Republican U. S. Senate candidate Andy Martin wonders out
loud why the “Gun Owners of New Hampshire” is allowing “Slippery Scott” Brown
to block media access and recorded access to his appearance before GONH. Andy is
a strong supporter of the Second Amendment and recently helped win a major
Second Amendment lawsuit in federal court as amicus curiae. Are the GONH people acting as straight shooters when
they adopt different standards for different candidates? The New Hampshire U.
S. Senate race is becoming more and more
bizarre. Andy says he may be the only “adult” in the Republican primary.
News from:
Andy Martin
Republican for U.S. Senator
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Andy asks, “Are GONH members really gun owners?
Or surrender merchants?”
“There should be one standard for all candidates:
full access for the media, and no restrictions on cameras”
(Manchester , NH )
(May 20, 2014 )
Dear Republican:
I hate to be the adult in the New Hampshire U. S. Senate
primary. But, honestly, have you ever seen a romper room of more egotistical,
dishonest and simply incompetent candidates for the nation’s third highest
office, U. S.
I have been tested at the highest levels of American
politics: I was in the “cone of fire” during the 2008 presidential election
when Barack Obama’s news secretary attacked me by name on national television.
Obama is a smear merchant and he tried to smear me. But the more Obama
attacked, and the more the New York Times put me on page 1 (the Times’ esteemed
“most important media space in the world”) the more ordinary conservatives and
Republicans knew I was the real deal. Obama lied about me because I was
discovering the truth about him.
So what is the truth about the 2014 New Hampshire U. S.
Senate candidates?
Scott Brown is one of the most accomplished liars in recent
American political history. Plain talk: when I caught Scott Brown lying about
his military service I lost all respect for the man. From his imaginary “mortar
attacks” to his attempts to inflate what was in reality a congressional junket
into military “service,” Brown is a thoroughly loathsome man. The fact that the
political establishment in my party is supporting Brown is a prime example why
many citizens have contempt for the Republican Party.
The other candidates? “Rusty” is as “rusty” does. Two of the
three zombies (as I jocularly call them, Rubens, Smith and Testerman) have been
politically “asleep” for over a decade. Then they woke up and decided they
should be U. S.
Senators. They went from over a decade of dreaming. To daydreams. Maybe I
should call them Rip Van Winkle candidates rather than zombies.
The Gun Owners of New Hampshire (GONH) interviewed the three
“zombies.” The zombies did not place any restrictions on taping of their
appearances before GONH. It was all an open and regular new Hampshire-style
But Scott Brown, who is to appear tonight (May 20th) before
GONH, demands that GONH prohibit taping of his appearance. In other words,
Brown wants to be free to lie (that word again) to GONH while later denying what
he said off the record.
Now you know why I call him “Slippery Scott” Brown. He’s for
sale to the highest bidder, usually a billionaire, as Slippery Scott slithers
through New Hampshire .
But why would GONH bend their rules only for Brown? Why the
un-taped and un-recorded appearance tonight? What got into our Second Amendment “fighters?” Looks like these
boys and girls are shooting blanks when it comes to telling New
Hampshire voters the truth abut Brown. Instead of
making Brown bend to their rules, GONH is bending to his rules. I sure wouldn’t
want these weaklings having my back in a battle.
What is supposed to happen at GONH is now part of an obvious
pattern: Brown only agrees to appear at a meeting involving conservative issues
when there is a prior deal to prevent audio and video recording of his remarks.
Brown thinks that’s the way to win elections in New
Hampshire . Maybe you win-by-lying in Massachusetts ;
but then Brown only recently crossed the state line with his political
entourage. Brown really doesn’t know New Hampshire .
So why aren’t the three zombies (Rubens Smith and Testerman)
screaming and protesting? Why aren’t they calling on the GONH to have one set
of rules for all candidates? Because they are zombies, “dude.” How can my other
primary opponents let Brown get away with his scams? Because they are not
serious candidates anywhere but in their own minds.
So we have a candidate for public office in New
Hampshire that refuses to be taped, so he can change
his story from audience to audience. And we have three little zombies that are
helpless to protest what the Fauxhamphire candidate does.
And then there is Andy Martin, the adult in the U. S. Senate
Some candidates have to lie about and inflate their records.
I just tell the truth about mine. Refreshing, isn’t it?
And you can record me any time you want. My story doesn’t
change from group to group.
No wonder the establishment doesn’t like me.
I have asked GONH to appear before them at their June
P.S. Please do the right thing. Open your mind. Consider
voting for me in the primary. You’ll be proud you did.
CONTACT: Andy Martin (866) 706-2639; CELL (917) 664-9329
LINKS TO THIS STORY (cut and paste the entire link below and not
just the underlined portion): n/a
Andy is a
legendary New Hampshire-based muckraker, author, Internet columnist, talk
television pioneer, radio talk show host, broadcaster and media critic. Andy’s
family immigrated to Manchester 100 years ago; today his home overlooks the Merrimack River and he lives around the corner from where
he played as a small boy. He has forty-five years of background in radio and
television. He is the author of “Obama: The Man Behind The Mask”
[] and he produced the Internet film "Obama: The
Hawaii’ Years” []. Andy is the Executive Editor and
publisher of the “Internet Powerhouse,”
He comments on New Hampshire , national and international events with
more than four decades of investigative and analytical experience both in the USA and around the world. For more, go to:
Andy has also been a leading corruption fighter in American
politics and courts for over forty-five years and he is executive director of
the National Anti-Corruption Policy Institute. He is currently sponsoring
See also;
He holds a Juris Doctor degree from the University of
Illinois College of Law and is a former adjunct professor of law at the City
University of New York (LaGuardia CC, Bronx CC).
Andy's columns are also posted at
[NOTE: We try to correct any typographical errors in our stories; find the latest version on our blogs.]
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Andy Martin 2014 – All Rights Reserved
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