, talk
television pioneer, radio talk show host, broadcaster and media critic. Andy’s
family immigrated to Manchester 100 years ago; today his home overlooks the Merrimack River and he lives around the corner from where
he played as a small boy. He has forty-six years of background in radio and
television. He is the author of “Obama: The Man Behind The Mask”
[www.OrangeStatePress.com] and he produced the Internet film “Obama: The
Hawaii’ Years” [www.BoycottHawaii.com]. Andy is the Executive Editor and
publisher of the “Internet Powerhouse,” www.ContrarianCommentary.com.
He comments on New Hampshire , national and international events with
more than four decades of investigative and analytical experience both in the USA and around the world. For more, go to: www.AndyMartin.com
Andy has also been a leading corruption fighter in American
politics and courts for over forty-five years and he is executive director of
the National Anti-Corruption Policy Institute. He is currently sponsoring www.AmericaisReadyforReform.com.
See also www.FirstRespondersOnline.us;
He holds a Juris Doctor degree from the University of
Illinois College of Law and is a former adjunct professor of law at the City
University of New York (LaGuardia CC, Bronx CC).
Andy’s columns are also posted at ContrarianCommentary.blogspot.com ContrarianCommentary.wordpress.com
[NOTE: We try to correct any typographical errors in our stories; find the latest version on our blogs.]
© Copyright by Andy Martin 2014 – All Rights
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