Saturday, May 24, 2014

Andy Martin: “Who had the worst week in New Hampshire?” (Answer: “Slippery Scott” Brown)

Republican U. S. Senate candidate Andy Martin begins a four-part Memorial Day weekend series analyzing the state of New Hampshire’s U. S. Senate race. Today: who had the worst week in New Hampshire? Next: Who lost the most ground in the senate race? Three: Who moved from being the impossible candidate to the improbable candidate? Last: “Why?” An answer to Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly.
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Andy Martin
Republican for U.S. Senator

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Republican U. S. Senate candidate Andy Martin begins a four-part Memorial Day weekend series on the U. S. Senate race in New Hampshire

Today: Who had the “worst week” in the upcoming senate primary?

(Manchester, NH) (May 24, 2014) 

Dear Republican:

Media often shut down over Memorial Day weekend (e.g. the Manchester Union Leader) or slow down (e.g. the cable networks). But I am offering you a four-part series of original local and national analysis based on the New Hampshire U. S. Senate race.

Unlike candidates who deliver “set” speeches or “canned” remarks, I actually write my own material. If you don’t like what I have to say, please let me know.

In just ten (10) days, on June 4th, filing will open for the September primary. (Filing closes on Friday the 13th.) This is a good time to take a pre-filing look at the “state of the primary.” Today we focus on the “worst week.” Next, on the biggest loss. Then on the largest change-in-status. Finally I present a national perspective in response to Bill O’Reilly’s cries for help.

1. The “worst week” angle

Fox News and the Washington Post and probably others like to feature a “winner” or “worst week” story. While I don’t plan to write a “worst week” every week, the approach provides a useful frame of reference.

Undoubtedly, Scott Brown has had the worst week in New Hampshire.

Brown’s appearance before the Gun Owners of New Hampshire (“GONH”) reinforced every negative stereotype about Brown. Brown was so desperate he asked the people present to look at his “entire record” instead of only his record on the Second Amendment. That’s a new one.

James Pindell of WMUR-TV said the GONH said Brown’s appearance before the GONH was a “big deal.” Indeed it was. And Brown flopped. (Pindell, who has the political instincts of a cantaloupe, is cheering for Brown but never mind the Hearst Corporation’ political mouthpiece.)

What will be remembered about Brown’s GONH appearance is his refusal to allow taping/recording, his exclusion of media and his shabby treatment of conservatives who appeared. Instead of wooing conservatives (see link below) Brown is increasingly turning them off.

Brown’s problem is a straightforward one: he is not very bright. The best campaign staff can’t turn a sow’s ear into a silk purse. Brown need have no fear of becoming the proverbial “silk purse.” His political instincts are poor.

Brown is acting as though he is the big dog, when Granite Staters do not want some “import” to start acting as though he owns the place without a proper learning curve. Brown falsely believes a few days of driving around in his old truck is a substitute for real knowledge and real insight into New Hampshire values.

Because Brown treats ordinary New Hampshire Republicans as his “subjects” and not as people to be won over, his appearance before GONH did not help his primary cause. Brown lost ground. The “loss” may not be obvious today; but be patient.

The impact and effect of the loss will appear as the summer primary grinds on. Brown is treating the three-month primary as a mere “inconvenience” in his upcoming “coronation” as the GOP senate candidate in November. I don’t think so.

2. Why Scott Brown is doomed, both in September and November

Scott Brown is running precisely the opposite of a campaign he should be running if he expects to dominate the primary and win in November. I don’t think Brown will dominate the primary; he could lose. And I am certain Brown cannot win in November. Here’s why.

If you have a reputation for being “slippery” (my meme calling Brown “Slippery Scott” is starting to catch on with other conservatives) then you have to be totally open, totally candid and totally prepared to be taped and recorded. Brown is doing the opposite on all issues. Because he thinks he has already won the primary, Brown falsely believes he is in “general election mode.” (See James Pindell’s remarks linked below.) Brown is not.

More importantly, Brown can’t beat Shaheen by being in “general election mode.” The only way Brown (or any other Republican) can beat Shaheen is by not being in general election mode.

So what is Brown doing?

Brown ignores candidate forums. The Lowell Sun reports today on one of Brown’s most controversial primary decisions (link below).

Brown refuses to appear at a meeting unless there is advance agreement there will be no video taping and no audio recording.

Brown spends time in Las Vegas with hedge fund operators, asking them to come to New Hampshire. (No, we don’t want hedge fund crooks coming to New Hampshire to buy a U. S. Senate seat as another bauble advertising their ill-gotten fortunes.)

Brown is treating the three-month summer primary as an irrelevant formality.

Mr. Brown may not realize it yet, but his campaign “peaked” on the day he announced. This week, Brown’s senate hopes began a long, slow but steady decline into oblivion. He is not mentally prepared for the upcoming senate primary.

As a result, with every passing day Brown is reinforcing his “Slippery Scott” image, not diminishing it. As the songwriter Paul Simon put it best: “Slip-sliding away.”



P.S. Please do the right thing. Open your mind. Consider voting for me in the primary. You’ll be proud you did.


ujntsman wasd reelected in November, 2008. A few monrths later he resigned to serve
his president,” Barack Obama. SDo whyh was it so terrible that Palin resigned and Hutsman served evenless of his secondterm? Can I say “double standard” again.

What os this show us? Whetyher thessue s resigfnaitonsor religion,th emedia shamlessly create double standards tgo favr theiiberal medioa pets (fulldisclosure; I am ot aliberalmedia pet).
MEDIA CONTACT: Andy Martin (866) 706-2639; CELL (917) 664-9329

LINKS TO THIS STORY (cut and paste the entire link below and not just the underlined portion):


Andy is a legendary New Hampshire-based muckraker, author, Internet columnist, talk television pioneer, radio talk show host, broadcaster and media critic. Andy’s family immigrated to Manchester 100 years ago; today his home overlooks the Merrimack River and he lives around the corner from where he played as a small boy. He has forty-five years of background in radio and television. He is the author of “Obama: The Man Behind The Mask” [] and he produced the Internet film "Obama: The Hawaii’ Years” []. Andy is the Executive Editor and publisher of the “Internet Powerhouse,” He comments on New Hampshire, national and international events with more than four decades of investigative and analytical experience both in the USA and around the world. For more, go to:

Andy has also been a leading corruption fighter in American politics and courts for over forty-five years and he is executive director of the National Anti-Corruption Policy Institute. He is currently sponsoring See also;

He holds a Juris Doctor degree from the University of Illinois College of Law and is a former adjunct professor of law at the City University of New York (LaGuardia CC, Bronx CC).


Andy's columns are also posted at

[NOTE: We try to correct any typographical errors in our stories; find the latest version on our blogs.]7
© Copyright by Andy Martin 2014 – All Rights Reserved

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